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Clementine was acting odd.

She would not let Harry touch her or see her naked body, it was odd but her excuse was the promise of them taking it slow. He had no problem with not having sex if she didn't want to but her eyes told him another story. She looked...broken.

The blonde had the same look in her eye that she had when they met on the roof, gray and cloudy with no sunshine in sight.

"Here let me get that for you love," Harry gripped the box labeled books from Clementine's hands. Her blonde hair was placed in a tight bun while her make up free face seemed tired. She almost resembled a sleep walker.

She mumbled a thank you before disappearing into the bedroom where Harry gazed in suspicion. Had she not actually wanted to move in with him?

Dropping the box on the table he immediately stormed toward where she was folding clothes to put in a drawer. His eyes catching briefly on the top of a white bandage peaking from the top of her shirt.

"Clementine what is that?," her eyes snapped up immediately and hands moved to pull the t-shirt farther up. She looked desperate and completely lost as red tinted her cheeks. "Clem."

His voice was stern and to the point as she took in a shaky breath, "I um...I have a problem with my right breast," she spoke lowly toward him as he anxiously listened.

"What? What do you mean? Like you hurt it?," Harry had no clue what she meant or what could have happened without him knowing.

Clementine stood up and frowned up at him, "They found a lump at the doctors...its a tumor and it could be cancerous. I got some of it tested so i'm a little tender," her voice was small and Harry could feel his heart beating quicker. Cancer?

"What? Why the fuck didn't you tell me?," the blonde flinched at the harsh tone that echoed through the room. Green eyes making no move to falter from hers, he was pissed.

She swallowed hard, "I was going to-,"

"But you didn't! I could have gone with you and held your hand, I know how much your mom scared you I can't imagine how you feel right now," when Harry was mad he never let her finish a thought. It wasn't that he didn't want to hear what she had to say he just had too much running through his mind.

"You never tell me the important things, I swear Clem sometimes I think you don't even want to be in this relationship," his words stung slightly but she tried not to take them to heart. Besides men had said a lot worse to her before.

"Harry can I please-,"

"I can't believe this, this is all too much. Did you even want to move in or are you just pitying me?."

Clementine pinched the bridge of her nose before raising the tone of her voice so he would not talk over her. "No of course I wanted to move in I just-,"

"Well you sure don't act like it, you won't even sleep in the same bed as me-,"

"Harry can you let me finish one damn sentence?," her loud yell was enough to shut him up completely, wide green eyes watching her carefully.

Taking a deep breath she began, "I came to tell you what the doctor found the day you asked me to move in with you. You were so happy and I didn't want to ruin it, I didn't want to ruin this for us. I have it taken care of and there is nothing you could have done, I just have to hope its benign," Clementine tried to remain calm but the more she talked the harder it was to get words out.

"I should have told you but I'm always ruining things and I didn't want to ruin this. I just wanted to move in here and we could finally start our lives right, I've been waiting my whole life for you-,"

"Well that's not gonna do much if you have cancer," the blonde bit her lip to keep the tears in, eyes finding the floor. "Clem, jesus I'm sorry. I just meant-fuck I always say the dumbest shit to you when we fight I didn't mean that."

The small blonde plopped down onto the king sized bed and covered her face with one hand, "Just one time I want you to be understanding of my situation, show me some sort of compassion...all you ever do is say hurtful things to me," he knew she was right but he didn't want to hear that he had been mistreating her. He loved her.

"Clementine I love you...I want to be there for you that's all and it really hurts me when you don't tell me the important things going on with you," Harry reached out and pulled gently on her arms so she was standing close to him. His lips dipping down to leave a kiss to her forehead.

She knew he wasn't trying to be mean but his words always got to her, "I will not be with someone who always has to attack me, I've done it before and I won't do it again," Clementine spoke gently as she gripped onto Harry's forearms, his hands holding each side of her face so she had to look at him.

He dipped his head down until their lips met in the middle, the blondes feet lifting her onto the tips of her toes. She knew he didn't want to talk about Max or Jackson, and certainly didn't want to be compared to them.

"I don't want to be like them, I won't be."

Clementine hummed against his lips as she spoke, "So prove me wrong," she leaned up to kiss him again as he grabbed on tightly to her hips to lift her up.

She squealed into his mouth as his large hands swatted at her butt, a loud smack reverberating through the room. "I want you to ride my face."

Her head immediately whipped down to look at him as she flushed, "Harry my boob is all-,"

"I don't even have to take your shirt off, all I need is ten minutes," he gently places her onto the bed as she crawls away from him.

"Ten minutes hmm? That's ambitious," a smirk slides onto his lips as he grips the tight shorts on her lower half. One tug leaving her completely bare as he moved to lay back on the bed.

His hands rest behind his head as he flicks it over at her, "Hop on and find out," her legs tighten together as she moves to place herself over him. She was already shaking and all she could feel was his breath.

Clementine bit down on her bottom lip as she took in a deep breath, Harry's hands surprising her as he yanked her down to meet his mouth. The loud sound of squeal and Harry's laughter filled the apartment, "Stop squirming Clem let me taste you."

He legs shook with pleasure as his lips and tongue met her with every move of her hips. One of his large hands held tightly onto her ass as the other held her hip to keep her on him.

"Oh my god Harry," her voice was a low whine as he moved her hips against his mouth. "Please," she begged gently.

All it took was Harry to place two fingers inside her as he worked his tongue, Clementine's eyes rolling back in pleasure. Harry felt her thighs squeeze against his head as her head leaned backward. Whines leaving her lips as she moved to get off him, too sensitive to keep herself their.

Flopping herself down onto the bed next to him, Harry wiped his mouth with back of his hand. "Only took me five minutes, that's a new record."

Clementine slapped the side of his head as she pulled her underwear back on, "I can't believe you timed yourself, you're such a dork."

"You're dork."

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