Chapter 11: Debute

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Holden's POV
Tuesday went by like a flash. We ate breakfast, then Thomas grumpily took us to get school supplies via Valerie's orders, then we got back right in time for training. Valerie actually let me join pack training this time around. It was much easier than Valerie's training, however, just because it was easier than Valerie's didn't mean it was easy. The exercises we still brutal but more bearable than yesterday. What really got me though, was the sparring.

Many times if it wasn't for my alpha blood, I would've lost. Even then, I wasn't always victorious. One would really wonder what this pack was fed everyday.

Dinner was the same as usual. Blane sat by a blushing Winter while her brother glared at him ninety percent of the time. Chris and Adam would strike a conversation and Brianna would chime in every once in a while. Meanwhile, I didn't do much of anything besides eating.

And just like that it was now Wednesday, the first day of school.

Chris and I headed down to get some breakfast having failed to get Blane out of bed. He'd chew our ears off for it later, but he just wasn't cooperating enough for me to care.

"By the way, Adam said he'd give us a ride if we needed it," Chris suddenly brought up. He must've seen something on my face that made him add, "You know, since you don't know how to drive."

"Shut the fuck up. I know how to drive."

"Sure you do," he said, probably thinking about the multiple time I almost crashed a car. "Regardless, we don't have a car so a ride wouldn't be too bad."

"Yeah, you have a point there. But wasn't your car supposed to be dropped off or something?"

"It was yes, but I don't know why it hasn't. I haven't asked." I nodded as I grabbed an apple to eat.

After Chris chose what food he wanted to eat, we talked about this and that while what I assumed were students like us started coming down. Among them, Adam.

"So," he started while slapping our backs causing Chris who was eating grapes to start choking, "you need that ride?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind that is," Chris said after having saved himself from almost dying.

With a gleam in his eyes and a smile of his face, he replied with a simple reply of nonsense.

"You're in a good mood," I observed.

"I am. I had a wonderful time last night if you know what I mean," he replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

Instinctively, Chris and I started to smell the air while Adam started laughing his head off.

"Naughty naughty. Get your head out of the gutter will you. I meant I was with her, not in her." I could actually feel my face start to heat up with embarrassment.

"Well what do you expect us to think, you literally said 'if you know what I mean'!" I exclaimed.

"And you wiggled your eyebrows after saying it too!" Chris backed me up.

"Yes, I did do that didn't I," he tapped his finger on his chin looking like he was pondering something before he just dropped his hand and shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well." And like the person he is started laughing again. "Okay, now if are you all done, we should start heading out soon, so you you aren't late for class."


"Yeah, okay. I'm curious though, where's everyone else?"

"Everyone else?" He showed viable confusion before he exclaimed, "Oh you mean Bri, Tom, snowflake, and Val?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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