Chapter 6: Worst Pain

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Holden's POV

It was pitch black outside when the worst pain I have ever felt hit me, but it wasn't only me. I could feel my wolf suffering too. It was what made it all the more terrible. It felt as if there were a thousand wasps stinging me as someone stabbed at my heart. I felt like I was burning. My chest was constricting and my breaths got ragged. My heart felt crushed. I could feel sweat forming all over my body. I felt like I was suffocating. I subconsciously started clawing at my throat.

I could feel my nails become claws but I didn't really pay attention to it, I just wanted the pain to go away. Never had I experienced a pain like this. It was unbearable. My senses were overwhelmed. They didn't go any further than the pain I was feeling. I think I was crying out in agony but I wasn't exactly sure.

It only got worse by the second. Instead of just scratching only at my throat, I started to claw at my arms, stomach, legs, basically anywhere I could reach. I didn't care. I just wanted it to go away. Never have I wanted anything more. I could feel tears start to sprout, it didn't take long for them to escape, even when I had them closed shut.

Soon I couldn't control my arms nor my legs. I had no control of my limbs. Soon after, I could hear a faint sound of what I imagined were voices. I also started to feel hands on me. Or did I? Have I just gone crazy? Was I just imagining them? Maybe, probably. I don't know. I didn't know anything at this moment, just that I wanted it to stop.

I was cold, yet so hot. I was shaking but I couldn't move. I felt restrained but I could feel nothing on me. What was happening to me? That was the question I asked myself before my mind went blank.


I woke up in a hospital room. The IV connected to my arm was the big give away. That and the beeping monitor. I looked at my surroundings. The walls were a pale blue. There was a big window off to the side. If this hospital had floors, which I'm sure it does, I'd be on the first. By that window was a couch that could probably fit three people, but right now it was only occupied by two out of three. Chris and Blane.

I was about to wake them up when I heard my room door open. Much to my surprise, in came Valerie. She wasn't alone however. Trailing behind her were the twins, Thomas and Winter. Valerie as always was neutral. Thomas annoyed. And Winter, her face was filled with concern.  Both Valerie and Thomas had casual clothes on, while Winter looked like a nurse.

"I'm sure you're questioning why we're hear," Valerie spoke casually, I simply nodded. "I'm just curious on what happened. Did someone attack you? If so do you know who?"

"I didn't take you as someone who would care," I replied sarcastically. I probably shouldn't have because that earned me a growl from Thomas.

"I promised your father no unnecessary harm shall come to you and your friends. And harm has come. I'm just hear to find out if it was unnecessary." She seemed so unfazed. It left me with a weird feeling. Maybe I dodged a bullet when I rejected her.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but I don't know what happened. All I know was that I was sleeping and I woke up in immense pain."

"Really? Could you describe it?"

"I don't know. Overwhelming. I felt like I was dying. And it didn't only affect me, it effected my wolf too. Everything just hurt. And by everything I mean everything. Not to mention my heart felt like it was being torn out."

When I gave the best explanation I could, Thomas and Winter both looked at their alpha with confusion. Valerie just stared at me, studying my every expression. It felt as if she was looking at my very soul. In a weird way, I enjoyed it. I hated that I enjoyed it.

"Interesting. Very interesting," she finally said, "Thomas come with me." She turned abruptly on her heel and walked toward the door.

"Wait that's it?" I couldn't help but ask when she reached the door. She turned to face me once more.

"I came to find out if your pain was unnecessary, I have come to my conclusion. You're pain was necessary; however, it also left you with medical needs. Your body wasn't used to that kind of pain. That is something we will have to work on, but not today. You will have to recover from last night. So on contrary to your friends, your training will start Monday. But don't think I will give you this exception every time. If this happens again, which it will, you won't be excused from training. Also before I leave, remind your friends that their training does indeed start today. Thomas and Brianna will come for them later. That is all, goodbye."

With that she walked away with Thomas right behind her. I couldn't help the slight jealousy I felt as much as I couldn't help but wonder how she would know that this would happen again.

I looked to the side where my two moron friends haven't woken up, and then I realized I forgot Winter was still here. I noticed she was staring at Blane with what seemed longing and that she was holding a clipboard. How did I not notice that a first?

"Why are you dressed like that?" I decided to asked. She jumped a little and then had a slight blush appear on her cheeks. She quickly averted her eyes from Blane and looked at her outfit before looking to me.

"W-well I always volunteer at the hospital on weekends," she said with a slight stutter. It didn't take a genius to know she was both embarrassed and nervous.

"Tell me Winter, do you know what happened to me, or why? Because Valerie apparently didn't think I wanted to or needed to know."

She pushed some of her hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture before she responded. "Oh, well, I don't really know myself. Had you been a male with a mate, I would've said one of two things, either your mate was dying slash died or she was with another, but since you're not, it can't possibly be one of those reasons."


Not long after Winter said that and did some routinely check ups, Chris and Blane finally woke up. The look in Blane's face when he saw Winter was priceless, Winter once again blushed but quickly excused herself and left. Blane's face was overcome with sadness but he quickly hid it away as if he didn't care when we both clearly knew otherwise.

They started to ask what happened and I told them what I told Valerie and them. Then they told me their side. Apparently I was so overwhelmed with my pain I didn't hear them come in. I wasn't even able to smell them, much less sense them.

After that, we talked about random things until Thomas came to take Blane training and Brianna came for Chris, just like Valerie said.

With them gone, I was left alone with my thoughts as my only company. I thought back to what Winter said. She told me that thinking I didn't have a mate. What she didn't know was that I indeed did have a mate and she obviously didn't die, and I highly doubt she was dying. That left only one possible reason, and boy did it make my blood boil.

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