Routine- Keigo Takami (Hawks) (Spoilers!)

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  I met Keigo as a teenage girl who had so many people angry with her for not wanting to be a hero when she had a powerful quirk. It's not that I didn't want to help people, but more that fighting wasn't the way I wanted to do it. There were some boys who liked to try to pick on me because they knew I wouldn't fight back, and they tried to follow me home. Lucky for me, Keigo happened to be patrolling on an internship that day. When I noticed the boys following me, I ran for it, trying to keep a completely random pattern so that 1. I could escape, and 2. If I couldn't escape, at least they wouldn't know where I live. As I was running the faces of the people I passed blurred, and it wasn't until I heard shouting that I dared to look back. Imagine my surprise when all I could see were giant red wings and a head covered in messy blonde hair.

After my savior told the boys off, he asked me what I wanted him to do with the boys. I told him that as long as they left me alone I didn't care, and I saw the back of his head nod before he told them to leave me alone from now on or next time he wouldn't let them go. As they ran away, he turned around, and the moment I saw the relaxed smile on his face I knew that no other smile would ever make me feel the same way. I couldn't help but smile back at him, and as soon as I did his smile dropped and his eyes went wide. I had chuckled awkwardly and broke eye contact as I noticed the pro hero he was doing his internship with running up to us before he stopped behind Keigo and began to yell at him for wandering off. The whole time he was being lectured he didn't even turn around, instead choosing to make small talk under his breath as he grinned at me and completely ignored the man yelling at him. The hero eventually realized that Keigo wasn't listening, and came up and grabbed his arm and started dragging him away, but not before Keigo had slipped a paper with his name and phone number in my hand. I looked down at it in surprise, and then looked up and watched as he was dragged away, the goofy smile never leaving his face as he waved goodbye energetically. I giggled at the scene, knowing that would definitely not be the last time I saw him.

It's been several years since then. Keigo graduated and was now the number 2 pro hero, and I was a therapist for heroes who had been through traumatic events. The job didn't use my quirk, but it was flexible enough hours that I could always be home in time to cook Keigo dinner before he got home. We had been living together since he graduated, and while our life was sometimes a bit routine, I enjoyed it. Keigo made me happy, whether he was being a stereotypical devoted boyfriend or was stuck late at work. And I could use my telekinesis quirk to clean the house pretty quickly, so I didn't mind being the sole person to take care of chores. The routine was good, because even though I didn't always know when he would be home at night, I always knew he would be.

When he came home tonight, however, he had the grimmest expression I'd ever seen on his face, and I immediately knew something was wrong. He didn't even say hi to me, just immediately sat down on the couch and buried his face in his hands. I had already finished cooking, so I turned off the stove and hurried to him, sitting next to him.

"What happened Keigo?" He looked at me and tried to smile faintly.

"Babe, I have to go away for a while." I froze.

"I'm sorry, what?" Keigo explained to me about the mission with the League of Villains, and how he had to go undercover in the organization. He explained that I couldn't tell anyone, and I nodded in understanding. "I know you're doing what you have to do. Just please be careful. If you die, I'm going to be so mad at you." He finally cracked a smile at me.

"You know... I was going to ask this anyways, but I think that this is as good a time as any. I know it's not the most romantic way in the world to do this, but since when have I been a romantic?"

"Keigo, you're rambling." He grinned.

"See? You always put me in my place. How would you feel about me calling in a favor at city hall and going down there tonight?" I blinked at him.

"What for?"

"You know exactly what for, don't pretend like you don't." I smirked at him.

"I do know, but if we're not going to have a proper wedding, can I at least have a proper proposal?" He groaned.

"So needy!" He teased me, before getting down on one knee in front of me on the couch. "(Y/N). I know I have to leave for a little while, but I don't want someone else to swoop in and take away the best thing that's ever happened to me. I need to put a ring on it! So, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me tonight with little to no witnesses?" I frowned down at him, trying not to laugh.

"So little to no witnesses is how you would be happiest? Do you not want people to know we're married?" He groaned again loudly, fishing in his jacket pocket before pulling out a box and opening it to reveal a ring with a tasteful arrangement of (insert gemstones you want here).

"Come on (Y/N)! Give me a break! You know that's not what I meant!" I giggled at him as he pouted. "We can have a more public ceremony when my mission is over if you want. So?" I pulled him up by his shoulders and kissed him.

"It's not even a question. There has never been, and never will be anyone else. Of course I'll marry you tonight, Keigo. You better keep your promise and live so that I have a chance to show you off though!" He laughed.

"I suppose I'll have to make sure I live then."

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