Proposal- Tamaki Amajiki

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  Tamaki watched, entranced, as Y/N twirled and danced with her friends at the wedding they were attending together. He had a small smile on his face as he admired the way that she was able to laugh and have fun so effortlessly. He took a sip of his drink as he watched her and relaxed.

"You still look at her the same way you did 10 years ago." Tamaki choked on his drink and turned to see Mirio leaning across the table towards him, smirking. "You always had that smile on your face when you look at her. You're just as in love with her now as you were when you first started dating, aren't you?" Tamaki looked back at Y/N and gradually felt the smile grow on his face again.

"Yeah, I am. I don't think that's ever going to change." Mirio nodded, though Tamaki didn't notice.

"When are you going to ask her to marry you?" Tamaki's smile dropped and he went bright red, refusing to look at Mirio.

"I don't know that we're ready for that." He looked at Mirio to see Mirio smirking at him still with an eyebrow raised. Tamaki sighed. "I don't know if she's ready for that. What if she says no?" Mirio shook his head.

"Dude, she's been with you for 10 years. I highly doubt she's going to say no." Tamaki shook his head.

"I don't know..." Mirio looked past Tamaki to Y/N, who was coming over and smiling widely.

"Tamaki! Come dance with me!" He blushed and looked away from her smile.

"I don't want all the eyes on me..." Y/N laughed.

"They'll be looking at the bride and groom more than us. Come on love!" He finally looked back at her, smiled, and took her hand shyly, allowing her to pull him to his feet and onto the dance floor. As they danced his smile grew, and he lost himself in her laughter. They finally left the floor when it was time for the bride to throw the bouquet. It was Y/N catching the bouquet that finally made up Tamaki's mind for him. He would ask Y/N to marry him.

Of course, there was no way he was going to be able to get the courage to do that without Mirio. So he and Mirio spent a lot of time brainstorming before deciding on something very simple.

Mirio helped Tamaki set up a picnic under the stars for them a few months later. Tamaki had gotten a customized ring, so it had taken a little longer for everything to be ready. But finally the day had come, and Mirio put the finishing touches on the picnic as Tamaki brought Y/N with him to the spot. Y/N smiled widely and turned to Tamaki when she saw the set-up, kissing him on the cheek before dragging him over to the blanket and plopping down to eat. Tamaki chuckled and settled himself across from her, seeing Mirio throw him a quick thumbs up and mouth 'good luck' before leaving the two of them alone.

They ate and talked about everything under the stars, and then laid back and watched the stars for a bit, Y/N pointing out constellations to Tamaki and telling him the stories associated with them. Finally Tamaki took a deep breath and leaned up on his elbow, catching Y/N's attention.

"Hey, Y/N... I have something important I want to talk to you about." Y/N leaned up on her own elbow, curious. "We've been together for 10 years, ever since our first year at UA, and I feel the exact same way now as I did back then. You're smart, optimistic, beautiful, and my best friend." Tamaki reached into the basket that had the food and pulled out the ring box, opening it to show a beautiful ring. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Y/N looked unsure for a moment, and Tamaki felt his heart drop.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "If you're not ready, we don't have to. I'll be happy no matter what, as long as I'm with you." He smiled softly.

"Look at the inside of the ring." Y/N pulled the ring out of the box and looked at the inscription in the ring. It read 'it was always you.' Y/N smiled widely and tears filled her eyes.

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you Tamaki!" Y/N tackled him and pulled him into a long kiss, which he gladly accepted. They pulled away, both of them panting and smiling. "It was always you to, Tamaki. And it always will be."

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