2.Pet -mice the cat

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Flora POV
Song - INNA~Heaven

I came to my room and believe me 

The space between me and my closet is like seven seas apart (Oh dear.....me and my level of an exaggeration). But still, it's a long journey to travel with all the stuff which I need to wear and leftover food is lying on the floor.....
Woah, why do I need my closet ?!, When my dress already is out of the closet, on the floor,(and this is called time management baby!! )

I started my morning by taking a cold water bath -which is one of the reasons that I end up so fast out of my shower, cause it freezes my epidermises phew.....
Then I wore my loose t-shirt and cargo with thick sole multi- color sneaker ( cause it can go with your any dress).
And with my hair .... hon trust me you don't wanna know what I do with them ...cause I just clutch it in a bun( the word known as comb I didn't used for last 4 days ) ..... And it is the actual definition of a messy bun. So to make it a little sensible I put oil and it ruined it more.
" No worries Lora you gotta latest mate gala look !".
At last, I put lotion on my angelic face and chapstick on my lips, besides I gotta natural reddish color lips ...cause I got cracked lips ..and blood comes out off them ( the real struggle).
Tada !!!! Lora is ready to take off...
" I'm leaving this house and I'll never come back again ....until 5 o'clock.🎵la la la dee la la de la 🎵 ".
Wait ?! something feels weird ?...oh, hehe                                     
" mrrimoooo!!!!" She came out of the kitchen
"whatttt?" Ouch! my eardrums " where is my bag? I need to leave for College"
she groaned" mice is sleeping inside it ".
Mice is my Siberian cat with big blue eyes and cute af .

 You all must be wondering why she named a cat as a mice, so it's a short story-

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

. You all must be wondering why she named a cat as a mice, so it's a short story-

a month ago I bought a cat and mouse at my house. On the first day they were good to each other but the next morning my cat ate the mouse as her breakfast.....so in loving memory of my mouse, I named my cat as 🌌MICE!!!🌌 (loud applause)

- back to reality, I pulled out my bag from under the shoe cupboard...and dang dang !! There is my girl.
She is still a kitten, so you know what she can do to your heart with her blue ocean eyes.
" Aww you are the only right thing I have done in my life by investing money on you and that was for the last and first time my mrrimo felt proud of me I guess...".

Mrrimo took mice from me ..geez mrrimo u ruined our moment. " Yeah, I wasn't proud I was just glad that u bought her, cause she is more cleaned up than you. Now get out and no complaints"
hehehe " bye mice I'll miss you "

here the mrrimo starts " am I invisible or what or ur blind not even sayin bye to your...................." and she goes blah! blah! blah!

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