Ricky's Roommate

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A/N: Full blown credit to catsinpartyhats  for the roommate idea. this fic idea wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for her.

Chris smiles at the sweet woman who sits on the other side of the couch. Her six year old daughter in her lap while cartoons play on the tv. A smile spread on both their faces. Despite the whole not wanting kids part. Chris has a crush. A major one at that. Ever since coming to his best friend's home where this woman so happens to stay with Ricky. A friend from high school who had been with Ricky since the 9th grade.

At least that's what he was told.

He'd spoken of the famous girl with red hair and bright green eyes before. She'd been his biggest supporter and fan for the old band he was a vocalist in. They had a history for sure. Chris thinks they dated at one point but as he really thinks, he can't really remember either.

Ricky doesn't really have a type.

The little girl who has the brightest smile of all, leans into the woman whispering in her ear as she leans back after telling the secret laughs and moves from her mother's lap. Her little feet running towards the kitchen where Ricky was.

Her little voice echoing as she screams for her adopted Uncle. It's not even sure how it happened but it was determined thing the shorter man was now the little girl's Uncle.  It had just been that way since a year ago. It never changed and Ricky had never told the little girl otherwise.

"She's a little ball of energy huh?"

Chris speaks up.

His brown eyes on her as the girl who he had spent months talking to Ricky about, asking every single detail about her. Right down to if the red was actually her natural hair color. Every single detail he could ever find out, he asked.

Stalkerish maybe, but she was all he could ever think about. Every time he would come over to this small place decorated to fit both of their personalities that are so similar, it just stuck with Chris. Right down to the way she spoke his name.

He's infatuated to say the least.

Something he never thought would happen again after his ex.

She left him in such a dark place and spit him out.

Y/N smiles and nods, her red dyed hair falls into her face as she picks up the rather marker colored in barbies and tosses them into the toy box before looking to Chris. The light hitting the green gems of hers just right making them shine just brighter. It makes Chris blush.

"Always. Kid never stops even at bedtime."

She chuckles as she moves to peek around the doorway of the kitchen to see her little girl whom she had named Rose. It was the only thing that fit her. She just, she fit the name. It's what came to her.

The little girl is attached at Ricky's hip, a spoon in her hand to stir the pot of whatever he had decided was dinner for the night. Her bright little face full of wonder and curiousness with a smile still painted on.

Chris watches Y/N in awe.

Y/N turns to grab the remote off the tv stand covered in stickers and tossing the remote to the tall dark haired man. It landing in his lap, "You can pick what you want to watch. Pretty sure the spawn is not coming out anytime soon."

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now