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Drunk again.

Tired, bleary eyes looked around lovingly at the people around him, not exactly being able to express how happy he was but just taking in the moment. This drunk felt...different. He was no longer drinking to forget the fact he even existed but drinking because he was happy with the people around him. 

Harry's gaze turned to the blonde sitting directly across from him and felt the corners of his lips turn up in reflex. Clementine was looking at Jonathan while he tried to do five shots in a row without stopping, eyes crinkled in the corners as she laughed hysterically. Her head fell back, blonde waves cascading down her back in a golden waterfall, mouth wide open to show off her white teeth. She had to be an angel or a goddess, there was no way someone like her existed.

"Oh my god why did I do that?," Jonathan's loud words moved Harry's gaze from her and over to the man who looked a little sick. Maya was rubbing his back while Gemma laughed with her mother, all three of them should have stopped drinking hours ago but they were on vacation so what the hell. 

Clementine rolled her eyes easily, "Because you are an idiot who can't turn down a dare," and even though her words were incredibly true the man still rolled his eyes obnoxiously at her. Jonathan adored Clementine as if she was his sister, often times she led him in the right direction when he was drifting. She was the angel sitting on his shoulder showing him the right path. 

"Clementine truth or dare?," The blondes eyes widened slightly at the childish order from Harry's mother. Anne had a wild look in her gaze as Clementine swallowed the water in her mouth awkwardly. Never in her life would she expect Harry's mother to engage in such a game, but something about the situation did not feel good. Drunk equals no filter. 

"Um truth?," she had never really been fond of the game and with the crowd around her it was even less appealing. "Wait do I have to? I hate this game."

Anne cackled as she drank some more of the wine cooler in her hand, Gemma giggling at how drunk her mother was. Anne quickly nodded her head as she used her hand to try keep the wine from spilling from her lips.

"Did you really love Jackson?," the words slipped from Anne before she could stop herself, all eyes around the bonfire widening. Clementine felt a small dip being taken out of her heart, she was trying to forget how she just embarrassed and ripped a mans heart out in front of a crowd. She didn't feel good about it and although she tried hard to push away the regret it was always bubbling in her stomach. 

Harry was quick to step in, "Mom knock it off now....that's enough for tonight," his words were snapped in a heated rush and green eyes narrowed in as Clementine thanked him in her head. But truth was Harry didn't know if he could handle it if she had said 'yes' in response.

"I think I'm going to go to bed, I'm tired from swimming all day...good night everyone make sure to drink some water before bed," her eyes connected with Harry's for a second too long as she spoke, lips almost curving into a subconscious smile as he smirked up at her figure.

Turning away from them she made her way inside the house and toward the stairs, being the only one that was not drunk she would come back down to make sure they put out the fire later. As her foot touched the bottom step she heard a small call of her name, her body turning around instantly to face him. 

"Um...hi," her lips twitched at his awkward greeting before she raised an eyebrow, head tilting as she wondered why he had followed her inside. "Will you um...will you be awake later or um are you going right to bed?," his words were low and awkward as she crossed her arms. 

Clementine leaned against the wall of the staircase and shrugged, "I will probably be awake...I like to check on all of you when you're drunk to make sure you all got to bed," her words caused his heart to swell slightly. Something he adored about Clementine was the way she cared about the people around her, it was an instinct he hadn't seen a lot in the people he hung out with.   

He nodded gently and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, Harry felt like a bother to her and didn't want to push his luck. He didn't want to be too clingy or make it too obvious how reliant he was on her, it was a lot of pressure when you find out you're someone's only source of happiness. 

"Did you um...did you want to talk later or meet up?," she drawled with a raised eyebrow try to pull any kind of answer from him, he was acting oddly. 

He cleared his throat, "I just...I wanted to show you my list and talk about it with you...if that's alright with you...if not that is completely fine I don't want to bother you or anything," Harry had a slight shake to his voice and it made Clementine's knees weak.

Why was he so nervous? 

She nodded with a smile, "Yeah come to my room whenever you're ready or after they go to bed," Harry felt his heart skip in  happiness, now implanted in his head that he would be with her later. In a few hours he would be sat next to her telling all of his hopes and dreams...with someone who actually cared. 

Moving to walk back up the stairs she stopped and turned to look at him over her shoulder, "Harry you're never a bother...don't think like that I am always happy to see you."

Her words had the effect she wanted, a now dimpled smile was permanently drawn onto his lips in joy. Those were words he needed to hear and she knew, it was almost as if she could read his mind completely and it scared him a little. "Thank you." 

She nodded before disappearing up the stairs where she could not pull the sweet smile from her lips, Clementine had forgotten how contagious his smile was.  The warmth in her stomach was taunting her and although her mind was running over time thinking of what was going to happen later, she pushed it all away. 

Downstairs Harry went back outside to sit by the fire where a smile was still sat on his lips, all eyes moving to him as he played with his fingers. "What's up with you Romeo?"

Gemma's words made harry grimace but he couldn't hide the affection he held for Clementine, it was clear everyone already knew what he was up to. He didn't really have a plan as to how he was going to get the girl back but he hoped later he could finally form a coherent sentence. 

"Nothing I uh nothing," his smile came back and Anne caught the infectious happiness, it was nice to see her son smiling again after how he was acting back home. Clementine was someone who could pull the best out of him no matter what, it was remarkable to her. She was doing something no woman or man could ever do...Camille failed so completely it actually made Harry worse but Clementine? It was as if she didn't even need to try around him. 

The people around the fire remained quiet as they admired the way Harry reacted to Clementine, it was sweet and pleasant to have someone love her the way she deserved. Even if at the moment they weren't sure if Harry was ready to get into another relationship. 

Okay so to clear anything up about my last post about wattpad, the girl who posted it said she just wanted to have the old wattpad back. The one where you didn't have a limit to stories you can read without being online or the advertisements or the stories you need to pay for. Now I get it completely because a lot of writers I like are branching out to other apps or things like wattpad that you actually have to pay for. There is a story I like to read but she posts it on two apps one where you have to pay to read to which she updates quicker and you can read the chapter before the people on wattpad can. I get it but I would never do that just so you guys know and I would let you know immediately if I was to ever switch apps or move my stories somewhere else. Thank you again for reading, keep commenting and liking ! I really love to read the comments and see what you guys think..prepare for a couple more updates tonight too :)

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