Lullaby (Class1A&Baku)

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*Please read A/N note at the end*

Katsuki has been getting less and less sleep lately so his classmates try to help him.

"How long has he been going on for?" Denki says tiredly amidst the loud crying in the common room, arms crossed on the table in the dorm kitchen. 

"An hour and 47 minutes," Kirishima answers in distraught as he looked at his phone and turning it to show Denki. 2:24 a.m. the time on the phone read.

"That child is a devil spawn," Denki says, laying his head on his arms as he tried to fall asleep but failing as the crying grew nearer towards the kitchen. 

"It's your turn, Denks," Sero says in a worn-out voice, holding a sobbing Katsuki in his arms. Behind him stood Izuku who had dark circles under his eyes, he cringed when Katsuki let out another loud sob. 

Denki groaned before taking the blonde and placing him on his lap, bouncing him slightly and shushing him as he rubbed his back. 

"Bubs, how are you not sleepy from all the crying? Huh?" Denki says as he brushes the blonde's hair, silently thanking the Lord above when the blonde's sobs quietened down.

"N-Not sweepy....." Katsuki hiccups in Denki's neck, grabbing onto the latter's shirt.

"Ok, ok. We'll stop. No need to go to bed then. Let's stop crying now, ok? We'll just cuddle" Denki said, giving up on trying to make the blonde go to sleep as he rubbed Katsuki's back and sat back on his chair, getting comfortable as he felt the little nod softly. 

A few minutes passed and the entire dorm was in peaceful silence, the four boys sighed silently in relief as they watched their blonde friend's eyes began to droop and a small yawn escaped his lips. 

And like that, Katsuki fell limp in Denki's arms. Breathe evening out as his thumb was lightly pressed against his lips. 

"Finally" Kirishima whispered as he laid his head down on the table. Sero and Izuku chuckled softly as they both leaned against each other, feeling exhausted. 

"You wouldn't mind if he spends the night with you, Kaminari-kun?" Izuku whispers as he yawns. Denki smiles tiredly and carefully stands up with Katsuki in his arms. 

"I don't mind. I miss having cuddle sessions with him anyways" Denki whispers and he begins to walk out of the kitchen. 

"What are you guys doing?" Jirou said out loud as she walks into the kitchen. 

"Sh!" Everyone shushes her harshly but then begins to groan as they see Katsuki wriggle in Denki's arms. 

"Sh...It's ok, it's ok" Denki whispers, silently hoping that Katsuki would go back to sleep but Katsuki begins to whimper as he blinks his eyes open and looks around. 

Izuku falls to his knees and groans along with Sero, who looks very close to crying and Kirishima just starts to bangs his head against the table as Katsuki begins crying again. 

Denki sighs and begins to bounce the boy in his arms, trying to get him to stop crying. 

"Ah....sorry" Jirou apologizes and helps Denki calm Katsuki down too. 

"It's alright. He's been crying for almost 2 hours" Denki said as he rubs Katsuki's back. 

"2 hours? It's 2:30 in the morning. Doesn't he go to sleep at like 8?" Jirou asks holding onto Katsuki's hand and rubbing it. 

"He does. He was asleep at 8 but he woke up at 12 and started crying" Denki answered. Sighing in relief when Katsuki stopped crying and was just whimpering in his neck now. 

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