Pretty (DekuBaku)

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Katsuki likes pretty things when he's regressed

Katsuki Bakugou has an unspoken aesthetics created by the students of UA.

Whenever they see him, they always think about the rough, strong, and edgy aesthetic concepts of the boy.

Because that's what his aura radiates. Someone loud, rough, reckless.

A basic bad boy, some would say, and a punk kid to others.

But behind closed doors, Katsuki Bakugou prefers a different aesthetic.

"Daddy?" Katsuki calls out for his caregiver as he sat on the bed in Izuku's room.

"One moment, baby. I'll be there in a second" Izuku's voice was heard from the conjoined bathroom

Katsuki huffs as he looks down at his outfit he was wearing, which was one of Izuku's big t-shirts and underpants.

He looked over at the corner of the bed and saw the clothes that Izuku already pick out for him, which were a yellow pastel sweater, short light blue overalls, and a matching flower crown.

He could wear them by himself but he didn't know how. Clothes were too difficult for him to navigate in his headspace.

"Daddy" Katsuki called out as tears of frustration and impatience began to build up as his small fists softly collided with the bed.

"I'm done, I'm done," Izuku said as he opened the door and walked out the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel.

"Awe, it's ok, Suki. There's no need for tears. Let's get you changed, ok? Arms up for me please" Izuku said as he threw his towel on a nearby chair and crouched down to wipe Katsuki's tears away.

Katsuki sniffled and lifted his arms as Izuku took off his shirt and replaced it with the soft yellow sweater. Katsuki felt the fabric between his fingers and giggled. It was fuzzy and so soft on his skin.

As Katsuki was distracted, Izuku laid him on his back and took off his underpants, and put a diaper on him as quickly as possible. Not wanting Katsuki to cause a tantrum when he realizes because he doesn't want him to have an accident while they're in public.

He slipped on the pants part of the overalls with no problem and was grateful that the overalls were a bit baggy at the bottom so no one would notice that Katsuki was wearing a diaper.

"Up we go" Izuku sat Katsuki up and adjusted the straps of the overalls so they wouldn't slip off Katsuki's shoulders.

"And we're done!" Izuku smiles at how soft and adorable Katsuki looks.

"Uh, uh!" Katsuki whines as he points at the flower crown.

"Oops! Almost forgot" Izuku says as he grabs the flower crown and some hairpins. He gently places the flower crown on Katsuki's head and secures it with the hairpins.

"Now, we're done. Go see in the mirror, baby" Izuku says as he gets up to go change his clothes. Katsuki got up from the bed and quickly walked to the mirror in the bathroom.

Katsuki giggled as he saw his outfit and spun around to admire his clothes even more.

Izuku chuckled as he changed into a graphic tee and some shorts. He went to the bathroom to dry his hair and smiled as he saw Katsuki leaned up against the sink to look at the flower crown in the mirror.

"You like the flower crown, baby?" Izuku said as he stood behind Katsuki and reached for the hairdryer.

"Pwetty, daddy! Pwetty!" Katsuki said as he bounced happily as he looks at his reflection.

"Yes, you're so pretty. Why don't you go put on your socks while daddy finishes drying his hair? Don't wanna be cold, do you?" Izuku said, plugging the hairdryer in.

"Okie!" Katsuki said as he runs off to find his socks.

As Izuku was drying his hair, he heard his little call for him.

"Daddy!" Izuku smiles as shakes his head playfully and turns off the hairdryer, ruffling his hair one more time before walking out of the bathroom.

He smiles as he sees Katsuki pouting as neatly folded socks were scattered around him.

"Mind explaining what happened?" Izuku asked in an amused tone as he got down on the floor to pick up the socks.

"S-Suki was wooking for fwuffy socks but found paci instwed" Katsuki said as he held up a blue pacifier and placed it in his mouth.

Izuku chuckled and picked up the rest of the socks.

"Did you check the bed?" Izuku suggested as he put away all the socks in the drawers by the bed.

Katsuki looked up and gasped as he saw his favorite pair of fluffy socks that were neatly laid out on the edge of the bed.

"Daddy!" Katsuki grabbed them and showed it to Izuku.

"Good job! You want Daddy to help you put them on?" Izuku asks.

Katsuki nodded as he sat on the bed and placed the socks in Izuku's hand. Izuku slipped the socks Katsuki and smiled as Katsuki clapped happily.

"Wanna show Uncie, Daddy," Katsuki said. Izuku nodded and picked up Katsuki as he stood up. He walked out of his dorm room and head towards the common room.

In the common room, most of the 1A students were hanging out with each other.

"Uncie! Uncie!" Katsuki called out as he saw Todoroki talking with Shoji and Ojiro.

Todoroki turned when he heard a familiar voice and smiled. He said something to Shoji and Ojiro before walking away.

Izuku set Katsuki down and Katsuki ran to Todoroki.

Todoroki picked him up and spun him around like he weighs nothing.

"Hello, little one" Todoroki greeted as he placed Katsuki on his hip. Katsuki giggled and hugged Todoroki as a greeting

"Uncie, wook! Pwetty!" Katsuki said as he pointed at his flower crown.

"Wow! You're right you look so pretty! And your clothes look so cute too. Did your daddy pick them out?" Todoroki said as he looked down at Katsuki's outfit.

Katsuki nods and giggles.

"Pwetty like Uncie now" Katsuki cheers. Todoroki coos as he boops Katsuki's nose.

"Awe, you think I'm pretty?" Todoroki fawns. Katsuki nods again.

"Yeah! Uncie eyes and haiw vewy pretty" Katsuki says. Todoroki smiles as he tucks a strand of hair behind Katsuki's ear. 

"Thank you, little one. Are you hungry?" Todoroki asked as he bounced Katsuki softly. Katsuki nodded as Todoroki followed behind Izuku to the kitchen. 

Katsuki nuzzled his face in Todoroki's neck and sighed happily. Feeling relaxed as he felt pretty. 


Got inspired by the time when I was babysitting my neighbor's son and he liked my clothes, which was a big pastel blue t-shirt with a white plaid skirt.

I dressed him up in some of my pastel-colored clothes (I don't have a lot cause I change between aesthetics)

Whenever I babysit him, we always play dress-up along with my nieces.

He's so precious. 

Also, this book reached 300+ reads! Thank you so much! <3

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