42-No longer blue

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42-no longer blue

Jake's chamber lay in ruins once again, a reflection of the turmoil within his being. Broken equipment and shattered remnants of his emotions surrounded him, serving as a physical manifestation of his inner torment.

The realization that Y/N was carrying his child had sent shockwaves through his already shattered heart. Despite the chaos that consumed him, there was a flicker of joy within Jake, a spark of hope for a future he had always dreamed of. He could already envision a mini version of himself and Y/N, their child running through the palace, laughter echoing through the halls. But beneath the surface, doubt and fear gnawed at him, threatening to extinguish the fragile flame of happiness.

What if Y/N wanted to abort the baby? His baby? The mere thought sent a shiver down Jake's spine, the cold tendrils of anxiety snaking their way through his veins. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing a child he had already grown to love, even before their existence became known to him.

But even if Y/N decided to keep the child, the implications were daunting. Would she be able to give birth to a demon? The weight of that possibility pressed upon him, a suffocating burden that threatened to consume him whole. The image of Y/N's lifeless body flashed before his eyes, haunting him with its tragic inevitability.

Driven by his anguish and self-loathing, Jake unleashed his fury upon the wall, his fist connecting with the unforgiving surface. Blood dripped from his wounded hand, mixing with the wreckage of his shattered surroundings. Niki and Heeseung, his loyal confidants, entered his chamber, their faces etched with concern and worry.

"What the hell are you doing?" Heeseung demanded, grabbing Jake by the shoulders and pulling him away from the wall. The sight of Jake's bloodied hand stirred a mix of panic and anger within them.

"She's pregnant," Jake confessed, his voice laced with a myriad of emotions.

"Who's pregnant?" Niki inquired innocently, oblivious to the weight of Jake's revelation.

"Heeseung," Jake responded with a strained voice, his gaze fixed on his friend. "Did you know she was pregnant?"

Heeseung nodded, his eyes filled with sympathy. "I felt it," he admitted, causing Jake's heart to sink further. "I sensed another presence when I was watching over her for you."

Guilt washed over Jake, flooding his already shattered spirit. How could he have been so oblivious to the life growing within Y/N? How had he failed to detect the presence of his seed? The weight of his shortcomings as a father and a partner crushed him, intensifying the storm of emotions raging inside him.

"I'm so bad at this," Jake uttered, his voice filled with self-loathing. He struck the wall once again, a futile attempt to release the pent-up anguish consuming him. "Fucking stop it," Niki cursed, his frustration evident as he pleaded with Jake to end his self-inflicted pain.

"You don't understand, Niki," Jake responded, his voice choked with sorrow. "She's pregnant with my child, and I don't know what will happen to her or them."

Niki's anger softened into concern, his eyes filled with empathy for his prince. "Did you not talk to her about it?" He asked, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and understanding.

"No, I didn't," Jake admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I just left after she jerked away from my touch."

"Why did she jerk away from your touch?" Heeseung pressed, his voice gentle yet insistent.

"I was mad," Jake answered, his voice filled with the weight of his mistakes.

"You showed her your demonic side, you stupid fool," Niki admonished, his anger directed at Jake. "You scared the human woman you love."

✓ KISS TO KILL | JAKEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz