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~sorry bout the wait...but here it is:)~

All he could feel was pain, a stinging feeling on his thigh. He screamed in pain knowing that there's no one who can do anything. His thigh's felt on fire, painfully red. He was seeing black dots dance around in his eyes. He yelled for help, hoping...praying someone could save him. Again he felt the cigarette butt pierce his skin. Why is he letting this happen again? All he wanted was for someone to love, yet here he was. 'let the pain take over' said his mind. Ok. He felt another one and another. "harry" he yelled. Right before he was about to finally slip into a peaceful slumber. He heard a shout and the pain suddenly stopped.

He fainted.


Harry, being the good employer that he is, already knew where sam lived. He got into his car and put the navigator on. it was going to take him about 45 minutes to reach the place. He made a quick stop at a flower and picked up a bouquet of orchids( Louis always used to sit near the orchids in the garden) and a box of Louis favourite chocolates( yup, he's a sap).

Once he reached the rather small house, he parked his Mercedes in front of the gate and walked towards sam's front door. Thats when he heard a loud scream. Louis's scream. Thats when he panicked. He ran to the front door and tried to push it open. It was locked on the inside. Fuck. He pushed his shoulder with all his strength against the door. No luck. But another louder scream. He heard his Louis screaming for help. He couldn't take it. 'you have a gun you idiot' he remembered and shot the lock, the door finally opened. Now he just had to find where Louis was. He heard another shout, a weak little voice screaming his name. Louis. He had to move fast. He ran towards the door the noise was coming from. Lucky for him the door opened. But what he saw made his blood boil. It was Louis lying in corner of the room with sam in front of him. Harry saw sam taking a lit cigarette near Louis and knew what he was going to do. So he ran towards him and slammed his foot into his head with all the force he could muster. After a loud scream sam fainted.

Harry quickly pushed his body off Louis and looked at his boy. Louis was naked, with scars littering his body, he looked pale and sick with burn marks on his beautiful thighs. Harry almost had tears in his eyes looking at Louis like this. But he knew he had to get him out of here. He quickly called an ambulance and sent a text to the boys to come to the nearest hospital. He was going to save Louis if it's the last thing he ever does. He owes so much to the boy, this beautiful boy taught him how to love, how to feel. He deserves so much.

It was all a blur, the ambulance picked Louis up and harry had to drive behind it because he wasn't a family member, he wasn't Louis boyfriend either...

The whole thing rushed past, harry got the best doctors to look after his Louis. Liam, Niall and Zayn arrived almost immediately after Louis was admitted. Now all they could do was wait.


Louis opens his eyes to a white room. He was in a hospital gown...what happened? Thats when he felt a hand on his, he looked to his right to find the harry styles passed out on a chair. He squeezed. His hand a bit to wake up the mafia leader. The second he did so harry shot up.

"Louis, baby" harry said softly. His hair was a mess and his eyes were puffy.

"c-can I g-get some w-water please?" Louis asked his throat rather dry.

"still so polite" harry smiled and kissed the boy's forehead. He got up and fetched a glass of water.

After gulping down the water, Louis gave harry a small smile and thanked him. He didn't know how's he was here and how harry found him, but c'est la vie.

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