Little? (DekuBaku)

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*Slight anxiety warning but nothing too triggering*

Katsuki discovers and adapts, Izuku discovers and accepts


Bakugou Katsuki is a curious person. He doesn't show it but he is. Always wondering about the little things that are around him. Always questioning. Always researching. Always curious. 

So one day, when he was scrolling through his social media a certain topic popped up in his feed.

Age regression. 

Attached to the hashtag was a picture of a boy, who looked close to his age, wearing an oversized jumper and a diaper. He had a pacifier in his mouth and he seemed very happy. Content, even.

This confused Katsuki. Why was this boy dressed up as a child? Why was he sucking on a pacifier? What's the point in all of that? All these questions were running through Katsuki's head and he grunted in confusion. He decided to research it. 

After hours of googling it and reading several articles about it, he found out that people found comfort in doing this. Whether it's being a little and getting taken care of, or being a caregiver and taking care of a little. 

He joined a discord server that involves the age regression community to educate people on what it is and that it's not a fetish or kink to some people. 

Days went by and Katsuki was engrossed in this age regression thing. That got his mind thinking, what's it like being in that headspace? 

He private messaged one of the people on the discord server and luckily enough, the person was very kind and polite about it. They explained that this can relieve any sort of stress or tension that's going on in one's life and that it makes one feel very safe and calm. 

Reading that made Katsuki very interested and he asked how he could get into this headspace. The person texted saying that he should try doing things he did when he was a kid, like watching cartoons, wearing loose and comfy clothing, play with toys, and such. Katsuki thanked them and told them that he would try it out. 

After some time, Katsuki slowly started to slip. It started from playing with his hair and sucking and biting on the collar of his shirt to babbling nonsense and playing with his toys on his dorm room floor. He also saved up his allowance to buy a pacifier, a blanket, and some toys that he kept in a bag under his bed. 

This entire thing made him less tense and focus easier on his daily tasks. Heck, it even made him less angry. He really is grateful for coming across it online but he also wished that there was someone there to take care of him when he was little. He feels lonely at times but he'll be caught dead if someone were to find out about his regression.

So one night, when he slipped into a very young headspace and was playing with one of his favorite toy plushies, a green fluffy rabbit named Bubby, he heard a loud knock on his door. 

Katsuki jumped at the sound and hugged Bubby to his chest in fear. His heart palpitates and was beating fast that it hurt. His eyes widened as he stared at the door in hopes of the person who was knocking would leave. 

"Kaachan? Can I come in?" A voice from the other side of the door said. 

"I-Izu-ku?" Katsuki called out softly, trembling in fear. 

"Kaachan? I know you're in there, lunch is ready and the other's might finish it if you don't hurry" 

"Zu-Zuku!" Katsuki cried out loud as tears flowed down his face. 

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