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(^the bikini Clem is wearing, her body doesn't mirror what is above. Clementine is a little thicker and curvier than that and she will explain how it looks on her)

Clementine looked at her body in the mirror and cringed slightly. The hot red bikini that had once fit her loosely was now causing her newly gained width to pour from the tied up strings.

Her larger breasts were pushed together in the middle tightly and very noticeable. She had tried to tie the bottoms as loose as possible and it did work but it still showed all of her stretch marks plus too much of her round bottom.

Pulling on the sheer cover up she had brought with her, the blonde placed sunglasses on the tip of her nose before joining everyone in the living room. Her gray eyes peered around at the group as they all seemed to happily get along, Jackson even talking to Maya.

"Okay let's get fucking crazy!," Jonathan was about four beers in before they even arrived at the beach. He surely was a party wherever they went, no matter the circumstance.

Clementine shook her head, "I am so sorry about him," she apologized embarrassingly to Gemma and Anne as they walked through the woods together. Both of them really enjoyed the fun the couple brought on the trip, it would be very awkward without them for sure.

As the group walked through the woods Clementine admired the scenery as the sun draped across the bright green foliage. She had tied her hair into a messy bun and gone without makeup since she would be in the water. But she was absolutely glowing, the stares from the two men behind her confirmed it.

Harry watched as her hips swayed with each step she took, a shy smile creeping onto her lips as Anne spoke to her. Even after three years she was the most mesmerizing woman Harry had ever laid eyes on. Each curve and dip of her new body needed to be explored, his hands itching to caress her soft skin.

"I don't appreciate you looking at her that way," Jackson had seemed to have gotten bolder as they walked toward the sandy Lake. The water sparkled under the harsh sun rays and everyone was drawn toward it but the two men now staring at one another.

Harry looked down at the man who had drawn his eyes from the gorgeous blonde he dreamed of every night. "Yeah well there are a lot of things I don't appreciate and one of them is you tagging along on this trip," the British mans harsh words surprised Jackson. He thought the UK had nice citizens.

"Listen Jackson, I know you don't like me and I have made it very obvious I don't like you. But I will not let Clem go without a fight, she may be with you right now but not for much longer if I have anything to say about it," Harry immediately whipped his shirt off and gave the shorter brunette a wink as he trotted off away toward the water.

Jackson was left speechless as he watched Harry poke Clementine in the side before giving her a cheeky smile. The blonde rolled her eyes before saying something inaudible that made the curly haired man smirk.

Looking back at Jackson Harry gave him a crooked grin as Clementine stripped from her sheer cover up, walking in front of Harry toward the water. His green eyes glued to her bottom as it jiggled with each step, her thighs rubbing together as she touched the water.

Turning around she called out to Harry who easily followed after her, another look back to Jackson as he ghosted a hand over her lower back. The shorter man immediately took a couple steps forward, a newfound anger pulsing through him.

Grabbing a beer from the cooler he watched the man who used to date Clementine completely make a fool out of him. Harry was taunting him and it was so completely obvious, the way he was whispering in her ear and ghosting touches over her body.

Jackson's fist tightened around the bottle as he sat down in the sand, "Fucking Harry," he muttered to himself before turning to look at Maya who was sitting not too far away.

"You just going to let that happen?," the brunette tilted her head slightly at Jackson who shrugged.

"What can I do? I don't want to go over and mark my territory Clementine isn't an object to fight over," Jackson chugged the rest of the beer before opening another one. Maya was surprised to see him drinking, he rarely ever had a drink but it seemed he was stress drinking.

Maya shrugged, "I mean I know I'm not property to Jonathan but if a guy was touching me like that I know he would be beating some ass in a second," she laughed before hiccuping, Maya was way too drunk this early in the day.

The drunk girl wandered off toward the water, stumbling through the sand as she reached Jonathan. The married couple engage in a sweet kiss before moving to talk to Harry and Clementine.

The blonde frowned slightly as she grabbed the top of her bathing suit, it was coming undone. She said something to Maya who answered but it seemed Harry had another idea.

The tall man moved some of Clem's hair that had fallen from the bun and slowly grabbed the strings from her hand. Harry got a little closer to her back as he tied the top strings slowly, making sure to drag his fingers over her neck.

Jackson took this time to chug the last of his beer before his legs took him toward the source of his problem. Without a second thought his shirt is ripped from his body and thrown to the sand before he took off into a run.

The slightly tipsy man comes into w heavy contact with Harry as he tackles the tall man into the water. A loud shriek coming from Clementine as Jackson held Harry under the rippled water as he struggled.

The blonde grabbed at Jackson's shoulders as Harry used all his strength to throw him off. A loud gasp coming from his lips as he stands tall beside Clementine who tries to reason with the two men.

"Harry don't-Harry!," Clementine let out a loud scream as a cracking sound filled the newly quiet air. Harry's fist had collided with Jackson's nose and caused him to fall back onto the sand. "Hey enough! That is enough you two need to stop! Stop it!," they both seemed to ignore Clementine's screams as Jackson once again got up to tackle Harry.

The two men rolled on the beach exchanging punches as the group tried to pry them apart. One last fist connecting with Jackson's eye as he fell backward, a dizzy feeling making him close his eyes.

"Harry Edward Styles if you don't cut the shit right now I will call the police!," the threat from his mother caused him to stop in his tracks. Green eyes taking in the crowd, a scared blonde being the first to immediately break his eye contact. She was scared of him.

Harry spit out some blood before turning to stalk off higher up the beach, watching Clementine kneel beside Jackson.

He had knocked the shorter man out without even really having to try. Harry was sure he would have never even gotten a hit in otherwise if he hadn't tackled him out of nowhere.

Harry glared at Jackson as he sat up slightly and looked over at him, a small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. Clementine was tending to him like he was an injured child while wanting nothing to do with Harry. He planned this?

Harry let out a furious, shaky breath, "Game on Jason."

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