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Clementine woke up with a pounding headache and a stomach ache that would rival not eating for days. Her gray eyes were blinking gently to adjust to the light, not noticing the man sitting up in the bed beside her.

Jackson watched her intently, the way the back of her hand came up to rub her eyes and how the lace of her tank top came down ever so slightly to reveal the skin of her smooth breasts. He let a crooked smile pull onto his lips as she let out a rather loud yawn and scratched her messy blonde hair.

"You are so incredibly beautiful and I don't know how I can ever stop looking at you," gray eyes suddenly adverted to blue as they made eye contact. A heated blush spread over the bridge of her nose and down her neck. Jackson often said the sweetest things when she first woke up, making sure she knew just how valuable she was.

Jackson knew of a previous relationship where Clementine had been treated poorly, the small scars on her feet and the long scar on her forehead were a story all on their own. The blonde didn't like to talk about whoever it was, and Jackson had a creeping suspicion it was the man who lured her on this camping trip.

He had noticed how nervous she always was around Harry and the way he was drinking seemed to line up with the drunk who Clementine never wanted to speak of. But here she was being brought back into a cycle of abuse Jackson could never let happen again.

"Um thank you Jacks...I'm going to shower," Clementine easily snuck from the bed and stretched her body again. Eyes taking in the beautiful view of the woods from their room, sun peaking from between the branches.

Jackson cleared his throat awkwardly and shut the book perched in his fingertips. "I can...join you," the request was so out of the ordinary that Clementine whipped around to look at him. His cheeks were a bright red and he avoided eye contact with her.

"Oh um if you want yeah as long as you're comfortable," she gave him a kind smile while tilting her head, Clementine didn't want him to feel as if he needed to be sexual to be with her. She respected his choice to wait.

A knock on the door interrupted their staring contest, a head of messy curls coming into view as the door flew open. Clementine almost felt naked under Harry's gaze as he dragged his eyes up her body. A hot wave enveloped her body as he ran his tongue along the bottom of his lip, "Breakfast is done guys come on down."

"Thank you we will be down after we shower," Jackson sent a crooked smile to Harry who tried not to let his face fall at the comment. He hoped they weren't showering together.

Harry sent a curt nod before closing the door, the sound of a girly squeal came from the room as loud footsteps chased. His heart felt like it was being put in a vice as the sound of the shower being turned on echoed in his head. The thought of someone else's fingertips touching her body poisoned his mind and made a sick feeling wash over him.

Running a stressed hand through his hair he took off down the hallway and toward the kitchen. The only thing on his mind was an ice cold beer.

Clementine tied her long hair into a wet braid as she trotted down the stairs, eyes not watching where she was going. Her foot caught on the last step and she let out a small squeak as her body collided with someone else's.

Gray eyes met dull green as his fingertips curled around her waist, digging in the way they used to. "Clem, always so clumsy," his whispered words made her smile slightly as she straightened herself.

"Thanks, might have hurt myself if I hadn't fallen right into your arms-,"

"Hey babe you forgot your phone in the bathroom," Jackson appeared behind the pair with a phone in his hand, eyes narrowing in on the tall curly headed man. He was too close to Clem.

Clementine nodded before grabbing her phone, moving past Harry so the awkward eye contact would halt.

"Guess which plate is yours," Harry's lips brushed Clementine's ear as he walked behind her. She jumped ever so slightly with flushed cheeks as she gazed up at him, his eyes hooded as he took a seat at the head of the table.

The blonde eyed all of the plates before settling on the one beside Harry, a small saucer with sugar scattered across and watermelon slices accompanying it. She let a large grin pull onto her lips as she eagerly took a seat, Clem hadn't eaten the concoction in quite a while.

"Clementine my head hurts so bad never let me drink all day again," The blonde rolled her eyes and smiled as Jonathan plopped down into the seat beside her. Jackson was unhappy he couldn't sit beside his girlfriend but instead of saying anything he took a seat across from her.

"You act like after breakfast you and Maya won't be shotgunning beers it's beautiful outside it is a lake day for sure. Nothing quite like drinking and swimming," Clementine winked at Maya as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

The table dove into their food as silence engulfed them, about half being too hungover to even form a coherent conversation.

"This breakfast is so beyond good Harry," Anne gives an appreciative smile to her son as he raises his coffee cup to her.

A loud choking cough made everyone look up, Jackson pulling little white specs off of his tongue. "There are a lot of egg shells in mine."

Clementine almost felt a humorous smile tug at her lips as Harry covered his mouth with his coffee cup. She reached over when Jackson wasn't looking and smacked his arm with a disapproving look.

"Sorry Jason mine has some egg in it too," Harry gave him a suspiciously happy smile that made Gemma laugh gently.

Clementine rolled her eyes, "Harry don't be a child," at this point it was obvious Harry knew Jackson's name but wanted to do everything possible to get under his skin.

Harry winked at the blonde before continuing to eat his breakfast, the group now engaging in small talk.

"So today we can all go down to the lake and check it out, hope everyone brought their bathing suits," Anne grinned happily as Gemma nodded excitedly, it would be a perfect day for the water.

The sun was hot even from the window and the temperature could get up to at least ninety degrees.

Clementine finished her watermelon and smiled happily at Harry who was watching her eat the odd choice with a sweet grin.

"Okay so who is ready to drink," Jonathan's words were surprising to everyone except Clementine as he got up to grab a beer from the kitchen.

"I'm not carrying you back from the Lake when you're belligerently drunk Jon" 

Watermelon Sugar (bk 2)Where stories live. Discover now