I Was Always Yours- Alastor x OC

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               The Hazbin crew was heading back into the hotel after being shocked by Alastor's defeat of Sir Pentious when Charlie remembered the one other staff member that she had recruited herself.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot about our counselor in the excitement!" Alastor looked at her from the corner of his eye and hummed.

"Counselor you say?"

"Yes! Annette. I'll have to see where she is." At that Charlie heard a rustling and some humming coming from the kitchen. She chuckled. "That must be her." Angel scoffed.

"How did she not hear anythin' just now?" Charlie shrugged.

"You know how she gets when she has her headphones in." They rounded the corner into the kitchen to see a petite deer demon bent over and shuffling around in the refrigerator. Charlie tried to approach her without scaring her, but after tapping her on the shoulder, the deer demon jumped and smacked her head on the inside of the fridge. Cursing lightly she withdrew and rubbed her head, looking at Charlie. She smiled and removed her headphones.

"Hey Charlie! How did the interview go?" Charlie chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. Annette smiled in understanding and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok. Things will work out." Annette looked up and her eyes zeroed in on one person. The radio demon. Her eyes went wide in disbelief and she froze.

"Oh, Annette! We have a new patron! This is-"

"Al?" Annette questioned. Alastor started and looked closer at her before his eyes widened in recognition.

"Annie?" Annette's eyes filled with tears, and the woman launched herself into Alastor's arms, shocking everyone else in the room and making them stiffen in fear. But to their surprise, Alastor hugged her closely and chuckled as she sobbed into his shirt.

"I can't believe it's you! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"I could say the same to you, Annie. How did you end up here of all places?" Annette chuckled.

"Well, I did keep your secret for a long time, Al." He chuckled a little bit as well.

"That's true."

"I'm sorry, but what's going on here?" Angel interrupted. "I take it you two know each other?"

"Al was my best friend on Earth. I knew all his secrets," Annette teased him. He laughed. Vaggie stared at Annette, eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe on Earth you were friends, but he's dangerous. You should really stay away from him, Annette." Alastor narrowed his eyes at Vaggie's open hostility, but Annette shook her head.

"Al would never hurt me." Alastor smiled at her fondly and nodded.

"I wouldn't. She's always been the one person that I would never harm." The rest of the staff looked at the two expectantly, but they refused to elaborate further. Annette finally stepped away from Alastor. "Amazing that you're here, dear. I hate to see it, but I'm happy to see you. I know you say that you kept my secret, but I know there's something you're not telling me. I know you, Annie." He chuckled, running his fingers through her hair. Annette hesitated when Angel spoke up.

"HA! Annette killed her husband. Poetic justice if you ask me, after what he did to her." Alastor looked at Annette in surprise, and she sighed and nodded. He grabbed her and squeezed her to him, once again shocking everyone with his willingness for physical contact with someone.

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