Slip Up (DekuBaku)

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*Katsuki has a panic attack. Please be aware*

Class 1-A finds out about their classmate's little secret
"And so the best way for you to handle a bleeding and passed out civilian is to-" Aizawa was cut off by the school bell and sighed. He picked his things, which was just his yellow sleeping bag, and walked out of the classroom without another word.

Class 1-A had a free period right now so all the students were talking and chatting loudly, much to Iida's dismay.

"Ashido-kun, please refrain from sitting on the desks. Desks are not for sitting! Kaminari-kun, we just had lunch in the cafeteria. No eating in class!" Iida said as he did his infamous hand-chopping motion.

"Awe, Iida is such a killjoy" Mina pouted as she plopped onto Jirou's lap. The girls giggled at Mina's antics and continued gossip among them.

Among the loud chattering, Katsuki sat quietly in his seat. Distracted by the view outside the window. He swung his legs around as he bit his bottom lip. He was regressed and didn't know when he slipped but instead of pulling himself out of his headspace, he decided to stay little.

He tore his gaze away from the window and looked around his class as he fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. It felt too restricting so he looked around for his caregiver.

He turned and saw Izuku hunched over the desk behind Katsuki, muttering something under his breath as he wrote in his notebook.

Katsuki spun around in his chair to face Izuku and waited for the green-haired boy to acknowledge him.

In the midst of waiting for his caregiver to pay attention to him, the collar of his shirt slipped into his mouth and he began sucking on it.

He whined softly as he was getting impatient and the material of his school uniform made him feel antsy.

"Daddy?" Katsuki called out, shirt collar leaving his mouth.

Izuku's head whipped up so fast that it had Katsuki flinching at the speed.

"Ka-Suki? Are you small?" Izuku asked as he looked around the class to make sure that no one was watching them.

Katsuki nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

"When did you slip, baby?" Izuku asked as he tried not to panic. Panicking would lead to a crying Katsuki. He didn't want that, especially in front of his classmates, who didn't know Katsuki age regresses.

"Dun know. Daddy tiwed" Katsuki whined as he rubbed his eyes. Izuku guided Katsuki's hand away from his eye and sighed.

"Ok, baby. We can go to Daddy's room, ok? But you have to listen to me. Do you know where you are?" Izuku asks slowly. Katsuki shakes his head no and Izuku's panic heightens

"Ok, shit" Izuku mutters. Katsuki gasps.

"Bad word" Katsuki pouts. Izuku gives him a strained smile and nods.

"Yes, bad word. Don't say it, ok? Now, Suki. Right now, you're in school. In class 1-A to be more specific. Our classmates are all here" Izuku explains slowly hoping Katsuki understands the situation.

"Uncie hewe?" Katsuki perks up and smiles. Izuku cringes at the volume of Katsuki's voice and shushes him softly.

"Yes and so is everyone else. We don't want them to know you're small, right?" Izuku says calmly.

It takes Katsuki a few minutes to nod then his eyes grew wide in panic.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, it's ok. Daddy will fix this. It's ok. No need to panic" Izuku quickly comforts Katsuki as he senses the little's panic.

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