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6 years later

It is so odd how certain things just fall right into place. Years seem to pass with ease, people come and go just like they always had...but the important ones stayed.

Clementine's eyes were focused solely on the one man who had stolen all of the breath from her lungs and claimed it as his, the man who showed her unconditional love like no one else had. The curly haired man hopped around the stage and made sure to send the blonde a suggestive smile every so often. His words from before the show sticking in her head.

'We have a perfect little family.'

"Mommy? Can I take these off?," Clementine heard a faint feminine voice and looked at the small girl snuggled into her arms, the tiny blonde trying to take off the bulky headphones she had put on her.

Clementine laughed gently and moved her hands to keep the headphones on the small girl, "Now Addie you know these protect your precious little ears, the last thing daddy wants is for you to get hurt from all these loud noises," the blonde spoke loud so her daughter could hear and by the roll of her small eyes she knew she had heard.

Addison most certainly had her father's attitude and although it was rather charming on Harry, it drove Clementine mad just how snippy her daughter was at all times. It was as if she always had a snarky response despite only being four years old, and while most found her wit rather impressive Clem always had to cover her mouth.

"Do you want to go sit back with Uncle Niall and Uncle Zayn?," The blonde curls on top of Addison's head bounced as she thought of the idea, nodding happily with a small squeak. One thing was true about that little girl, she certainly did love her Uncles from One Direction.

Clementine moved through the back stage set ups and opened a door at the end of the hall, being met with the blonde Irishman and the raven haired Brit. Taking off the comically big headphones from the small girls head, she set down the squirming toddler and watched as she hopped onto Niall.

"Oh no Zayn she's got me," Niall fell backward onto the couch and Clementine was quick to grab his beer that had tipped over from his fall. "Addie bear has struck again!"

Clementine laughed gently as she plopped onto the couch next to Zayn who was watching her closely, she looked...worn out. He knew she had been taking care of a toddler while traveling the world and that could be tiring for anyone..but this was different.

"You want a beer to relax a little? We can watch Addison," Zayn offered with a kind smile as the last two band mates piled into the large room back stage. Clementine immediately turned red as she declined not wanting to go into detail with why she was not into the idea.

"Get over here you ! I haven't seen my little Addie in forever," The blonde watched in amusement as her daughter hopped off of Niall and attacked Louis immediately. She had always told Clem that Louis was the fun uncle.

Clementine got up to give Liam and Louis a hug while immediately grabbing Eleanor who seemed more than surprised as she was pulled into the bathroom. "El...I took another test today."

The brunette immediately let her eyes widen as anticipation grew, "Well go on and tell me then don't you dare leave me hanging," El grabbed Clementine's hands in hers and watched as tears pricked her eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

A loud squeal reverberated through the small bathroom and led to the entry of Liam who looked slightly startled by the girls. His eyes immediately went down to the test in her hand and he closed the door behind him, "Is it positive?"

Clem nodded while blushing as Liam and El both started hopping around in happiness, eventually grabbing her hand to have her hop with them. "I just...what if he doesn't want another? Plus he's on tour...eventually I am not going to be able to travel and that puts him in a bad position-,"

"Love, Haz will be excited believe me...and you guys have done it before you will be able to get through it again," Liam hugged the small blonde as she let some tears escape her eyes, she knew she was overreacting but once again hormones were taking over.

The three of them eventually let themselves out of the bathroom and were greeted by a loud cheer, Louis hugging Clementine tightly. "Congrats on the new baby! These walls are thin and Liam is loud," he screamed out as Liam blushed a pinker shade, Clementine not liking the fact that Harry was the only one who didn't know.

"Thanks guys I appreciate it....Harry doesn't know yet so don't say anything," the room silently agreed and all that was left was a loud mouthed little four year old who had a glint of mischief in her eyes. "And that goes for you too little one, I will tell Daddy okay?"

Addison looked up Clementine with her bright green eyes and it made her heart swell, another one of Harry's clones running around filled her with an embarrassing amount of joy. After all this time she still could not get enough of him.

"Where is my little Addie? I need my after show bear hug," the sound of his raspy voice made Clementine jump, her daughter immediately running to greet her father. "Hi baby, you having fun with your uncles?"

Addison immediately nodded her head, "Uncle Niall told me his show was better than yours," the room erupted in laughter as Harry shook his sweaty hair out. He once again was deadly tired but forced to entertain his large group of friends....he would complain but he loved having them around.

"Where's my kiss?," large hands found there way onto Clementine's waist from behind as she stood lost in her endless thoughts. How was she even going to tell him she was pregnant again?

Turning on her heel she immediately wound her arms around his neck and reveled in his delightful comfort. A comfort that no one else could provide her.

"You did great always," his green eyes took in her loving expression but he did notice she was slightly uneasy, something off in the way she was looking at him. "I love you."

His lips twitched into a smirk, "I love you more babe...," his head dipped down so his lips could reach her ear, "I can't wait to get you into my bed tonight."

Clementine's lips parted and a gasp pushed out as his large hand gave her a slap on the bum, moving past her to grab a beer from the refrigerator. Harry was always ready for sex and the blonde knew full well that once Addison was in bed it would be the perfect time to tell him.

He was going to be a father to two children.

Watermelon Sugar (bk 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora