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"This sunset is amazing," Harry watched Clementine in wonder as she smiled out at the sun coming up over the hill. Eyes bright with interest, it was as if those rays of sun were the only thing on her radar.

It was the only thing that mattered to her in the moment, just like she was the only thing that mattered to him.

He wished he could look at the sunset but she was the only thing he craved to see, the only thing he wanted to stare at. She looked different from the last time he saw her.

Her jawline was sharper and eyes a brighter gray, he hoped it wasn't from this Jackson guy. I mean who could have a girlfriend that looked like her and not want to pleasure her on every occasion?

"Yeah um it's great," her gaze moved back to him as he stared, making no move to look away when they made eye contact. He had missed the small tug at the corner of her mouth when she looked at him, the slightest shy smile playing on her plump lips.

She had forgotten how his dimples slowly appeared when a smirk made its way onto his lips. It used to be one of her favorite sights.

"Am I interrupting something?," the couple jumped as Gemma's mug voice rung out into the morning air. Clementine looked up at her with a grimace, this looked a little fishy for sure.

Harry shook his head, "No I was just going to get a beer," Clementine let her mouth open as the time became apparent to her. It was seven in the morning.

"Harry why don't you finish your coffee-,"

"It's not your place just like you've been telling Gemma so stay out of it," the snapped words made Clementine shrink back into the swing. She wasn't used to Harry being completely rude to her, but he was just repeating her own words.

Looking back at the sunset she heard the door slam and Gemma replaced Harry next to her.

"Do you see what I mean?," Gemma was surely pushing her luck but him snapping at Clementine was surely putting the pieces together. "Even if we could get him on some medication it would help."

Clem sighed again as she took the blanket Harry has abandoned and pulled it onto herself. The smell of his cologne washed over her and warmth spread through her chest.

"Gem...I know you want to help him but it won't work until he is ready to help himself," she tried to reason with her, it was obvious Harry did not want to take anyones help at the moment.

No matter how badly Clementine wanted to grab that beer bottle and shatter it, she wouldn't. Harry came back outside and pulled up a chair to sit beside Clementine, a loud sigh coming from his lips.

"Mom is having nightmares again...I just woke her up but now she's laying in bed looking at the ceiling," he mutters out and Gemma immediately hops to her feet to help. "Cool it Gem and just let her be...she doesn't need a lecture from you."

Gemma immediately felt angry, how could he tell her not to go and comfort her mother. There was nothing she wanted more than to make her mother feel better after all of this. She had lost the love of her life after all.

"How can you say that? Don't you want mom to feel better? We need to go in there and-,"

"Gemma!," Both of the girls jumped as a loud yell echoed through the quiet air, "There is not a thing you can do for her right now, she wants her husband and you can't give that to her so hop off," Gem stood up to protest Harry, eyes burning.

"Coming from a drunk who can barely tear himself away from a bottle of beer to care Robin even died!"

Clementine immediately saw the look on Harry's face and stood up, "Gemma!"

She could not believe that this family was fighting like this, they should be coming together during a time like this. Instead they were in each other's faces trying to sort out things that have nothing to do with Robin.

"You both need to cool off, Gemma why don't you go inside and get some coffee," she calmly speaks and looks up at Harry while he towered over them. She knew he wouldn't hurt her but the way his nostrils were flaring made her worry.

Gemma growled in annoyance before disappearing into the house, Harry still staring straight at the blonde. She knew what he wanted.

"Go ahead," she nodded up at him as he moved closer, it was one of the only things that calmed him down.

Clementine was immediately engulfed into a tight embrace, his head digging into the crook of her neck. She felt his tears wet her sweatshirt and drip onto her neck but she didn't care.

She stood on her tip toes as he pulled her even closer into his chest, a small sob wracking his muscular body. Her hands take their place on his back and running through his hair. He felt anger and sadness running through his body as she squeezed him tighter.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye i'm such a fuck up," Clementine furrowed her brows as she pushed him away to see his face. "I-I was out the night before drinking and I missed my flight the next morning to come home...I-I completely missed seeing Robin by six hours," his breathing had turned into hyperventilation.

Clementine had no idea what to say to him to make him feel better, he had been selfish and missed saying goodbye to Robin. "Harry I-,"

"Don't say anything please just don't I know I fucked up I just-when I'm drinking it numbs it a little but only temporarily. That's why I try not to stop drinking, i'll lose my buzz," he pulls away from Clementine and grabs at his chest.

Harry felt like he couldn't breathe at all, eyes blurring and the world spinning around him. "Harry you need to calm down, you're going to pass out. You know Robin loved you and he knew you loved him," she tried everything to tell him what he wanted to hear but it didn't work.

His vision started to fade into black and all he heard was shouting as Clementine dropped to her knees beside his body.

"Gemma get me a towel his head is bleeding," her screams was the last thing he heard before it all went black.

And funny thing was he didn't ever want to come back into the light.

Watermelon Sugar (bk 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora