Chapter 2: You Insolent Boy

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Holden's POV

Unfortunately for me, the two days went came and went faster than I would've preferred.

I'm currently sitting in the pack house living room, along with Chris and Blane, waiting for a member of the Crystal Blaze Pack to pick us up. They were supposed to be here at ten in the morning, but as I look at the time on my phone that said twelve forty-six, I started to get frustrated.

I mean, at least give me the decency of being on time.

I look over at Chris and Blane who are just play rock paper scissors like everything was perfectly normal.

"How are you two okay with this?" I snap, gaining their attention. "In the two days that have pasted, I haven't heard you guys complain once. What gives?"

Blane was the one that answered me while Chris just sighed.

"Dude, believe me when I say, we don't like this anymore than you do. But to be honest, your dad is right in a way. They did warn us, we just didn't take them seriously. Just like we don't take anything seriously. In all honesty, we brought this on ourselves. And plus, we could learn a thing or two."

"Yeah but-" I started before I got interrupted by my mom.

"Boys, they're here," was all she said before she turned on her heel and walked outside, probably to meet the demon who's come to personally take us to hell.

I stand from the couch I was sitting on and grab my luggage and head out the same way my mom did.

Once I'm out the door, I see a Jeep in front and two SUVs behind it. The Jeep was empty while the SUVs contained a warrior looking driver each.

I also find my mom, along side my dad, talking to a short girl around five feet tall. She looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, auburn hair, but the thing that stuck out the most about her were her eyes.

They weren't as striking as the blue eyes from my dream, but the left eye was blue-green while the right was brown.

They stopped their conversation as I approached.

"Son," my dad said, "this is Brianna, delta of the Crystal Blade Pack." This news surprised me. For the delta of a pack, she seemed so young. "She's come to escort you to their pack."

"Oh I'm so honored," I sarcastically mumble quietly so they don't hear, even with their werewolf hearing.

"You should be honored," Brianna said while narrowing her eyes at me, "it's not everyday my alpha agrees to these kind of things."

Completely ignoring what she said, I reply astonished, "How did you hear me?"

"You insolent boy. Clearly you have a lot to learn," she said, taking a mental note. "But don't worry," she said addressing my parents, "my alpha will do everything in her power to rid these boys of their childish ways and make them the proper leaders they should be."

The way she said it and the way she held herself with so much pride when she mentioned her alpha, you could tell she admired her very much.

"Out of curiosity," Chris speaks up, everyone looks at him, "is the beta also a girl?"

Brianna's eyes start to narrow again, making Chris start to sweat, "If our beta was a girl, would that be a problem?"

"No, of course not!" he rushed out, "I mean girls are awesome. They rule at everything they do. Boys? Pfft. Boys suck. They can't do anything. Best girls do everything."

There was an awkward silence that followed, while Brianna looks Chris up and down as if analyzing him. Her face gave a look that said she was taking more mental notes.

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