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Lisa's POV

I promise her not to let go, I promise her not to give up, I promise her not to lose hope but this is getting worst and now Rose's affected too. I look at Rose next to my bed she's still awake maybe she's thinking about their relationship.

"Rose?" I called

"Mmm?" She replied

"What are we going to do?" I asked she sigh and face me.

"The right thing to do Lisa" she said

"Are you crying?" I asked, she's covering her face with her hands

"It's my first time seeing you like that, crying over someone." I added

"I don't know what to do I really really love her but I must let her go.We must let them go Lisa." She said

"I know it's gonna hurt us but we are in the difficult time. Destiny is really playing us." She said

"She will be our instructor tomorrow." I said

"We will see." She said and prepare to sleep.

I close as my eyes and start to reminisce my moments with Jennie those memories that I'll treasure forever for months we've been strong but today I'm starting to realized since what Rose have said. This is so hard. Appa help me.

1LT Jisoo's POV

I'm the instructor for today I'm very happy I'll see Rose today. I entered the classroom and begin my class. I look at my girlfriend and seems like she's not in the mood she's writing, is she okay?? I continue my discussion and always looking at Rose's direction but she's not looking at me back.

While they are answering, I wrote something in a piece of paper after I stand and starts to walk to check their papers until I land at Rose's desk she noticed my presence because she sits on attention. I close our gap by putting my hands in her chair it looks like I'm checking her answer and I immediately place the note to her desk and walk away. I went back to my desk and look at her she read it first then after throws it, what the heck? What's her problem?

Rose's POV

Good morning my chipmunk I'm so happy to see you today take care always and I love you.


The note she gave to me. Roseann focus you must do everything to make her hate you! After I read it I throw it to the trashcan. I saw her reaction and she was shocked of what I did. Please don't make it hard for me Jisoo. 

The rest of the class already finish the test given by her she's now scanning our papers, can we leave now? Before we leave she will mention names to stay because of the errors. Ohh please don't be me please don't.

"Cadet Park and Cadet Lisa a word and the rest you can go now to the canteen." She said Lisa looks at me and very worried.

"Lisa." She said and Lisa immediately go outside the room for look out.

"Chipmunk what's the problem? I miss you so much." She asked while approaching to me. She hugs me and rest her face to my chest I push her softly and she look so worried. Now it's the right time Rose but I want to feel her kisses for the last time I want to feel her touches for the last time. I want to hug her for the last time.

I ran my fingers to her beautiful face I will miss this face, she close her eyes and smile.

"I love you." She said while her eyes are close. I touch her heart shape lips and begin to kiss her slowly. I will miss this lips that makes me feel butterflies in my stomach her beautiful radiant smile that lights up my day. While thinking of those things tears escape from my eyes. She stop our kiss when she notice that I'm crying.

"What happened? why are you crying?" She said while cupping my cheeks.

"You really want to know what's the problem?" I said and she nodded.

"We should end this now, I'm breaking up with you." I said

"You're joking right? You just kissed me." She asked while smiling.

"I'm tired Jisoo! I don't want this relationship anymore!! I hate it the most! Our status! It's very toxic! I can't even say I love you in front of many people! I can't say that you're mine!" I finally said it. Tears are slowly forming in her eyes. I don't want to hear her words anymore. I arrange my things and she remain in her position crying. It's so hard seeing her so vulnerable I'm sorry. I left her in the room alone. Lisa was so shocked after I open the door she immediately get her things and follows me.

"Rose" she called but I ignored her and continue walking.

"Rose! Wait!" She called

"Roseanne!" She called again

"Chaeyoung!"  And again but still I ignored her because of the pain in my heart right now.

"Roseanne Chaeyoung Park!!!!" She yelled I faced her and she open her arms for me I ran to her and cry my heart out.

"I did it Lisa, I hurt her and it's hurting me so bad seeing her like that because of me." I said while crying hard. Lisa didn't say anything instead she hugs me and stays with me until I stop crying.

I'm sorry my turtle rabbit 💔

Update hehehehe ❤️😃

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