Chapter 12 ~Harry's ex girlfriend

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**Niall's P.O.V**

Last night was torture. I thought it would be fun to stay in the new house. At first it was but when Tasha and I went to bed it wasn't. I learned something new about her. She doesn't sleep well at new places. She tossed and turned so much last night. I got kicked a few times but I still love her. Hopefully tonight will be better. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 10:23AM. We had to get ready. The boys and I are taking Tasha and Talia somewhere special.

**Harry's P.O.V**

The amusement park. Niall had to pick the amusement park. He knows I don't like roller coasters. I could still have fun though, there are other things here. Talia and Tasha were like two little kids in a candy shop. They wanted to go on almost everything. I went on some of the rides. The others went on the roller coasters with them. It was getting to be lunch time and Niall was complaining that he was hungry.

"Your always hungry. Lets all go eat."

"OK." They all said at the same time.

I took Talia's hand in mine and we all began to walk to the food court. Just as we were going around a turn, I spotted a girl. Not just a girl. The girl. The girl that I loved. The girl that I did everything for. The girl that showed me not to give up. The girl that I never stopped loving. I slowly let go of Talia's hand.

"Louis it's Marrie."

"Where?" He said as he looked around and spotted her.

Talia looked up at me with a puzzled face. "Who's Marrie?" She asked. I didn't answer her. I just kept staring at Marrie. I couldn't help it. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was wavy and her eyes were so perfect. Talia kept trying to get my attention, the boys and Tasha did too. All I could Focus on was Marrie. Just as I was getting annoyed by Louis, Marrie looked over at me. She waved and came over.

"Harry!" She said as she attacked me with a hug.

"Marrie! I haven't seen You since..."

"You left for the X Factor. Our break up. Remember?" She said a little quieter.

"It wasn't really a break up. It was a lets wait until later."

Her face lit up and I could tell that she was happy. Everyone was looking at me confused. Especially Talia. My girlfriend.

"But I have a girlfriend." I quickly said to Marrie.

The boys have met Marrie before. They didn't really like her. She said hello to each of them and even to Tasha and Talia. Talia introduced herself as 'Harry's girlfriend'. I liked how she was kinda jealous. I made me happy to know that she cared. I invited Marrie to hang out with us for the day. She said yes.

"You and I could hang out while the others go on the roller coasters."

"OK." she replied.

**Zayn's P.O.V**

We Just finished eating. Niall ate four pieces of pizza. He could have ate a whole pizza factory but Liam didn't want him to get sick so he wouldn't let him have anymore. We chose to ride some roller coasters. We all decided on one and started walking to it. Talia was walking beside Tasha. I couldn't believe that Harry was being all flirty with Marrie. He's dating Talia. He loves Talia. After about five minutes of walking we finally arrived at the roller coaster. We all got into line except for Harry and Marrie. Harry told us to go on without them and that they were going shopping at the stores. They walked off laughing and talking.

**Harry's P.O.V**

    We went to a few different shops. Most of them had little stuffed animals and candies. Afterwards we went to the bench next to the picnic area. Marrie sat beside me and it felt right. We both looked at each other and I couldn't stop staring. We leaned in closer. Our faces were centimeters apart. Suddenly we kissed. It felt so warm and magical.

"I never stopped loving you. The X Factor is what kept us apart. Please take me back."

"I never stopped loving you either and I will take you back."

    I leaned in a kissed her again. When we pulled away I looked over to see that The others were standing in front of us. Talia was holding a stuffed bear that said 'I love you' on it. The boys and Tasha were staring at me like they were going to kill me.

"I Can't believe you Harry. I loved you. I thought you were different. I thought you loved me. We're over!" Talia yelled as she threw the bear in front of my feet.

    Talia ran off crying. Tasha wasn't crying but she was running after her. I looked at the boys and they all looked at me like I did something wrong. I did. I guess that Marrie and I were a couple now though. The boys all turned and started to walk away. Louis turned back around and stopped.

"You messed up big time. Talia was the girl for you. Find your own ride home." Louis said as he turned back and ran up the the guys.

    I talked to Marrie and she said that she would take me home. On the way there we became a couple again. When she dropped me off I went into the house and there was a note on the fridge. It read:

'Dear Harry,

I hope that your happy with that girl. I loved you so much but i guess that you didn't feel the same way. I'm going to stay with Liam. Please understand that I don't want to talk to or see you ever again.

             From: Talia'

    I know that she doesn't want to talk to me but I had to try. I quickly got my phone and called her.

"Hello" She answered. You could tell that she was crying.

"Can we talk?"

"We don't need to talk. There's nothing to talk about. I got all of my stuff out of the house. I told everyone on Twitter that its officially over. If you look beside your bed, the necklace you gave me is on the desk. I don't even understand why you gave it to me if you knew that you still loved another girl." She almost yelled.

"I'm sorry to say this but after that kiss with Marrie, I don't know if I ever loved you."

"I don't need you. I'm better off without you." She quickly said and then hung up.

   I wasn't trying to sound mean. I was only telling her the truth. I thought I loved her but I don't know if I really did. I guess it doesn't matter now.

**Tasha's P.O.V**

    When we got home, Niall wasn't feeling well. He hopped out of the car and ran into the bathroom. He started to get sick. I wander if its just from the rides or if hes getting sick. I waited until he was done and then we both went to bed.


Sorry it took so long. I'll write more tomorrow. Bye!


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