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~a weeks later~

This whole week Louis behaved. He stayed quiet and listen to harry. There was no sex which was to harry's dismay, but Louis was angelic. That was enough to know that Louis could go back to uni. Harry and Louis didn't spend much time together that week at all. Harry had a lot of dealings and work to finish. The only big this week was the offer for harry to test out prostitutes for the new ring being formed. Thats the thing about being bisexual, a mafia leader and the hottest man in the world. But what would he tell Louis? The rules only mentioned that Louis was to stay loyal so it shouldn't be a problem. But this was only after a month or so.

For now, harry had to go tell Louis that he was welcome to go back to uni, when he went to his room he heard talking. So being the curious and jealous being that he is he barged into the room without thought. He secretly hoped Louis was breaking a rule so he could finally punish him. He missed the smaller boy's perfect ass.

"Zayn?" Harry said confused.

"yes don?" Zayn said chuckling

Zayn and Louis were sitting on the bed sipping tea and talking

"hey" Louis smiled and giggled.

"umm..what are you both doing?" Harry asked still a bit confused

"oh we were-" and Zayn slapped his hand onto Louis mouth

"loueh you idiot. Shush."
"but zayniee" Louis whined

"no!!" Zayn said looking at the boy with complete fond

Okay now harry was annoyed. Why was his best friend keeping secrets with his cub.

"either one of you better speak up or both of you'll get punished." Harry said annoyed.

"don don don...you gonna spank me too?" Zayn laughed but Louis looked worried. What if he does?
"oh Zayn. First off you have no ass to spank, it would be hitting bone. And no, ill just take away your hair gel"

"mean and noo!!!!" Zayn whined

"then tell me now." Harry said authoritatively
"ugh fine. Tell him lou" 'lou' Zayn just called his baby lou.

"fine fine. Well basically..." Louis started and got to expectant looks form the men there.

K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Louis sang and Zayn tured red

"shut up Louis!!" Zayn whined and harry laughed

"so this is the big conversation my best assassin was having??" Harry laughed.
"oh shut up wanker" Zayn laughed

Louis didn't know Zayn could talk to him like that...Zayn noticed the confusion on his face and told him that harry, Liam and him have been friends since they were young.

"oooh" Louis said and smiled

"indeed cub. Now I came here to tell you that you can go back to uni" harry said with a small smile which then turned big when he saw how happy Louis was.

"thank you so much sir." Louis smiled and ran up to harry and hugged him. Harry placed his arms around the boys little waist and kissed his forehead. Louis quickly ran out to go tell Liam. Harry now noticed what a good thing it was that he didn't hog Louis that week. Louis had made very good friends with both his best friend and his cousin. Little did he know, Louis not only had won over his close mates but also the whole guard. All of them loved Louis and the light he brought into styles manor. But specifically one guard. Sam was seemingly falling for the little boy and that was bad. Sam too was much like harry, which is why harry thought it would be good to employ him. But what harry didn't realised was that sam too got what he wanted. And now what he wanted was Louis.

When Louis reached the living room Liam was sprawled on the couch reading a book about history or something.

"Lili what you reading??" Louis asked cutely

"hey there lou. Nothing much some old war book I found in the library"

"ooh...anyways. IM GOING BACK TO UNIIII" Louis said excitedly. He missed his uni and his best friend.

"I'm so happy for you loulou." Liam said and smiled when Louis jumped into his arms and snuggled into him.

"Li...has harry ever had boyfriend?"
"hmm...no not really. He only used to focus on work. The maximum he's had is submissives."

"oh...how many has he had?" Louis asked disheartened

"not too many Louis..." Liam said noticing Louis sudden drop in mood. He didn't want to hurt the boy.

"oh okay then. I should go get ready for uni. Thanks li" Louis said and left.

Liam sighed and decided to talk to harry about this. He's noticed how Louis becomes quiet and submissive when harry is around and how he calls him sir still. He knows Louis is falling for harry but he has to talk to harry about this. So thats what he does. He sends a quick text to harry asking him to come to the living room.

"hey li. Wassup?" Harry asked

"we need to talk" Liam said seriously

"oh no. are your breaking up with me!!??" Harry laughed

"Louis is falling for you, you dick"
"i-um yeah..cool?"
"harry I know you like him atleast. You've never treated a sub like this before. And you guys haven't fuck either have you?"

"i mean...I don't know. Liam i've never been in a relationship. I don't know how you're supposed to feel or what you do."

"give it a try harry." Liam said defeated

"we'll see li" harry said sadly and left

What they didn't realised was the sam had heard the whole conversation and was fuming. He decided that the only way to stop Louis from becoming harry's is to poison him. He'll show him how horrible harry truly is. And will win him over. He deserves Louis. And he'll get him. All he needed was time.

The second Louis went back to his room, he called Niall. Harry had given him his phone back after the first day. After telling his best mate the good news. They spoke about Zayn for a bit.

"do you think he's into me?" Niall asked

"Niall. Go for it. And yes he probably is. Have you seen that cute face of yours?"

"yeah yeah. Now tell me about you and styles" Louis frowned

"i don't know Niall. We haven't done anything other than the first day when he punished me."
"have you tried to initiate anything?"
"I'm his submissive Nialler. I don't think I'm supposed to."
"screw that. I'll tell you what you should do."
"you sure Niall...i don't wanna-"

"but Louis. You do."

at that point both Niall and Louis knew what was going to happen. Louis was going to cause havoc and be the prettiest thing harry is ever going to see. 

hey guys!!! thanks for the reads:)) I shall update this soon. 

I don't know why but i've been reading like a lot of Ziall so yes forgive me.

hope you liked it 



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