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"...He didn't show up?," broccoli bits flew from Maya's lips as she listened to Clementine tell them what happened in England. Her voice was an angered yell that causes Jonathan to hop in place, eyes wide.

Clementine shrugged as she moved the rice around the white container, "I guess he doesn't owe me anything but I thought...never mind this is all so stupid it doesn't matter anyway," the blonde was going on her fourth glass of wine and Jonathan kept the bottle next to him so he could continue to refill her glass.

"Just tell us I'm sure it's not stupid," Maya practically begged as Jonathan gave her a look to tone it down. Clementine wasn't one to share much but the wine had her ranting all night. He actually enjoyed seeing her so expressive with her feelings for once.

Clementine gulped more red wine down before pointing at Jonathan, "I just thought we could be friends like we used to. I held him while he cried, held his hand during the funeral and even listened to him rant one night but he just...he can't even spare me ten minutes to say goodbye?," Jonathan could tell Clementine was actually really hurt by what Harry had done but she played it off like it was no big deal.

He felt a weight in his chest as he looked at his best friend sulk, "I'm sorry I told you to go that was the fairytale part of me saying it would all work out...I guess I never thought he would be a drugged out drunk."

Clementine downed her glass of wine and watched Jonathan jump to fill it once again. Harry wasn't a drugged out drunk he was hurting and trying to fill up the holes with something that made him numb. She was doing it right now.

"Jackson is on his way," Maya bites down on her bottom lip and watches as Clementine's face barely changes expressions. "Why are you even dating him beside the fact he is the opposite of Max."

Clementine had no real response to the question seeing as though Jackson barely had a personality by himself. It was as if he molded himself after Clem and tried to be as compatible with her as possible. It was hard to have a complaint when it was like dating yourself.

"He um...he is really nice to me and not everything is about sex. We can have intelligent conversations and plan a future without any hassle or worries," Clementine knew she was spewing random things that she liked about Jackson but there wasn't as many answers as there should be.

Maya and Jonathan both knew that Jackson was not the best she could do but it was up to her to figure that out. Maybe Harry wasn't exactly the best thing either.

A knock on the door caused them all to jump and Clementine took another swig of her wine as Maya let in her boyfriend. "Oh sweetheart I missed you so much, you look absolutely amazing." Her lips pulled up into a smile as Jackson held onto her tightly.

He was sweet and always knew what to say to make her feel better, "Wow you smell like a winery maybe cut back on the wine darling."

Clementine frowned as he took the glass from her hand, placing it on the stand beside him. He never did let her have any fun, Jackson was the alcohol police and even had a chart in his wallet of how many drinks she could have.

She nodded gently before focusing back in on her food that seemed more interesting. "So how was...Harry?," the way he said his name almost made her laugh, like if he said it three times he might suddenly appear.

Clementine shrugged once again, "As good as you can be when there is a death in the family. They are all making it through in different ways," she didn't really want to talk about this with him let alone in front of her friends.

"Did he try anything?"

"Jackson," Clementine snapped his name gently as the room went silent, this was not the time or place for his insecurity. "Give me my wine." The blonde reached up and snatched the glass from beside the man as he watched.

He could tell something was off but kept his mouth snapped shut as she continued to chug the wine.

"No I'm not calling her from my phone if she doesn't want to talk to you I'm not going to ambush her," Gemma snapped for what felt like the hundredth time.

Clementine was not answering his calls and she most certainly was not reading his paragraph long texts. He had no idea what he was supposed to do to make it up to her.

"Well how am I supposed to apologize if she won't even fucking talk to me?," he raised his voice just as Anne walked in to grab a cup of coffee. Eyes watching the siblings bicker like they had been for months.

Gemma placed her hands on her hips, "Well maybe don't fuck up in the first place! I mean all you had to do was wake up on time for once and not fuck a random chick across town. She shouldn't have to forgive you, you piece of-,"

"Gemma!," Anne finally snapped as the two moved their eyes to her, an angered expression obvious. "You two need to figure out how to get along or find a new place to stay. I am tired of listening to you two yell at each other all day long it is driving me insane!"

They sat and watched their mother with wide eyes, heaving breaths coming from her lips as she frowned. She had enough of them and their constant bickering, it was taking a toll on her as well.

"I need a vacation," Anne muttered to herself as she turned to leave the room, but that caused a light bulb to go off in his head.

"A vacation?"

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