2-Fear from the invisible

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Fear from the invisible

After that message, she couldn't move a muscle.

she couldn't believe her eyes. As her laptop writes by itself or what ??

It wasn't normal at all.

These deep thoughts- it's been eating her up. The world no longer seems magical. The sky no longer seems limitless.

The chirping of the birds no longer is music to her ears. It's very dark here. Not from a practical point of view, but from my mental state. The tears want to roll down, but they are too stubborn. They just wouldn't come-

Maybe she's now a psychopath-

she thought  to herself.

you're not a psychopath I'm real >

How can he? It's been many times now when she asks herself or thinks about him, he would immediately send her answers to her thoughts.

her palms were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through her system was shutting down her ability to think logically. she wanted to run or beat the living daylights out of him, and neither would do. she couldn't believe her eyes. she didn't want to anyway. she never saw something like that even in her worst nightmares.

The adrenalin flew over her veins like a carp through the river, but she couldn't move a single muscle, not even scream. The absolute horror completely paralyzed her, and the more she thought about running away, or simply moving a bit, the more she felt discouraged and utterly terrified.

she didn't remember being that scared in her life.

How can he do that?

The fear sits on her like a pillow over her mouth and nose.

she couldn't breathe, it felt as if someone was choking her. her heart was racing and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one would, no one was there. A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, and she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her.

Dropping tears one after another.

she felt the blackness come over. Her ability to navigate her own mind was like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth, this time it was a blanket of coldness.

it's making her eyes feel heavier and heavier. Allowing the world to fade away slowly she finally closes her eyes, finally sending her into a deep sleep.


The morning comes when she decides to take a shower, hoping that it will make her better, maybe wash her brain and the pounded thoughts from her mind, remembering how those messages appeared on her laptop screen last night saying dirty things to her.

Those thoughts trundled through her brain like a train, with no intention of stopping.

Stepping out from the shower wrapped in her white towel. A small lock of hair tumbled in front of her face, resting just in front of her cheek, but it was brushed out of the way.

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