26-selfish love

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26-selfish love

"You are well aware," Heeseung gravely warned, his voice filled with an unmistakable sense of urgency, "that the consequences of maintaining your relationship with this human will undoubtedly send Lucifer spiraling into a massive madness."

Jake, feeling the weight of the situation, couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in Heeseung's words. With a heavy sigh, he muttered under his breath, "I know."

The gravity of the situation pressed heavily upon Jake's heart as Heeseung continued, his voice laced with concern, "Jake, you must find the strength within yourself to let her go. It is the only way to prevent catastrophe."

Jake's voice trembled as he responded, "But you know, Heeseung, that I simply cannot do that. She means everything to me."

Recognizing the significance of this revelation, Heeseung's concern deepened. "Lucifer will undoubtedly exploit this weakness," he cautioned, his voice tinged with worry. "He will stop at nothing to sever your bond."

Understanding the stakes at hand, Jake's resolve strengthened, and a flicker of determination glimmered in his eyes. "Then I'll have to find a way to protect her," he asserted, his voice brimming with newfound determination. "No matter the cost."

"She made me feel. " Jake growled looking at him before he continued. "There's the thing about my feelings for her, it's not because of her body or because she is a female- I had plenty of femelaes in hell but with her, it's so beautiful and mysterious and magical. And for me, my magic started at meeting y/n "

Silence filled the room as they keep staring at each other without being unconscious, feeling their lungs shifting.

heeseung on the other hand want just the better for Jake, who's now his anger boiled deep in his system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and he knows it was too much for him to handle. The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force him to say things he does not mean.

"I don't know what to do Jake, but you should talk with your father. as soon as possible, even your mother is asking about you." he remembered him, offering him an attentive look before he continues "Even Sunghoon now knows our real identity, what if he spills it out? Huh ?"

"They will not believe him "Jake huffed. "And what if some demons saw you?"

"I don't care "

"If you don't care, I do for you, dumbass. Just look at yourself, your energy is been drowning day by day, and what's the reason? You couldn't keep up with your true form " Heeseung said, sarcasm filling his voice.

jake's face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant his skin became greyed, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch.

jake knows that very well, keeping their human form will diminish his energy .but he couldn't stop it, he have now a new life, with new work and new friends, and he just couldn't let go of this easily.

"It seems like you forget your origins," Heeseung said calmly, maybe he was regretting and cursing at him. "Jake I know that human life attracts you, and I don't blame you for that, but you have to accept our truth, we can not change it "Heeseung finished as he lay his hands on the other's shoulder tapping it for comfort.

Drunk in their silence, Jake kept looking down at the floor.

"I know what should be doing."

"I'm with you either way, " Heeseung finished before he vanished into the air, reminding Jake of his end if he continued his attitude. He will be the reason for her end, if things go out of his reach, her soul will be extended to the underworld forever. 


After their private conversation, Sunghoon bid farewell to Jake and left the apartment, his thoughts consumed by the subtle dynamics he had observed between Jake and y/n. He was far from oblivious, recognizing the undercurrents of emotion that flowed between them.

Jake looked at now the peaceful sleepy y/n as he couldn't shake off the twinge of jealousy that had pierced his heart upon witnessing y/n's free-spirited interaction with Sunghoon. The sight of her engaging so openly with another male tugged at his emotions, leaving him feeling as though his heart had been punctured by a thousand knives.

Yet, to his astonishment, the conversation he had shared with Sunghoon had a profound impact on Jake.  Sunghoon's words resonated deeply within him, causing a profound sense of regret to wash over him like an unrelenting wave.

In that heartfelt discussion, Sunghoon unexpectedly expressed his gratitude to Jake. He acknowledged the role Jake had played in y/n's life, mentioning her renewed happiness and radiant smile in his presence. 

As the weight of Sunghoon's words sank in, Jake was left grappling with a potent cocktail of emotions. It was a bittersweet realization that his presence had made a tangible difference in someone's life, reigniting a spark of joy in a person he deeply cared about. The magnitude of this impact both humbled and invigorated Jake, urging him to cherish and protect the bond he shared with y/n more fiercely than ever before.

As Jake delved deeper into his thoughts, he couldn't help but replay the conversation with Sunghoon in his mind, each word etching itself into his memory. The gratitude expressed by Sunghoon had struck a chord within Jake, unveiling a deeper understanding of the impact he had on y/n's life.

Jake had underestimated the extent of his influence, failing to recognize the profound effect his mere presence had on her overall well-being. Sunghoon's heartfelt acknowledgment illuminated the depth of their connection, making Jake appreciate the significance of their bond with newfound clarity.

Sunghoon didn't leave without dropping another bomb on Jake, her birthday.

As Jake absorbed the news of y/n's upcoming birthday, a sense of joy and anticipation welled up within him. The thought of celebrating this special occasion with her filled his heart with warmth and excitement. Yet, amidst this happiness, he couldn't dismiss the weight of his recent conversation with Heeseung, a discussion that revealed the complexities and limitations of their existence as shadows.

Heeseung's words echoed in Jake's mind, reminding him that their relationship with y/n defied the laws of their ethereal world. In their realm, the concept of relationships between shadows and humans simply did not exist. 

One thing, he was sure about. He had to talk with his father-Lucifer.

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