Old Memories- Klaus and Five Hargreeves

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Re-watching The Umbrella Academy, and Klaus and Five are my favorite characters, so voila.  Enjoy.  Sorry, it's a long one.


                So, the old man was gone. I never really knew Reginald Hargreeves, at least not well. I was just a neighbor who happened to have healing powers as one of the 43. I was one of the few outsiders allowed into the home, where I met the other kids, healed them, and allowed to play with them. I had become so close with them, most notable Ben, Klaus, and Five. I had fallen in love with Five as well, and he with me, before he disappeared. We were dating for about a year when he disappeared. After that, I guess I wasn't the same. I stated dating Klaus about 15 years after Five had left, and I finally found my happiness again. Now here we were, traveling back to the house I hadn't been to in so long because Reginald Hargreeves, a huge part of my life, despite not really knowing him, was gone.

As soon as we got to the house, Klaus went to Mr. Hargreeves's office to start snooping, while I went to go look around the house. I wasn't quite ready to face the others yet, so instead I went to snoop in Klaus's old room. I ran my hands over the dresser, smiling with nostalgia at the burns on the drawer from when Klaus set it on fire (multiple times). After that I went to Ben's room and Five's room, surprised that I could see them and hold back the tears. Finally, I went to the kitchen. Grace wasn't there baking, so I decided to go ahead and bake something for the family later. I didn't want to bother any of the others, so I stayed in silence until Klaus strolled in with an urn in his arms.

"Klaus... Is that your father?" Klaus smiled lazily at me, setting the urn on the kitchen table.

"Perhaps... I need a drink, my love. And what, pray tell, is that delightful smell?" I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"I'm making some cookies for after. I doubt anyone is going to stick around for very long, but just in case. And I think I saw some wine in that cabinet. Pour me a glass to?" Klaus's smile grew wider.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you? Because it's a lot." I hummed in response and opened the oven to check on the cookies when I heard the faint sounds of music from somewhere upstairs. Klaus looked up towards the music and then swiveled his head towards me again with a quirked eyebrow. "Hey babe. I think we're alone now." I laughed, and he smirked before holding a hand out to me. "May I have this dance?" I took his hand and allowed him to lead me around the kitchen in a dance, allowing him to break occasionally to dance with his father's urn before coming back to me. Except halfway through the song, there was a loud noise, and then the whole house shook as a bright blue light washed in through the windows. Klaus and I looked at each other in shock. "You stay here and be safe, I'll go check it out."


"You have cookies in the oven! You can't leave them or they might start a fire!" Then Klaus ran out to check out the noise, and I sighed anxiously and started to clean the dishes, starting to feel more relaxed when the light died down. The timer on the cookies went off, and so I took them out to cool and went to go find a plate as I could hear the family started to come in.

· 3rd person *

The family gathered in the kitchen, watching as Five went about making himself a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, grabbing a cookie off the stove to put on the plate next to it.

"What's the date? The exact date."

"The 24th" Vanya answered.

"Of what?"



"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened? It's been 17 years."

"It's been a lot longer than that." Five took a bite out of the cookie on his plate and his eyebrows shot up. "Good cookie."

Klaus laughed slightly, and then his eyes widened in realization.

"Shit. Y/N doesn't know. Someone needs to prepare her-" Klaus was cut off by the sound of a plate shattering on the ground behind them. Klaus squeezed his eyes shut before turning around and seeing Y/N in the doorway, staring straight at Five.

"Five... Am I dreaming?" Five smiled softly.

"Hi Y/N..." She turned and ran from the room before anyone could say anything else.

"Shit...." Klaus groaned before getting up. "I need to go find her."

"Leave her. Let's finish this conversation first. She needs to cool down."

After Five was done, Klaus left the room to go try to find Y/N. She was always in one of three rooms when she was upset as a kid, and so Klaus went to check each one before finally finding her in Ben's room. When she heard him enter, she looked up, and he could see that her eyes were red-rimmed, and tears were still streaking down her face. Just seeing it broke his heart.

"Y/N..." Klaus went to her and held her. She snuggled into his shoulder, her sobs coming back muffled by his shirt. He held her and stroked her head as she cried, occasionally kissing the top of her head. When she was finally done crying, she pulled away and looked up at him.

"Thank you for always being there..." Klaus smiled and kissed her, which she gladly accepted.

Little did they know, Five was standing outside with Allison, watching as the two shared their moment. They both turned and started to walk away, trying to allow them both some privacy.

"I was not expecting her to move on with him. Did he bother waiting before making a move?" Allison looked at Five calmly.

"Yes. She waited to, Five. It's been 16 years. She waited for you for 10 years. Then her parents died, and it shocked her enough that she realized you most likely weren't coming back, and neither was Ben, who she refused to believe was really dead. So she mourned for two years. Then she disappeared for two more, and we thought that she just couldn't take the memories. Until she showed up at Klaus's door with a black eye, broken ribs, and bruises all over her body, and we found out she had started dating some guy who forced her to be away from everyone. Then she healed for another year, and Klaus helped her. Who knows how he did, because he can't even really help himself. After that is when they finally started dating. They've only been together for a year."

"She could have done so much better than that idiot though." Allison sighed.

"Maybe. But none of us have seen her this happy in such a long time. The 10 years she spent waiting for you, she deteriorated. She wouldn't admit it, but she knew deep down that you probably weren't coming back, and Ben wasn't coming back. She broke after that jackass beat her up, and then Klaus put the pieces back together." Five shook his head.

"I really just don't get it. Why him?" Allison looked at Five.

"Maybe because he was fun. He dragged her on all of his adventures, and she was finally able to laugh again. She loved you, but Ben and Klaus were her best friends. After all she'd been through, she needed someone who could make her laugh again, and Klaus always knew how." Five stared blankly ahead of him.

"I'm glad she's happy, I really am. I wish it was with me, but still. She deserves to be happy. Now, do we know the name of the guy who beat her up? I think I'll pay him a little visit..."

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