3-his luring voice

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his luring voice

It seemed to her that he wasn't here anymore, she doesn't feel him or hear him talking in her mind anymore, how can he do that?

Opening her laptop, trying to concentrate on her writing, nothing comes. Her mind was a white page.

With a groan, she sank onto her bed, on top of the covers, and closed her eyes, trying to regain her breath. Sleep wouldn't come easily, she knew that his voice still ringing in her ears, his seductive way to speak. she couldn't forget it.

It was the most pleasant sound she had ever heard in her life, ignoring the darkness that sway with the tune of his voice but still it was there. The gentleness and the calmness.

"So you admit it " he startled her as she remembered that he could hear her thoughts.

Can't she think by herself?

"You wish "

"Well I know you don't have to "

"I'm not, " she snapped at the invisible soul.

"Okay miss arrogant," he said with a chuckle leaving his mouth, it sounds somehow sweet and pleasant to the human ears.

"you just thought that my laugh is sweet "

Ooh shit!

"Yeah yes shit sweety"

"stop it "

"Okay sweety "

"don't call me that "

"Stop me if you can, before I forget, nice bra, it's my favorite color"

A loud silence followed afterward, she was somehow thinking of how he could see her bra and if he could see it he could also see her b-"What dogs cut your tongue, Indigo?? "

"don't call me that, "she said. She could feel the heat growing in her cheeks. By now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness. They must be marking her out as socially incompetent. She felt as if all her insecurities were writ large across her face and there was nowhere to hide.

"Are we shy here? it seems like you've never been complimented before right ?"

"It's not your business, just fuck off and let me be " she snapped.

"And then what? Keep pushing people and reject them from your life ? " he answered, anger can be heard in his voice.

"I didn't ask for your opinion "

"Said the one who loves being trapped in four walls and stuck with her boring stories, what a boring life "

"You are so boring " he added again.

"Too bad I was born like that "

Silence rang in her ears until she coulnd2t feel any presence or soul near her, she thanked god that he had left her alone- again.

He said that she was lonely, well when was the last person who stepped into her apartment? When was the last time she had a conversation with anyone? It was two years from now.

After the death of her parents. She was lost.


The world for her is empty without their love. She wished they could be together again.

She missed them.

she didn't get any sleep that night, she was too scared and sad. She got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. her eyes were bloodshot from crying and lack of sleep, her hair is now matted and full of knots and she was still wearing the clothes she had on yesterday.

she sighed and decided to take a shower. Taking a sho

wer, she decided to put on black shorts and a red crop top with a red tank top underneath it. After putting on her clothes she went back into the bathroom and started to brush her hair.

Finally done brushing her hair she puts on her hair and pigtails and starts to brush her teeth. She sighed and went towards her small kitchen and got a bottle of water, her phone, earphones, and key. She walked out of her house and locked the door. she started to walk to the cemetery, it was the only place she went to. After what felt like an hour's walk she was finally at the entrance of the cemetery.

And here she was, crying over her parents in the cemetery.

As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream.

The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. She feels the muscles of her chin tremble like a small child. There is static in her head once more, the side effect of this constant fear, and constant stress she lives with. She hears her own sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. It takes something out of her she didn't know she had left to give. That's the way it is when people are hard. It's like a theft of the spirit, an injury no other person can see.

She pulled out one of her earphones to hear everything around her and started walking back home.

But as she was walking, she suddenly became aware of the fact that someone was following her. She threw a glance behind to see a middle-aged guy in a black suit and glasses slowly walking behind her staring, both hands inside his pants pockets.

Her eyes widened at this side when she realized the danger she was in, and for a moment she cursed herself for going out of her house.

She sped up but he was still following her, even when she tried to lose him in the crowd.

As she became desperate to get rid of that guy, someone grabbed her by her left hand and dragged her after them. She didn't know why but she followed them. It's not like she had any other options. The shock was still on her face when she looked ahead at a broad and masculine back, asking herself who that might be and why he was doing this. Then her gaze dropped to their clasped hands.

In no time, he pulled her into an alley behind a building and pushed her back against the wall, while he was looking to see if that guy was still trailing them.

All she could do at that moment was stare at him and when he looked back at her and their eyes locked, her breath stuck.

A/n, sorry for the wait I will be updating more and more now.

thank you, again I'm sorry.

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