Vengeance (TodoBakuDeku)

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*This is just complete fluff, no angst!*

Katsuki asks Izuku to help him with his revenge

Izuku sighed in peace as he looked around the now cleaned dorm room. He was currently finished with cleaning up Katsuki's dorm room and is now rearranging some toys Katsuki left under his bed. 

He asked Todoroki if he could look after Katsuki while he cleaned the little's room and Todoroki happily agreed. 

Just as he was done arranging the toys and putting them into labeled bins, a knock was heard. 

Izuku looked at the clock that was on the bedside table. 

"Huh. There weren't supposed to back till 3" Izuku mumbled to himself, getting up and opening the door. 

To his surprise, he saw Katsuki at the poor. Hugging his rabbit plush with a deep frown on his face. 

"Hey, baby. What are you doing here? Where's Uncie?" Izuku asked as he leaned down to meet Katsuki's eyes.

Katsuki didn't answer and stuffed his face into Izuku's chest. Izuku raised an eyebrow at the little's antics and rubbed his back. 

"What's wrong, bubby? Did something happen?" Izuku said in a worried tone. 

"Uncie mean..." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku was now even more confused. 

Todoroki was the nicest towards Katsuki. He's always cautious around the little and never once punished Katsuki or was mad at him. It shocked Izuku that the heterochromatic eyed boy would do anything that would make Katsuki call him mean.

"Why is Uncie mean? Hm? Tell Daddy all about it" Izuku said as he lifted Katsuki up and set him on his hip. Closing the door behind him and walked towards the elevator.

"Uncie hit Suki here. Huwts" Katsuki said as he pointed to his forehead and pouted at Izuku.

"Awe, baby. Why would he do that?" Izuku asked as he kissed the blonde's forehead. Internally, Izuku was slightly angry. No one hurts his Suki and gets away with it. 

"Dun know" Katsuki shrugged and nuzzled his face against Izuku's cheek. 

"Uncie mean. Daddy hewp" Katsuki said as Izuku stood in front of Todoroki's dorm room. 

"Ok, baby. Daddy will avenge you" Izuku chuckled as he knocked on Todoroki's door. 

A few seconds later, Todoroki opened the door and smiled at the two. 

"I see that he went to look for you," Todoroki said as he looked at Katsuki, who was still pouting. 

"Yes, he did. So mind explaining why you hit him before I take matters into my own hands?" Izuku said with a sickly sweet smile while green lightning surrounded him. Todoroki's eyes widened at that. 

"Midoriya, calm down now! We were just playing rock paper scissors and he lost so as the game goes, I flicked his forehead. I did not mean to flick that hard!" Todoroki explained frantically, waving his arms around. 

"Oh, I see," Izuku said as he deactivated his quirk and calmed down. Turning his head to look at the still pouting blonde in his arms. 

"Meanie..." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku and Todoroki chuckled. 

"I'm sorry, Suki. I didn't mean to flick you that hard" Todoroki apologizes as he held one of Katsuki's hands. 

Katsuki bit his lip and wrapped his hand around Todoroki's fingers as he slowly nodded.

"It's otay. Uncie didn't means to" Katsuki said as he smiled. 

"Oh and just for good measure," Izuku said reaching out and flicking Todoroki's forehead, hard.

Todoroki winced and held his forehead, rubbing it as he frowned at the two. 

Katsuki giggled at his Uncie's reaction. 


Sorry if this seemed uninteresting and bland. I wasn't feeling very motivated.

But I will be getting back into the writing mode soon cause I'm now finished with a lot of stuff and will write more longer chapters soon!

I hope you guys have a nice day!

See you in the next one!

Luv you!


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