Chapter 8: You Know it, Love

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Holden's POV

When Winter said we were gonna go to Auntie May's Place for some food, I expected to go to her aunt's house. I probably should've know it was a diner, but then again, I don't always use my head and think.

The four of us were sitting in a booth. I sat with Chris beside me and across Winter. Blane was sitting next to Winter (as if that wasn't to be expected).

When he sat next to her, she simply blushed and looked away, looking a little uncomfortable. She made sure to put distance between them, but over the twenty minutes we've been here, whether she noticed it or not, they were considerably closer, centimeters away from their sides touching.

"Chris, I swear if you take my fries one more time!" Blane shouted obviously annoyed while Chris triumphally ate the fry he stole with a smug face. Winter was trying her hardest to not start laughing at the cousins' exchange. I probably would've been laughing by now, but my brain kept going back to the boy from earlier.

I just had this itching feeling, like a gut instinct. There was something about this kid. Something that made him different, I just didn't know what it is. I didn't even if it was a good or bad thing, but I sure wanted to find out.

And why did Winter act so oddly when I asked about him? It's obvious she was trying to hide something, but what? And why am I so interested in this kid? It's not the first time I've seen a kid before, so what makes him so different?

My head was starting to hurt when door chimes rang, indicating someone either left or entered the diner, someone entered. No one really payed attention but me. Standing there was a familiar but not so friendly face (to me at least).

Thomas was wearing a bright smile I've never seen on his face since I've met him. He, not noticing us, automatically walked toward the counter where Lola, one of the three teenage girls, who was working. She was the one who took our orders. One would say she was cute with her round face, auburn, shoulder length hair, and hazelnut eyes. When she spotted Thomas, her cheeks got a tint of red as he smirked.

I didn't blame her, it wasn't as if he was a bad looking guy. Like I've said before, he had caramel skin, green eyes, and brown, almost black hair, he was eye candy for any girl, and I say this as a fact, not because I personally found him attractive. I don't swing that way.

"Ah, well if it isn't my favorite little waitress, Lola," Thomas says, winking at her.

Lola's face got even redder at his comment, but she rolled her eyes as he chuckled.

"The usual I presume?"

"You know it, love."

Thomas then places his money on the counter. Lola gives him his change and turns away to get his food ready. Thomas turns, leaning against the counter and automatically starts to look around the diner for the first time since he walked in.

As his gaze reaches our table, his smile instantly drops as eyes start to narrow when he noticed our seating arrangements. More specifically, the fact Blane and Winter were sitting together. It just so happened that the little space they had left in between them was now gone. What made matters worse was that at this very moment Blane decided to boldly put his arm around his mate's shoulders.

I mentally facepalmed.

At first, Winter went stiff but relaxed after a few seconds. Instinctively I looked toward Thomas, who was fuming might I add. I could practically feel his anger in waves, I was surprised no one had noticed him yet. He started to stomp his way over to our table.

I realized I should probably speak up about him being here, but instead I decided to do the second most logical thing I could think of.

I kicked Blane.

"Dude! What the hell!" He glared at me.

I, however, didn't have to answer. Why? Because Thomas finally made it to our table.

He was seething. I even thought I saw some steam coming out of his ears, but that was probably my imagination.

Winter audibly gulped. Blane's eyes widened at the sight of his mate's brother, but didn't move his arm. This only served to anger Thomas more, so he took matters in his own hands.

He not only yanked Blane's arm off of his twin, but he also picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Thomas!" Winter shrieked, "Put me down!"

"No can do. Sorry, not sorry. We'll be leaving now."

Thomas then walked off with his sister over his shoulder, hitting his back continuously while telling him to put her down. It didn't seem to affect him though. It was as if she wasn't on his shoulder at all.

He went back to the counter to pick his order that just so happened to be ready, and left without a word. I found it amazing how no one else in the diner was really paying attention. As if they were completely engrossed in whatever they were doing, not caring what was happening around them. It made me wonder, how were they completely at ease with everything that just happened?

Did they not care? Were they used to this behavior? Did they even notice? No, they had to have noticed. Right? But as I looked around, I caught no one looking. Was it because it was their beta and his sister? Maybe they saw him and immediately look away, but then again, back at my pack, every wolf would scramble to make sure they acknowledge the higher ranking officials so they wouldn't be accused of being disrespectful, just bowing their heads would've been fine.

Then I thought back to Thomas and Lola's exchange. She didn't acknowledge him as the beta, she even rolled her eyes at him and he just laughed at it! That was almost unheard of at my pack, if anyone wanted to roll their eyes at an official, they'd have to make sure no one was looking. And if I thought more of it, I haven't seen anyone really acknowledge Brianna as delta since I got here either. Granted I haven't been here long, but that's besides the point. The only time I saw pack members acknowledging a high official here was when Valerie came down for dinner.

It amazed me how I was just thinking of this. At dinner on Friday, after Valerie gave the all clear, if a pack member wanted to talk to them, they just went up to them like old pals would. At my pack you has to request to talk to them. It dawned on me how different our packs were in that line of business.

"He just took my mate away," Blane said bewildered and mouth agape, breaking me from my train of thought.

"Yeah, well," Chris started, taking full advantage of the situation and plopped another of Blane's fries in his mouth, "it's not like you put up any kind of fight."

Blane's mouth immediately shut, lips pursing as he glared daggers at his cousin.

"What?" Chris shrugged. "I'm just stating the facts."

Blane just sighed as he slouched in his chair in defeat.

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