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Jealousy is a monstrous thing. Its eats and eats away at you until you eventually lash out.

It can shatter a relationship piece by piece and become a soul destroyer. Most of the time it is caused by the irrational fear someone may do better than you, find someone who has more to offer. Finally figuring out you have more to lose than the other person does.

As forest green eyes burning with envy watched his girlfriend interact with his friends, he felt slightly sick. Her gray eyes were barely open as she laughed loudly with Zayn, pointing to some tattoos on his chest. Harry knew that the dark haired man had a girlfriend, in fact he had met her many times but he still felt...odd.

Harry knew Clementine was the sexiest woman he had ever seen, her body was the perfect shape and facial features that put models to shame. The blonde wasn't even aware just how intoxicating she was, not even noticing all the men who stared at her constantly. But Harry did.

The group of seven were sat on the edge of the murky looking body of water that they found just outside the woods. A couple of other groups of people who looked younger than them were stationed on the edge farther away from them. But he could see their stares.

Clementine was wearing a white one piece bathing suit with red straps that showed the shape of her body and the size of her bust. At the moment she had a sheer red cover up wrapped around her waist as she talked to Zayn. Her newly short hair was let loose in beachy waves and face makeup free. She was a picture of beauty.

"Those guys are checking you two out," Clementine looked over at the groups of guys as Eleanor did the same, both not paying them any mind. It didn't bother them so why did it bother Harry so much?

Clementine could see Harry's eyes burning as he looked at the teenagers, he was just afraid of losing her again. "Harry? Are you going to stare at them all day or are you going to look at me?," her suggestive words caused his eyes to shoot over.

The blonde was bent down in front of him to show a better view of her chest, and it was all for him. Everything she did and everything she was, it was all for Harry.

His lips twitched up into a smirk as he rose to a towering height, gray eyes wide as she turned to run. Not getting very far as his strong arms lifted her body from the ground, legs kicking as she laughed. Harry's ex bandmates were watching in amusement as the small blonde struggled to get away from him.

It was almost overwhelming to see Harry happy for the first time in three years, his infectious laughter and dazzling smile had become a rarity. But for Clementine?

She brought out the best in him.

"Hey love birds why don't you try a hand at fishing we are all no good," Liam called out as the pair looked over to see them watching intently. All of them had tried a hand at the fishing rod but none of them caught a thing.

"Yeh we want to eat tonight so catch us something good," Louis bumps his shoulder with Clem's as she gives him an eye roll. Clementine had never been fishing in her life but that wouldn't stop her from trying it out.

"Aren't you supposed to put like bate on the hook or something? You guys just have a bare hook in the water," the blonde raises a brow at the men around the pole, all eyes looking to one another.

"Well Zayn said it would be fine."

"Yeah well Louis said he could catch fish with his eyes closed."

"That's because Niall said any idiot could catch a fish!"

Harry's eyes looked between his bandmates as they bickered, "Jesus Christ," Clementine let out a small giggle as Eleanor easily smacked Louis on the back of the head.

"Listen boys, why don't you guys run along and let us women get the job done," the brunette placed her hands firmly on her hips and narrowed an annoyed gaze at them.

"Guys lets go I know that look," Louis muttered and soon enough the pack of men were heading into the water.

"Will you be alright?," Harry had worry in his eyes and a deep frown etched into his lips. It wasn't that he didn't trust Eleanor he just didn't trust the men across the lake. Or men in general when it came to her.

Clementine nodded gently and gave him a smile, "Go ahead I'm sure El doesn't bite," the brunette let out loud laughs as Harry trudged toward the water.

"He's very worried about's adorable to see him so caught up on somebody. The past couple years have just been one night stand after one night stand," Clementine felt her shoulders tense and stomach twist as she thought of all the other women he had been with.

What she didn't know was every single one was him trying to get Clementine put of his head. To forget her, something he could never quite accomplish.

El saw her body tense as she poked the bate through the hook, "I'm sorry that was so stupid of me to say I just remember how unhealthy he had been," Clementine gave her a kind smile as she threw the rod backward and the line hit the water.

"We weren't together I can't be mad about any of that...I just couldn't even think of being like that with someone else after him," she spoke truthfully and her mind immediately went to the moments they shared last night.

Images of Harry kissing every inch of her body and muttering sweet nothings into her ear clouded the thoughts. Clementine's stomach heated and so did her cheeks, she wanted to do it again. Soon.

Her gray eyes panned over to Harry who was laughing at Louis, head tilted back as water dripped down his body. Clementine took her bottom lip between her teeth as his swim trunks sunk lower on his hips. He was hot.

"You ladies need some help?," a deep voice caused the blonde to jump and a blush to cover her cheeks. She had very dirty thoughts bouncing around her head.

The man standing beside them was about as tall as Harry and had light red hair. His blue eyes were trained in on Clementine's bust and El could instantly tell. Men were pigs.

"No we got it, thanks though," the blonde surprised the man instantly by denying his help. He could have sworn at least one of them would take notice of his strong arms and chiseled body. His buddies put him up to coming over here, assuring him at least one would find him attractive.

"Are you sure I am an expert-,"

Clementine hummed as she turned to look up at him, "We're good by ourselves," she asserts again with straightened posture. Never again would she let a man intimidate her.

"Well if you need us we are right over there," his finger points to the group of young men watching the exchange.

"They won't need you," Harry's voice was enough to send chills up her spine, she could tell he was pissed. "So fuck off yeah?"

El let out a small laugh that made the red head turn pink, "Sorry mate just trying to be of some help," green eyes stayed planted on him until he was disappearing toward his group.

"Why do guys think they can just waltz over and hit on other people's girls?," Clementine felt her nose heat as Harry called her his 'girl'. She wasn't complaining.

"Welcome to the world of a woman H, being hit on and taken advantage of when men think they can get away with it."

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