9. inorganic chemistry

Start from the beginning

" You think you could easily get under my skin huh,?!....ohh my sweet Dick-son that's where you got me all wrong ..... cause I don't give a shit bout people like you ....who don't have any personality and fashion sense ..... you know what!? ... talking with you right now is already degrading my social status." This man talks a lot.

" Firstly I don't think "...I do.
"Secondly if I really think about you by any chance ... then for the god sake I need Holy water to brainwash my brain"...that's true.
"Thirdly nobody asks you to give your shit to me or others...it's yours, so keep it yourself"... although I got a point.
"Fourthly I'm not your girlfriend or your fucking toy who needs to wear according to your preferences, even if I would be the one I wouldn't have listened to you.".....this man knows nothing bout mate gala look...
"And lastly does PRICK has a social status?!"
I asked him with big pretending innocent eyes...and there was pin-drop silence. Cause all I see in his eyes is red, pure red of rage and swallowing pride.

"Anny can't you stop her, she has no idea ....that she is putting herself into a lion's den," Zack asked Anny with a confusing and irritating voice.

" Firstly, for you it's Annalisa.
Secondly, she has every idea of ...what she's dealing with.
Thirdly, Your friend is the one who started this fight ...Lora is just bringing it to an end.
Fourthly, this won't happen if you haven't shown up yourself here".....And theirs no doubt she's my pride.

" What's with you girls and numbering sentences?!"Zack asked with a confused tone...

" Besides, I think instead of blaming me you should thank me for catching you up otherwise you would have ended up on the floor already."

Oh no, this is bad when they start then there is no endpoint of their fight....between their argument we forgot that we need to catch up with it ..... but right now it's better to stay quiet cause it's Zack X Anny's zone and no one crosses it.

Meanwhile, I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked at my back there's Mikey who's chilling happily after causing this whole mess....but anyhow this man got thrilled I joined him too cause we gotta a lot of spare time in our hands because this fight gonna take ages to reach the endpoint i.e principal's cabin.

"Hey Your name is flora !, Right?!" mikey asked me with a big grin...I nodded with excitement.

" Actually I wanted to talk to you for last 8 minutes but, you were busy stating a fact
About your' good words ' definition." Thank god there's someone normal among these three. I giggled and asked him to continue.

" Yeah! , so I want Anna and you to join our table in Lunch from now onwards."okay but...

"No!!!" I suddenly flinched with such a strong intensified loud voice behind my back.

" Ohh, god!! your voice is worse than my mrimmo, besides by any chance ...is there any existence of humbleness and gentleness remain inside you huh?!..., look at him he's such a gentleman...you should learn something from him".I spoke while pointing toward Mike, who was having a big smile on his face.

" You uhh-umm-are-you-uhh ....ARE..... YOU.....SURE...THAT YOU'RE TALKING...BOUT THIS PERSON?!" He asked hesitatingly more like confusingly to me

BOUT THIS PERSON?!" He asked hesitatingly more like confusingly to me

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