Wandering (DekuBaku)

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Class 1A goes shopping but things don't go as planned. 


"Suki? Come on. It's time to wake up" Katsuki heard Izuku's voice and felt a hand rubbing his stomach. He whined as he sucked on his pacifier and peeled his eyes open. 

"Morning, baby angel!" Izuku said enthusiastically as he leaned down, smothering Katsuki with kisses. 

"Mowning" Katsuki mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, letting Izuku sit him up and carry him to the bathroom. Izuku took out the pacifier and began undressing the little for his bath. 


"Suki, stay still please" Izuku sighed as he tried to dress Katsuki. Katsuki fussed around as Izuku quickly pulled up his shorts and sat him up. 

He pouted as he looked up at his caregiver. Izuku sighed playfully and grabbed one of his jumpers and pulled it over the blonde's head. 

"I know you don't want to go but Daddy doesn't want to leave you here all by yourself, ok?" Izuku said as he kissed Katsuki's forehead before getting himself ready. 

Katsuki huffs as he chews on the collar of the jumper, wanting his pacifier. 


"Alright, class. We're here" Aizawa says as the UA school bus parks in the parking lot of the mall.

"Remember, class" Aizawa continues as he turns back in his seat to face his students.

"Go in groups of two or more. You have 45 minutes to get your things. If you need more time, text me. I'll be waiting here on the bus so if you want, you can come to the bus to rest. Don't talk to strangers. If you get lost, call me or any of your classmates.  Am I understood?" Aizawa finishes.

"Yes, Sensei!" Class 1A reply. Aizawa nods.

"Alright, you may go," Aizawa said as he got comfortable in his seat and began to doze off.

Some of the students clattered around to leave the bus causing Iida to instantly remind the class of safety and the safe way to get down from a bus.

Izuku was getting up from his seat and adjusting his sling bag strap while walking over to where Katsuki was seated.

"Come on, Suki" Izuku asked, cheerily. Katsuki grumbled and pouted but stood nonetheless and stuck his hand out for Izuku's. Wanting to be close to his caregiver.

Izuku smiled before taking Katsuki's hand and dragging him out of the bus, walking towards the mall.

Katsuki pouted as he and Izuku entered the mall. Shivering as the air conditioner was on full blast. The blonde never liked malls. He prefers markets cause there small and less crowded. He easily gets lost since he has no sense of direction. He'd always end up having a breakdown.

So when class 1A begged Aizawa if they could go mall and Aizawa reluctantly agreed, Katsuki was pissed.

Like yeah, he had some stuff to buy too but he usually buys them online or goes to the market that's near UA.

Luckily, Izuku knew of Katsuki's hatred for malls and offered to help the blonde. Katsuki, who was too shy to ask his caregiver for help, accepted and was grateful even though he never showed it.

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