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"Do you think we turn into stars?," Harry's question was thoughtful, tone filled with hope as they floated in the water beside each other. His blonde companion had just finished a full bottle of champagne, eyes clouded and mind fuzzy.

She giggled while moving her hands through the water, "My mom always said those who shined bright in their life shine even brighter in the after life. I talk to the stars like they're my mom, she was the brightest light there was," her words were honest and sobering as Harry looked over at her.

The blonde was floating on her back in the water, fingertips moving ever so slightly to make the water ripple around her. Gray eyes transfixed on the stars above them while his devoured a sight no night stars could ever beat.

"Robin would be a star then," he spoke quietly as he looked back up at the bright lights above them.

Clementine nodded her head heavily, "He for sure would be," she dunked her head a little under water as her excitement got the best of her.

Giggles echoed against the water as Harry reached out quickly to pull her back to the surface. "Hey no drowning on my watch," the blonde continued to laugh as she pushed away from Harry to swim further into the darkness.

"We're both drunk and swimming while no one knows we're out here this is probably dangerous," Clementine could feel her buzz wearing off and she dreaded it. She wanted to be in the moment and have some fun on this trip.

Harry chuckled, "I'm going to grab another bottle of wine...come sit on the beach so I don't need to worry about you while I'm gone." She easily obliged and laid back on the sand while Harry ran through the woods as fast as he could.

He could tell she wanted more alcohol and this was the first good interaction they had since arriving here. He never wanted it to end.

As he walked into the kitchen sopping wet he encountered a battered Jackson at the fridge. "Uh do you know where Clem is?," the awkward tension was not gone but Harry had no intention of telling the truth.

"I think talking with my mom...I am getting drunk and going for a swim," he nodded as he grabbed the bottle of wine. Turning away from the bruised face he didn't even feel slightly guilty for lying.

Harry ran like his life depended on it through the woods and onto the beach where it was empty. He looked around for a second before panic set in, chest heaving as he dropped the bottle into the sand.

"Clementine," his loud voice echoed around the beach with no answer as he frantically paddled through the water. "Clementine! Where are you?," his voice was shaky as silence ensued around him.

Just as he was about to scream again a loud gasp for air came from a few feet away. "Harry I held my breath for like a whole two minutes!," the drunk girl had no idea what thoughts were just running through his head.

Without thinking he immediately advanced forward and pulled her wet body against his. "I told you to stay out of the water sunflower, you scared the shit out of me," the nickname he had given her made a flush start up her neck, Clementine now glad it was dark.

"Don't be such a dad, where's the wine?," Clementine moved from his grip and up the beach where he had dropped the wine bottle. "Ohhh my favorite."

Without a second thought she tilted her head back and took another long drink of the red liquid. "Slow down there love."

Clementine was feeling her buzz slowly coming back and it felt amazing. For once in her life she seemed as happy as possible in that moment.

"I'm going skinny dipping," her words caused Harry's eyes to widen substantially. He immediately shook his head and stepped forward to take the wine from her hand.

"No you are not-," Harry turned his back to the blonde faster than he had ever done anything in his life. Her top hitting him in the back as she giggled, "Come on it's nothing you haven't seen before."

Harry shook his head and moved backward making sure not to look in her direction. "Clem put the top back on, you're drunk and I'm not taking advantage of you," his words were stern and she felt her chest hurt as he refused to look at her.

"Look at me," she demanded gently but he refused once again, this didn't feel right at all. "Harry I'm telling you it's okay to look at me."

The tall man quickly grabbed the bikini top from the sand and held it out into the darkness behind him. "I'm not turning around until you have this back on," he reasoned as a loud defiant sigh came from his left.

Without another second Harry heard a splash and another flop onto the sand. Turning slightly he saw the two bikini pieces sitting in the sand at his feet, the blonde floating in the water with a large smile.

"I'm drowning Harry help," her voice carried as she pretended to go under the water. The curly haired man laughed slightly at her childish behavior before shrugging.

Moving to remove his shorts and go into the water, he grabs the wine and walks out to her. "There's the Harry I know and love," her words cause the world to stop for both of them. Eyes meeting for a moment too long and lips parting at the statement.

Harry gulps before sitting down in the shallow water in front of her, "I um...I'm sorry," she spoke gently as she tried to reach forward to grab his hand.

Clementine sat a little too close, naked body nearly touching his as the tide moved them into deeper water. "Harry," her words were breathless and begging as he neared her.

The blonde let out a shaky breath as her naked chest now pressed up against his. "You're drunk I will not kiss you," his lips just brushed hers as he spoke, teasing her with a kiss she had once longed for.

"What if I want you to?," she whispered back as his fingertips dug gently into the bare skin on her waist. "What if I told you it's all I can think about right now?"

Harry felt as if her words were torture, a war going on in his head as he backed away from her. He knew she had a boyfriend inside and would be absolutely gutted in the morning when she realized what she did. He couldn't.

"Clem no...Jackson-," she immediately frowned and pulled away from Harry as her boyfriend came to mind. The man who had helped pull her from despair that Harry created three years ago.

The blonde let out a shaky sigh before moving out of the water, "I'm sorry-I'm um I will go," her words were rushed and hasty as she pulled the clothing discarded in the sand back on.

Harry watched as she fled toward the woods and back to the cabin. He knew he had done the right thing but it felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest.

Would she still want to kiss him in the light of day when she was sober or was that the alcohol talking?

Watermelon Sugar (bk 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant