48-His indigo

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48-his indigo

The character in the book died, Finny died.

Days had passed since Jake began reading the book to Y/n, yet there was no sign of her responding. Exhaustion weighed heavily on Jake as he closed the book, setting it aside with a heavy heart. Three days had elapsed, and still, there was no change. The room felt empty without Y/n's presence, and Jake couldn't help but feel a deep sense of longing and worry.

Lying in bed, Jake was plagued by aches on his sides. Sarah, having checked up on him, urged him to take care of himself. Glancing back at the book that had captivated his attention, he marveled at the author's ability to weave such tragic tales. He couldn't fathom how humans could conjure such sorrowful thoughts and embrace stories filled with suffering. It remained a mystery to him how they found solace in reading about tragedies rather than living in their midst.

Suddenly, a loud yell from downstairs shattered Jake's reverie, jolting him out of bed and urging him toward the source. As he hurriedly made his way downstairs, he found the maidens scurrying away, their fear palpable. He had no idea what had transpired, but he sensed that it originated from the medical wing.

His mind immediately jumped to the worst-case scenario. Did she die? The thought sent a chill down his spine, and his heart raced as he raced towards the medical wing, his speed carrying him swiftly to his destination. Upon entering Y/n's room, he was met with a gruesome sight. The room was splattered with crimson, yet Y/n was nowhere to be seen. Panic coursed through his veins as he desperately scanned the area.

"Eve, what happened?" Jake's voice quivered with fear as he struggled to make sense of the scene before him. Eve, attempting to calm Y/n, seemed just as bewildered. She tried her best to explain the situation, piecing together the events that had unfolded. One of the maidens lay lifeless on the floor, clutching her throat while blood spilled from her wounds.

Y/n had mistaken the maiden's actions as a threat to her unborn children, and in her panicked state, she had defended herself. It was a harrowing moment that left everyone shaken. Eve implored Jake to help calm Y/n, her words breaking through his mental haze. He needed to be there for her, to reassure her, and bring her back from the brink of her terror.

"Y/n," Jake's voice quivered as he took hesitant steps toward her. "Y/n, it's me. Jake." He strained to catch her gaze, which had transformed from its usual blue, reminiscent of the ocean, into an abyss of darkness. "Y/n, breathe with me."

He reached out to offer his support, his heart aching as he witnessed her distress and anxiety. He desperately wanted to ease her fears and remind her that their baby was safe. "Our baby is safe, Indigo," Jake whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. Indigo had become his favorite name for her, representing the deep hues of their love.

Y/n's eyes gradually regained their warmth, yet she continued clutching her stomach protectively. "M-my baby is safe," she whispered, her voice filled with relief.

"Our baby is safe, Indigo," Jake repeated, his voice filled with reassurance. Finally, he could see her blue orbs once again, a glimmer of familiarity in the darkness. "I'm here," he murmured, stepping towards her with hesitant arms. He yearned to hold her close, to envelope her in his warmth and provide the comfort she needed.

Y/n allowed herself to be embraced, seeking solace in Jake's arms. She craved his touch and the safety he provided before blackness came over her, wrapping her in a warm blanket.

Y/n found herself in an unfamiliar room, disoriented and filled with worry for her unborn child. As her eyes scanned the surroundings, she realized she was in Jake's chamber. Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to recall how she ended up here. Concern grew within her, and she instinctively reached for her stomach, anxious to ensure her baby's safety.

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