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While Louis was freaking out about whether Niall was okay...he heard the door open.

"Niall" Louis said with tears in his eyes

Thats all it took for them to run into each others arms.
"lou I was so scared"
"i was too Ni" he said his voice cracking

While the best friends were crying into each others arms, they didn't realise the two men standing at the doorway.

"they're adorable haz" Zayn whispered

"you're just saying that cuz you like the Irish one"
"oh shut up harry"
"mmmhmmm" harry chuckled

Thats when Louis turned to the door and saw harry. He got up and ran into his arms.

"thank you so much" he cuddled into Harry's chest

"anything for you cub" harry smiled

"umm sir...is Niall staying here?" Louis said nervously

"anything you want Louis" harry said smiling and Louis almost died. His dimples were so kissable

"thank you" Louis said and kissed his cheek.

Zayn on the other hand was too busy undressing Niall with his eyes. Niall looked up and blushed finding the greek god looking at him. Zayn winked and left with harry. Once they left Louis started laughing

"what? wanker?" Niall asked
"you and Zayn were totally eye fucking leprechaun"
"and you and harry probably fucked last night"

After a bit, Louis and Niall were summoned down for lunch which Niall most happily obliged to. Once they reached, the boys were given far seating on a rather large dining table. 'fit for meetings' was what Louis considered it. Once the food was placed Harry, Zayn and a muscular man walked in. The muscular man had his arm around harry and they were laughing, Louis felt a small pang in his heart when he saw that. He doesn't care about the mafia. He really doesn't.

Once they all were seated harry got up to speak.

"i would like to announce that Niall is welcome here whenever he wills to, but Louis WILL be staying here." Harry announced

At that Niall gave Louis a sad look.

"Niall I would appreciate if you tell your university that Louis has gone to his relatives place for a while for family reasons. Am I understood?"
"of course Mr.Styles" Niall said and looked at Louis. He knew the boy won't like this. Louis loves his freedom.
"well what about me!!?? Do I not get a choice in any of this?? YOU DISGUST ME" Louis screamed and left for his room.

Harry sighed angrily, asked Zayn and the muscular man-puppy to take care of Niall and left to go 'speak' with Louis. When he reached the door he tried to open it only to find that it was locked. 'oh that boy is getting it today' harry thought.

"open the door Louis" harry spoke in the most monotone voice
"FUCK OFF" Louis screamed
"Louis this is the last time i'm going to warn you to not swear." Harry said authoritatively

"whatever harry" and that was harry's end point

The door finally opened and what harry saw destroyed him. Louis was crawled up in the corner eyes red and puffy from crying and tear stains painting his beautiful cheeks. He was curled up into a protective shell trying to save himself from whatever harry was going to do. He knew he'd messed up but he was scared. The mafia leader could easily kill or hurt him and he'd have no one to save him. When harry came near him to try to comfort him he flinched away worrying about the punishment he might receive. That hurt harry, does he think harry was going to hurt him? He would never hurt his cub. ever.

"oh cub. Come here" out of fear Louis slowly made his way to the man. What he didn't expect was to harry to pick him up and hold him in his arms. Louis felt a strange feeling of safety in the man arms. Harry just held him and let him cuddle into his chest. He couldn't help but not let Louis go. He was drawn to him, he felt a strange connection to him when he saw him in the ceremony of speakers that his uni held. He was so innocent and beautiful, when he saw that boy rub against HIS cub. He had to take him. Harry was incapable of love. But the lust he felt when he saw this little boy sway his hips was immense, he had to have him, so he did what he always did, got what he wanted. The only problem was he wasn't able to HAVE Louis yet. He knew he could coax Louis into staying but what he didn't understand was why he felt hurt when he saw this little boy cry. He'd killed multiple people, tortured them and finished them off at the end, so why was this different? It didn't matter for now, all he wanted was for this boy to stop crying so he did the last thing he would've and held him to his chest.

After their little moment harry got up and left. Saying Louis was confused was an understatement. How could someone hold you then just leave without a word. He was too tired to think about anything so he laid on his bed and fell into a beautiful heaven of sleep.

Harry knew what he was doing was wrong. He felt wrong after leaving the beautiful boy alone in his room. When the reached the dinning room he saw the blonde and Zayn looking into each others eyes. He cleared his throat and they both looked up. Niall looked down and blushed while Zayn just smirked.

"don? How may I be of assistance to you?" Zayn asked

"Zayn can you escort Niall out please?" Harry asked knowing that his employee and best friend wanted to spend sometime with the Irish lad. Once they left he looked to the door and found the muscular man giving him a disapproving look.

"what now Liam?" Harry asked annoyed
"haz, you cant control Louis. He's only human." Liam said
"you think I don't know that Liam!!??" Harry shouted
"you clearly act like you don't harry" Liam said and walked away

Harry didn't understand why it mattered to any of them. All he wanted was Louis' body. Nothing more, nothing less and he intended in getting that. He would do anything to get that. Only that. He would talk to Louis about their rules soon. This evening maybe, the sooner the better. But for now he had work to do. He was still the head of the European mafia. He headed to his office and asked one of the guards to inform Louis that he would be in the office and to tell him to meet him in the conference room to speak to him at around 5pm. That means harry had to get in 4 hours of work in 3 hours. Better start soon.

The guard, sam, went up to Louis room and opened the door. He found Louis lying there in his bed. 'beautiful' sam thought. He'd been working under harry for a while and he knew that harry wouldn't keep Louis around for too long, that was just his nature. So the second he lets go of him, he would take Louis. For now he knew he couldn't touch the boy. But he would one day, he'd hear his name being moaned by this beautiful sweet creature. Soon.

He slowly touched the sleeping boy in hope of waking him.

"wake up beautiful" sam whispers. He noticed the small boy stir. When his eyes opened, sam couldn't help but find his breath hitch. The boys beautiful blue eyes were staring into his brown ones.

"who are you?" Louis asked sleepily
"i'm sam sweetheart" Louis smiled

"harry wants you in the conference room next to the dining room at 5" sam said sweetly. Louis like him. He seemed nice enough, he'd make a great friend.

"thank you for telling me sam" Louis smiled.
sam nodded and left the room.

'the blue eyed boy will be mine'

hey guys!! thanks so much for the reads:)) ill try my best to keep up a proper update schedule but i'm rather bad at that. 

anyways, read/vote/comment


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