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It had been three weeks since Clementine got back from England, everything falling back into a pattern of normalcy. She spent most of her time at the diner trying to better the establishment and get Claire to run the place without Clem needing to be around 24/7.

"You are a natural learner, you could run this place with your eyes closed," Clem smiled up at the older woman while she learned to do the scheduling for the workers on the computer. It was challenging to teach her since she did not use cell phones or computers but she was a quick learner.

Claire gave the blonde a nervous smile before opening and closing her mouth a couple of times. "Um can I talk to you about something?," Clementine immediately got up to shut the door as the woman sat across the desk from her. There was a seriousness filling the office that Clementine didn't necessarily like. "This is awkward but I um I am receiving a lot more responsibility so I was just wondering-,"

Clementine immediately cut her of with an adorable giggle, the older woman growing sad as she thought it was at her expense. "Oh Claire, of course you will be getting a raise...I would never make you run this place on what you're making now. I'd say a four dollar raise is fair but if you'd like more we can surely discuss it," she smiled kindly at the older woman as she sighed in relief. Working for Clementine was an experience many people didn't have, she wasn't greedy or money hungry. Just caring.

Claire immediately nodded her head, "I would be making almost eighteen dollars an hour are you sure you would want to pay me that much? I mean two dollars would be good-,"

" do so much around here and support your family on this job. Don't ever think you don't deserve a promotion or raise, you are my savior theres no amount too much for you," Clementine immediately shut down the talk that she did not deserve that much money. These people deserved to be given a living wage, and Claire of all people worked her ass off to get to where she was.

The sound of Clementine's phone going off scares them both and Claire gets up to excuse herself. "Thank you so much, we will talk a little later dear."

The blonde gave her a kind smile and a nod before watching her leave, eyes taking in the name on her screen. She took in a deep breath before answering it one ring short of it going to voicemail.

"Hi Gemma now isn't-,"

"Clementine before you hang up on me I just really want to say I'm sorry and I am so stupid. I ran three blocks that morning to come say goodbye to you but I didn't make it in time. It's no ones fault but my own- Gemma shut the hell up," Clementine's mouth was dropped open slightly as a husky voice came loud and clear through the phone. Harry.

Gemma was obviously trying to get her phone back but due to Harry's height it wasn't working out too well. The silence that followed made Harry's heart beat erratically, waiting anxiously to hear her smooth voice.

"I um yeah it's big deal," the words were muttered and not believable but it would have to do for right now. Harry's plan starting to turn in his head, "Is that the only reason you called?"

Harry shook his head nervously and pushed Gemma back by her face as she tried to climb onto him. "No I um wanted to invite you to I wanted to invite you camping."

Clementine put her feet up onto the desk as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Camping?," her voice was loud and curious as she tried to figure out the reason for such an odd invite.

"Uh yeah camping...well more like glamping they call it," Harry lets out a small chuckle as Clementine hums on the other end, "It is like a family vacation to try and mend our relationships but the last time we were all really connected was in New York with mother would really like you to can even bring Joseph."

Clementine let a small smile creep onto her lips as he completely got her boyfriend's name wrong, no doubt on purpose. "It's Jackson," she corrected gently while Harry rolled his eyes on the other end. He knew his name, he had done research on him for the past three weeks after all.

"I um I don't really think that would be a good idea, he isn't really comfortable with you," she admits gently and he scoffs while getting Gemma into a headlock as she kicked and groaned. God she was too strong for her own good.

"Listen I'm not making you go or anything but we would all really enjoy it if you came...Jonathan and Maya can also come. Like a little get away almost," he was trying a little too hard to get her on board but he knew that it would take a lot after what happened in England.

Clementine clicked her pen anxiously as she tried to process what he was asking, could she really survive with Harry and Jackson in one place?

"Can I talk with them and get back to you on it?," she asks gently as they listen to each other breathe for a little too long, he remembered listening to her shallow breaths as she slept on his chest. A pain shooting into his stomach at the thought.

"Yes of course, just please think about it and let me know. Once again I am so sorry Clementine it was nice to hear your voice's Gemma," there was some shuffling and yelling on the other end before a breathless Gemma finally talked.

Her voice somewhat strangled, "Clem if you don't come I might kill him so please keep that in mind as you make your decision," the blonde laughed gently as she thought of how much the two would be bickering once they were out in the woods together for god knows how long.

"Who really wanted this trip?"

Clementine was a little suspicious as to who was orchestrating this whole thing, "Honestly it was my mom...she needs a vacation and if it's just Harry and I she might actually go insane so please think about it."

Gemma was practically begging for Clementine to go but her head was still throwing out red flags everywhere.

"I will talk to Jonathan and Jackson to see what they think...I'll get back to you right away okay Gem?," the answer seemed to be good enough for her as a loud squeal caused the blonde to pull the phone away from her ear.

"Okay I will be so excited if you end up coming you are my best friend," those words causes her heart to swell and swayed her ever so slightly.

"You really know how to sweet talk a girl."

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