25-immortal demons

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25-immortal demons

Y/N found herself completely mesmerized by the new and unexpected information that Heesueng was sharing with her about  Lucifer. Despite not being a particularly religious person, she couldn't deny that the name held a weighty significance that transcended mere human imagination.

As the realization sank in, Y/N couldn't help but entertain the thought that this must all be some sort of twisted joke. It felt as though she had stepped into the pages of one of her beloved books, where life seemed to mimic the trials and tribulations of her fictional characters. It was as if fate itself was playing a cruel game, toying with her emotions.

The weight of the revelation began to bear down on her, causing a wave of nausea to wash over Y/N. She stumbled backward, her hands frantically clutching at her chest as if seeking solace or stability. Gasping for air, her breath came in shallow, ragged bursts as she struggled to regain her composure in the face of this mind-altering revelation.

As her vision blurred, Y/N's surroundings seemed to dissolve into a sea of black dots, swirling and multiplying until they resembled an otherworldly galaxy dancing before her eyes. It was as if the very fabric of reality was warping, blending the boundaries between the known and the unknown.

Desperate to anchor herself in this disorienting moment, Y/N's thoughts turned to Jake, her steadfast and reliable confidant. 

"breath y/n" She mentally reached out, seeking solace in his familiar presence,  his comforting words and warm embrace wrapping around her like a protective cocoon. It was in his support that she found a glimmer of strength and a faint reassurance that she wasn't alone in navigating this tumultuous journey. "you are okay.'

The trio sat in the somber silence of the living room, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air. Jake, holding Y/N close, gently stroked her hair, providing a sense of comfort and stability amidst the chaos of emotions.

Sunghoon and Heeseung observed the scene before them, witnessing the love and care shared between Y/N and Jake. It stirred something deep within Heeseung, a longing for a connection he couldn't fully comprehend. Seeing the person he had known since childhood find solace and love left him with a warm feeling radiating from within.

With a heavy sigh, Sunghoon slowly raised his hands, passing them over his face in a gesture of disbelief. He signed, his eyes reflecting his confusion and shock, "So now I've been living with a ghost my whole life?"

Quietly, Y/N mumbled under her breath, not wanting Jake to hear, "I was too."

Apologizing for the correction, Jake snapped at Sunghoon, his eyes shifting towards him with a hint of frustration. "He's not a ghost, Sunghoon. He's a shadow, not some ethereal spirit that can pass through walls."

Sunghoon, still struggling to grasp the new fantastical situation they found themselves in, muttered under his breath, "And how are you the son of Lucifer? I'm not into Bible stuff."

Y/N, her gaze now fixed on Jake's orbs, couldn't fathom how he could have kept such a significant secret from her after spending an entire month together. The words slipped out before she could hold them back, her voice laced with a mix of confusion and hurt. "Is it true?"

Jake nodded slowly, unable to meet her eyes as he confirmed the truth. The weight of his deception bore heavily on him, the remorse evident in his demeanor.

The question hung in the air, leaving Y/N wounded and betrayed. Her voice trembled as she confronted him, unable to contain her anguish any longer. "How could you lie to my face, Jake?"

✓ KISS TO KILL | JAKEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें