Chapter 9: Princess?

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Holden's POV

I woke up to ice water being dumped on me. That's how I knew I was gonna have a bad day.

"What the hell?" I can't help myself but yell as I jump out of my bed.

"Oh would you look at that, our dear sleeping beauty has woken up," the now familiar voice of Thomas said.

"I don't see the point in having done that," I recognized Adam's voice as I wiped my wet hair out of my eyes.

"Hey, Valerie said to wake him up. She never said how. Oh, by the way," Thomas said, now directed at me, "Valerie says to get dressed and ready. Today's your first day of training. You know, since you couldn't Saturday." And just like that, Thomas turned at left.

"Is it just me, or does Thomas hate me or something?" I couldn't help but ask out loud. "I mean, I can understand hating Blane and all, but me? What did I do?"

"Don't take it personally," Adam responses. "It's that you'll be working closely with Valerie. It's not something he's excited about."

That made me stiffen.

"Hold on. Are they a thing?"

Adam then starts coughing so suddenly, I thought he was choking or something.

"God, no, they're not a thing," he says immediately after his little fit is over. "Valerie is like a little sister to her. And you already know how he is with Winter, it's only logical he'll be the same with Val. Not to mention, after everything that happened way back when."

"What happened?"


"What happened? What happened 'way back when' as you put it?"

Now don't quote me, but I could've sworn Adam got paler.

"Oh, nothing you need to worry about," he nervously replied.

"Right..." Because I'm totally going to believe him. Note the the sarcasm.

"Anyways, you do need to get ready for training, Valerie said to meet at the training grounds before the hour's up. You do remember where it's at, right?"


"Great. Oh, an FYI, if you feel like you're about to pass out, drink water. But if that doesn't work, sit and put your head between your legs." Adam then went into a thinking, stroking a fake beard. "At least that's what people usually do when training with Val. It usually works." He mumbles to himself.

"Right, okay. Is that it?"


"Okay, then I'll start getting ready."


We both just stood there for an uncomfortable amount of time. Him rocking on his feet as we kind of just stare at each other.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

He instantly seemed to have come to him senses as his face heats up. Mumbling a right, sorry as he rushes out of the room.

"Yeah, okay. We're just gonna pretend that never happened," I couldn't help but mumble to myself out loud.


"You're late."

Well that's a nice welcoming.

Valerie was stretching her legs when I finally got there. She was wearing a white tank top with black leggings, and black sneakers. It'd be a lie if I said she didn't look hot, especially with how well fitted her clothes is.

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