37-blood boiled

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37-blood boiled

"Did you think about what you should be doing, Jake?" Lucifer's voice echoed through the room, filled with a mix of concern and sternness. The space was tense, with Heeseung and the witch still present, the remnants of Jake's damaged room scattered around them. Jake refused to let it mend, a visual representation of his internal turmoil.

Jake's eyes met his father's, the pain etched deep within them. "I'm afraid the only way to end this excruciating pain is by turning her, but I cannot force her into such a decision," Jake confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of his own suffering. The room seemed to shrink as the pain inside him intensified, each breath becoming a struggle.

Suddenly, the grand doors of the room swung open, revealing a breathless Heeseung. His voice trembled as he delivered the news. "Jake, Y/N is in the hospital."

Without thinking, Jake lunged at Heeseung, his body fueled by a mix of anger and fear- it was demonic. Heeseung crashed against the wall, the impact reverberating through the room. "Tell me what fucking happened!" Jake roared, his grip tightening around Heeseung's neck, his eyes filled with rage.

Heeseung winced in pain, his voice strained. "She had an accident, Jake," he managed to gasp out. "You need to go and see her."

Jake released his hold on Heeseung, a mix of guilt and fear coursing through him. Without wasting another moment, he turned to his father, his voice laced with a warning. "If I find out that you had a hand in this, you can forget about hell," he spat, his words sharp and filled with a raw fury that had been unleashed. Jake's heart sank, his mind unable to comprehend the words. the pain that had consumed him momentarily faded, replaced by an overwhelming sense of fear and worry for the one he loved.


Sunghoon stood beside Y/N's still form, his heart heavy with worry. The accident had left her unconscious, and he anxiously awaited the moment when she would open her eyes. He couldn't comprehend what had happened, but he was relieved that her injuries weren't severe, aside from a broken arm and some cuts and bruises on her skin.

The door to the hospital room swung open, revealing Dr. Han, the attending physician. Sunghoon looked at him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Will she wake up soon?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Dr. Han offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Sunghoon. She's stable, and it won't be long before she regains consciousness."

"I hope so," Sunghoon replied, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern.

Dr. Han's expression turned slightly more serious. "Are you the father of the baby?" he asked, catching Sunghoon off guard.

"What baby?" Sunghoon stammered, disbelief written across his face.

Dr. Han's gaze softened, realizing Sunghoon was unaware. "Y/N is pregnant, about three weeks along," he explained gently. "So, I take it you're not the father?"

"No, I'm not," Sunghoon replied, still in a state of shock. "I'm just a close friend."

"The baby is fine, despite the accident," Dr. Han reassured him. "But Y/N shouldn't have any added stress in her life."

Y/N began to stir, her eyelids fluttering open. Sunghoon immediately moved closer to her, offering support. "W-ater," she croaked, her voice weak and filled with thirst.

Sunghoon swiftly handed her a cup of water, holding it steady as she took small sips. Her eyes darted around the room as she regained awareness, her gaze finally settling on her own body. Her breath hitched as her eyes rested on her stomach, now carrying a life within.

"Is the b-?" she whispered, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

Dr. Han nodded a gentle smile on his face. "Yes, he or she is okay. The baby survived the accident."

Relief flooded through Y/N's veins, mingled with a profound sense of gratitude. "And the baby's father?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I haven't... I haven't told him anything. I... I don't know what to do."

Before she could finish her sentence, the hospital room door swung open, revealing Jake. He stood there, a vision of darkness and determination after weeks of tragedies and pain. He had come for her.

"I guess this is my cue to leave," Dr. Han said, sensing the need for privacy. He offered a reassuring nod to Sunghoon before quietly exiting the room, leaving Jake and Y/N alone.

Sunghoon placed a comforting hand on Jake's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he closed the door behind him, providing the couple with a moment of privacy and solace.

Jake stepped closer to Y/N's bedside, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern, relief, and unspoken love that pulsed between them. "Y/N," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "I'm here."

There she lay, her body fragile and vulnerable. Tubes and wires connected her to various machines, their beeps, and hums filling the sterile air. Jake's heart broke at the sight, his love for her pouring forth in an overwhelming rush.

After frantically searching the corridors, Jake's heart pounded in his chest. Silent tears streamed down Jake's face as he pleaded with whatever forces existed to spare her, to grant her healing and protection. He vowed to do whatever it took, to face any consequence, if only Y/N could recover from this ordeal. The fear of losing Y/N, the thought of her suffering, gripped him like a vise. Finally, he arrived at her room, his eyes brimming with tears. he had found her.

He approached her bedside, taking her delicate hand in his trembling grasp. "Y/N," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of love and anguish.


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