Ouchies (TodoBaku)

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(Note: Katsuki calls Todoroki Daddy because Todoroki is his main caregiver in this one-shot)

Katsuki hurts himself and Todoroki is there to help

"And time!" Aizawa calls as he stops the timer.

Todoroki, Sato, Shouji, and Katsuki all pant as they stopped their attacks towards each other.

"Nice going, problem children. You've managed to not destroy the whole arena while training. I say that's an improvement" Aizawa sarcastically says.

He hears a few laughs and snickers from the rows of benches behind him.

"Take a break. We'll start in 30 minutes with the next group" Aizawa says as he waves his hand dismissively and walks away.

Todoroki sighs and he cracks his neck. He turns to start melting the ice that covered almost a quarter of the floor in the training arena.

"Ah, Todoroki-kun. You don't have to do that. The ice can melt on its own" Sato said as he held two water bottles, handing one to Todoroki.

"Thank you, Sato. I know but I'm worried that someone might slip on it and hurt themselves" Todoroki says as he opens the water bottle and takes a big gulp out of it.

"That's so caring of you, Todoroki-kun" Sato smiles. Todoroki smiles back and they both continue their conversation as they walk to the benches.

"Half and half bastard!!! Where do you think you're going?!?!" A voice yells.

Todoroki turns and sighs as he watches Katsuki stand in a fighting stance a couple of meters away.

"Aizawa-sensei told us to take a break, Bakugou. Why don't you come and clean up?" Todoroki suggests.

"Hah?! Who do you think you're talking to, Icy Hot?" Katsuki says as he stomps towards Todoroki.

"Bakugou! Be careful-"

Before Todoroki could even finish his sentence, Katsuki stepped on the ice that still covered the ground and slipped, causing him to fall forward and land face-first into the ground.

"Bakugou!" Todoroki calls out as he runs towards Katsuki while melting the ice under his feet.

"Oh, shit! Bakubro! You alright?!" Kaminari said as he ran towards his friend, followed by Kirishima and Izuku.

Katsuki groaned as he slowly tried to push himself up but failing as his hands slipped on the ice and his face hit the ground again.

Tears sprung in his eyes as he hit his forehead and chin and felt something drip out of his nose.

"Bakugou? Hey, you alright?" Todoroki asked as he helped Katsuki sit up and melt the ice around them.

Katsuki sat up and touching his nostril with his fingers, only to see blood on them.

Todoroki realizes that Katsuki's shoulders began shaking and tears were beginning to fall.

"Hey, hey. It's ok-"

Katsuki lets out a loud pained wail. He sobs hard as he holds his head and cries.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok" Todoroki says as he tries to calm Katsuki down by bringing him to his chest.

Katsuki sobs loudly in his chest as he dry heaves every time he inhales.

"Bakubro! You alright? That was a nasty fall you had there" Kirishima said as the three of them reached their blonde friend.

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