Oversight- Shoto Todoroki

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            She was the bad guy. She was supposed to be the bad guy. So how did she get herself into this situation? A simple reconnaissance mission, going undercover to gather information on the enemy, now had her questioning her entire viewpoint on morality. She thought she liked being a villain, thought she enjoyed the freedom and benefits of being able to do whatever she wanted. But then he had to be a part of the group she was meant to spy on.

It was an oversight, really. She wasn't careful enough. She should have guarded her heart, made sure not to get attached to anyone, but she found that she couldn't help herself. She watched on as he fixed the damage done to people that was caused by The League with so much care, so much quiet kindness. His face didn't express much, but behind his monotonous, heterochromatic eyes was a desire to truly make everything ok for the people he was caring for. The scar on the side of his face only served as a reminder of why he was the way he was, why he was so determined to help everyone and even leave them better than he found them. He had taken a genuine interest in her, asking her about her childhood, her aspirations, her motivations. She was truthful with him, as much as she could be. She told him that all she really wanted in life was freedom. She told him the truth that was in her heart, that she couldn't bring herself to vocalize to anyone else; all she truly wanted was to be able to live her life in peace and be left alone. He had nodded his head in understanding as he finished wrapping her sprained ankle for her.

She was good at what she did, but he made her realize something that she would have never admitted to herself if it weren't for him. She was trapped in the life of a criminal just as much as she had been trapped in the life of a normal civilian job. She couldn't forgive him for breaking the illusion that she had been in, and yet she still did immediately. She had spent that night curled up on his bed, sobbing into a pillow that smelled like him while he slept on the couch because he didn't want to take advantage of her in her distraught state. She wasn't used to that kind of consideration. Anyone in her line of work would have taken advantage of her fragile state in a heartbeat. She had thought that anyone in any line of work would, until she met him. He was the first person that she had met that she trusted was truly genuine in his intentions. Yet, the whole time she was meant to betray him.

The shock on Shoto's face was evident when they were called out to respond to an attack perpetrated by The League and they finally called her back. He looked so hurt, and she could feel the tears streaming down her face even as she acted as though she was elated to be betraying him. He had whispered his love for her, and the whole League had all laughed heartily at his display of emotions. Only he noticed that her laugh sounded more like a sob through her fake smile. Only he noticed as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks, all the while lying through her teeth that she didn't love him, how could she? Loving someone would mean giving up the freedom she enjoyed as a villain, and how could she give up the freedom she desperately craved?

Loving him was an oversight, yes. Just an oversight. But one that would cost her all her piece of mind. When she went to bed that night, she curled up and sobbed into the t-shirt she had stolen from his closet. The only thing she had left of him. The only thing she could have left of him. She knew that what she did wasn't forgivable. She knew that even if she left her criminal lifestyle, there would be consequences for her participation in the League's activities. Even if, by some miracle, there wasn't, he would never forgive her. So she did what she could; she wept into Shoto's t-shirt for one night before she dropped it anonymously at his doorstep, and then she did the best she could to forget the devastation in his eyes when he found out what she really was.

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