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2LT Jennie's POV

I miss her, she can't used her phone again now they were back already in their training the commander allows only dinner with their families for a simple celebration from now on things will get a little difficult for them the next three months will be rigid training as hell. I'm so bored right now I have nothing to do I already finished my paper works I'm quite positive and extra happy because of what happened yesterday oh my Lisa I miss you.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jisoo unnie said while giving me a new folders to check.

"What is this unnie??!" I said

"Mmmm let me think, folders?" She said, ohh the great Jisoo Kim!

"I just passed the last folders you gave to me yesterday!" I said

"So you're complaining now?" She asked. I shut my mouth and begins to check what's with these folders?

Portfolios of the Cadets??! What's this?

"Jennie promise me no one will gonna know this." She said, she's serious now. I nodded as my reply.

"Someone is trying to hack our system." She said

"What?? How?? Our system are one of the most complex code in Korea has ever made." I said

"That's why we're going to find out who's the culprit." She said

"Wait wait wait how did you know? that the culprit is here? And how can you so sure that it's one of the cadets?" I said I'm so confused right now

"I don't know how to start Jennie but I just have one ace here from the radio message I received earlier from an unknown giver." She said

"Unknown that's new, and what ace do you have." I asked

"Looks can be deceiving." She said, that's odd how can she interpret that?!

"No other important thing in the military except RANK so we are going to investigate their different family background. Both cadets and military personnel this is so alarming." She said

"I thought before they can get in here the assigned personnel already check the background infos?" I said and she looks at me.

"In other words someone's here with a snake relative." She said who might that be?

"The Commander already knew about this and this is our new mission Lieutenant." She added and begins to scan the folders. Hours later we still don't get any close infos of the culprit

"This is so frustrating." Unnie said

"I'll make some coffee for you unnie." I said and walk to the coffee maker. She smiled and mouthed thank you and continue scanning the folders.

"Yo Lisa has no parents?" She asked I finished making her coffee and place it to the desk. I didn't even know that.

"That explains why she doesn't have parents attended her open collar ceremony." She said that's why Rose's family are there supporting her and the reason why she's with them in their dinner. I hope she's doing good now. I miss you so much Lisa.

"So both of you are good now?" She asked

"Of course unnie." I said

"And how about you last night? With Rose's family?" I asked, instead of answering me she just smiled like she won a lotto.

"That smile don't tell me?" I said

"Yup you're right." She said

"No way!!!!!!" I said

"Why not?? Hahaha anyways I can see you're smiling again." She said

"She's one of the reason why I'm happy now unnie, without proving myself to impress her, she loves me more than I love myself." I said while smiling.

"I'm happy for you Jennie." She said

"Yahhhh!!! Are you crying???!!" She asked

"Ani!!!!" I said I'm going to scold her when someone enter the office.

"Ma'am good morning ma'am" the unknown cadet said

"Heyyy!! You should knock before you enter where are your manners? Flying? What's your name??!" I said what if she heard us talking about the mission and especially Lisa?!

"Cadet Yeji ma'am I will take responsibility for my actions ma'am" she replied

"What's the problem? Make sure that it's really important or else. You don't have the rights to enter the office if the officer didn't let you. Am I clear?" I said, Jisoo looks at me and signals me to relax. What relax she just barge in out of nowhere!

"2LT Sunmi just requested you ma'am to go to our exam for the Martial Arts we will have our sparring sessions with my co-trainees" she said what the fuck!  Disrespectful!!!!! I relax myself and sigh.

"Just tell her give me 5 minutes" I said

"And next time knock the door first" I said and she left the room.

Cadet Yeji's POV

It's so nice to see you being nervous KIM!! Just enjoy the show for now and everything that you earned will just disappear in the air. I'm walking back to the training ground when I saw the familiar figure that I've been looking for, great timing.

"They already know brother about the hacking of system and they're checking our portfolios again and they got back together." I said

"Really? As expected of the Kims" he said

"So what the plan Kai?" I asked

"Don't worry about your portfolio I already arranged that properly you should try harder in hacking that fucking system." He said while gritting his teeth.

"Let them be happy for now after the show will begin." He said and walks away.

He's really evil.

Update ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈😊😊

My Senior Officer Is My Girlfriend- CompleteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin