He's Good For You

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The phone rings from the dinning room table, pressing a kiss to Chris's cheek. You get up and grab your phone. Taking a seat, you answer the phone. A sob coming through, immediately feeling something wrong.

"What's going on?"

There's the gut punch.

Everything feels different like the whole entire world comes to a halt. Your heart drops and you look towards the calendar and than the clock. Noting the day and time, the voice on the other end asks if you're still there with a sob. The words are stuck as you feel everything around you shift.

Clearing your throat, you answer with a yeah. Doing your best to choke your own sob. It would do no good for them to hear your immediate brought on stress by this phone call. When they do finally hang up after countless questions of the many ways you can ask if someone is okay, you run to the balcony holding back sobs.

Chris turns to face you, silently listening to the conversation. Whatever just happened, it affected you more then you let on while on the phone. He frowns when you see at the balcony, leaning against the barrier with your head in your hands. Hair covering your face.

Tossing the remote to the table, he stand ups and makes his way to the balcony. The closer he gets, he can hear the sobbing. The sound alone breaking his own heart. His arms wrap around your waist, head resting on your back as he presses gentle kisses along the visible skin.

He is patient as he waits for you to say anything. A lesson he learned the hard way last time when he pressed too hard. Chris is in shock when you look up to him and whimpering before turning around and falling into his chest. His arms wrapping around you. As soon as they do, your legs give out.

That alone telling Chris, something is most definitely not okay. His mind racking what could have possibly happened. It being answered when he pulls you both down to the concrete and pulling you into his lap.

Looking into his hazel eyes, "My dad is gone."

He doesn't grasp, shaking his head and flashing a smile, "Babe, he'll be back. He always is.

When you sob even harder, he knows the answer is wrong. Not that you were even looking for one, but as your boyfriend it's his job to protect you. His job to be the person you want to go too.

From the look on your face, he might have just fucked that up.
Shaking your head at him, you look down at the ground. Sobbing harder as you look back up to him, "Chris. My dad is dead. He is gone."

His arms wrap around your harder, rocking you and back forth. Pressing his lips to your head. Whispering his i'm sorry's as you cling to him for dear life. With every single thing you have, making sure the whole time you have the comfort you need and crave.


The preacher is preaching something, you aren't too sure. You aren't entirely focused on everything but the casket. It's closed, mother's wishes. She isn't exactly sure why she made that decision, but she says for her own heartbreak it's closed.

Despite the facial expressions she gives when she says that. Apart of you is beyond grateful for the closed casket, you aren't sure you are exactly ready to see your father laying in that casket. You aren't ready for that although soon, you are gonna have to face the truth.

The preacher steps down and sits in his seat, allowing the projection screen to come on. A song comes on, one you immediately recognize. One that had been played in the car so many times when you were teenager. A song you had told your father, that this was our song.

Chris's hand grabs yours, letting you fall into his side as you sob for the thousandth time in the last two weeks. Swaying you to the song, pictures flash across the screen and you can't bring yourself to look.


Your mother says a few words, stumbling along the way as she chokes backs tears. Her hands shaking and her eyeliner running down her face as the tears manage to fall. She is gripping the podium, knuckles turning white from doing so.

It's more surreal looking in this room, seeing everyone from when you were growing up and as you land back to where your mother stood. A family picture flashes up on the screen, your dad's smiling face appearing. A memory flashing back of that exact day.

"We miss you. While you may not have been Y/N's real father.
You were the closest thing to a father she had. She adored that man more than anything. Anywhere he was, she was with him."

Chris's grip gets tighter on you, pressing his lips to the top of your head. Looking towards him, you can see a few tears on his own face rolling down his cheeks. A sight from him, you rarely see.

When you look back to the screen, you see why. A picture from the last time you had seen your father. When everything was on good terms. You were sitting in Chris's lap arms wrapped around his neck. Your father looking towards you two, a wide smile on his face.

His voice flashes through your head, "Chris is good for you Y/N. He will protect you like i always tried too. He loves you, it's clear. I wouldn't give someone the approval if i didn't believe that."
The sobbing hits harder.


Pulling you into a hug, your mother sways you back and forth. Holding on for everything she has almost like you would slip out of her fingers too. She pulls away and flashes a sad smile, wiping away some of the dried up tears off your cheeks.

She looks to Chris and smiles, pulling him in for a hug holding on to him just as tight as she did you. Everyone had since left the cemetery. Making sure to stay as long as they could to give your family the support they needed.

Her hands goes to Chris's shoulders, well they try too instead rest on his upper arms. Her fingers getting a tight grip on the leather jacket he was wearing.

"Take care of my daughter."

Chris nods, "I will."

She looks back to you, reaching for you to pull you into another hug tighter than the last one. Pressing a kiss to your temple, she sighs and pulls away. Her hand running along the side of your face, rubbing her thumb along your cheek.

"I love you daughter."

"I love you too mother."

She nods, turning on her heels and walking to the car that sat just a few feet away from the chosen burial plot.


Intertwining your fingers with Chris's as you lay on his chest, you look up to him as he stares at the tv. When it flashes to a commercial, he looks down to you and presses a kiss to your lips.
Squeezing his hand, you flash a smile. He returns one as his free hand wraps around your neck and runs along the side of your head in your hair.

"Thank you for being here for me today."

He smiles, "Of course. You are my girlfriend and the love of my life. I'm gonna be here for anything."

Nodding, you lean up to press another kiss to his lips before snuggling further into his chest.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now