Chapter 4: Spaghetti?

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Third Person POV

They all sat at her simple command. Their conversations starting to buzz back to life gradually as the seconds started to pass.

Everyone at their table were looking at Valerie, some reasons different from each other. She raised an eyebrow.

"What?" she asked.

That was when Brianna's grin appeared on her face.

"You came. You actually came," Brianna spoke sounding gleeful.

Valerie huffed, crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah right. As if I had a choice. I had to meet the three boys at some point. Better soon than later. Plus, I'm pretty sure you would've dragged me down here if I didn't come down," she said accusingly, but you couldn't miss the amusement in her eyes.

"Yes, you are totally correct. I would have totally dragged you down here. By the ear if I had to, too," Brianna answered in a matter of fact voice.

Valerie rolled her eyes while the rest of her pack started to laugh. Chris and Blane smiled curiously while Holden just looked around confused.

Never in all his days what he have thought that a member of the Crystal Blade Pack would speak that way to their alpha, much less their delta. He guesses it just comes back to the fact he always thought the Crystal Blade Pack were barbaric people, and if anyone showed the slightest hint of disrespect, they'd be brutally murdered.

"Yeah, whatever. You do you, boo. But I'm not here to stay," Valerie states, causing Brianna to pout.

"What? Why?" Brianna asks.

"I have pending things to do," Valerie answers simply. "The main reason I came here to begin with was to tell the boys from the Midnight Shadow Pack who I agreed to babysit to meet me in my office after they're done eating," she stated looking at Holden straight in the eye.

Holden was irked by her words. Before he said anything about it, she saw it in her eyes. She wanted him to say something about it. He thought back to a conversation he had with his father the previous day.

He told him she would most likely test him. Put him in situations to see how he would react. Was this one of those situations? More than likely. How should he react? He doesn't know. Would he pass or fail? Probably fail, he was never a good test taker.

"Yeah, okay. We'll be there," he announced, looking at her.

He was sure the answer was lame. In fact he knew it. She knew it. Everyone at the table knew it. It wasn't as if they had a choice either. They had to go, he regretted his choice of words.

There was a momentary silence where they both stared at each other. Both with different thoughts.

Holden was thinking of his stupidity before they were redirected to the similarities and differences from his current reality version of Valerie and his dream version from two days ago. So far, there are more differences than similarities.

He was debating asking if she had some sort of twin because of the fact this Valerie seemed a lot more tense than his dream Valerie. At least from how he's reading her.

Dream Valerie's eyes held amusement and happiness. Dream Valerie seemed relaxed, content. This Valerie's eyes were cold, calculating. As if she were prepared for any sort of danger, no matter how small. She looked tense and was guarded. No doubt she had her walls built high.

Valerie, on the other hand, her thoughts were was thinking as an alpha, not like a mate. She didn't care he was meant for her and her for him. She didn't want a mate to begin with. She has seen what they could do to people. She didn't want that to happen to her. Instead, she focused on the issue at hand.

She could tell he trained, but he was more on the leaner side than muscular. She'd have to change that. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't any kind of intimidating. An alpha had to be able to intimidate their enemies by just a glance in their direction. They should think they'd have no chance to win against them. She then thought back to his response. He lacked on self control. She'd have to change that, too.

She could easily tell he was annoyed at her choice of words, it was as plain as day. That was mistake number one, an alpha shouldn't be easy to read. Mistake two, he decided to ignore the issue. As a future alpha, he'd have to assert his dominance. It was one thing to play with friends, it was another to take that kind of tone from someone else, even if it was a fellow alpha. Mistake number three, even though he didn't directly approach the situation, he let his emotions seep into his response. An alpha should never give into his/her emotions. Emotions could be lethal in the world they live in.

She looked at him for a second more before nodding and standing up.

"Very well, I expect to see you no later than an hour in my office," she states looking at all three of the boys now. "I hope you enjoy your dinner."

And with that she walked away. Just as the cooks started to bring out the food.

"Who's ready for some spaghetti?" Adam said with a grin on his face.


I'm very sorry for the very late update.

I know it's been months really, but I've had writer's block for a while, and then the version of this chapter I had ready I decided I didn't like so I had to change it. And then band camp started for me (yes, I am in band, I play the trombone if you wanted to know), and it is very tiring. Like I want to fall asleep the moment I get home, but I can't cause I have to shower and stuff.

Also keep in mind I'm currently 14, and just about to start high school. Also that I'm a very lazy person sometimes. Okay that's all. I'll try to post more often.

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