First Day With The Crew

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I got up and was glad that I got to sleep in late. I seen sabine painting on the walls and wow she draws better then me.

"Goodmorning stephanie,"Sabine said

"Goodmorning sabine I like your painting's."

"Thanks, do you want to try."


She handed me some paint brushes and I started painting. A few min past and I was almost done with my painting when ezra came in.

"Hey steph what you painting."

"You'll see i'm almost done with it. I just need to put on the final details on it...and...i'm...finish."

I got up a so that he could see my painting. It was an alicorn with a blue mane and tail, brown eyes, her fur is pink, and her cutie mark is a crystal heart with a sword going though it.

"Wow you an excellent drawer just like sabine."


"Do you have any other tallents that your good at."

"Well people say that i'm a good singer."

"Do you think you could sing a song for me."

"Umm...I really don't think right now is a good time maybe later."

"Ok, who else is a good singer in your family." "My mom, she used to sing me a song when I was unhappy, sad, or tierd when I was little. And some people also said that I sound like her and that I also looked like her."

"Well if I have know what your mother looked like I would also agree that you look beautiful like your mother."



He looked at me and I looked at him seeing his purple eyes. We made eye contact and me and him were leaning toweds eachother like we were going to kiss but the door opened.

Ezra and I both turn around to see that it was zeb.

"Ok thats enough now love birds kanan sent me to tell yall that we will leave in about five minutes to get the other crates."

"Ok we'll be there in a bit."

We walkout the door and went to were the others were at.

"Ok speater 7 you'll go with specter 6. Specter 4 and 5 you'll be with me got it."Kanan explained.

"Yes."We all said.

The ramp went down and we all ran to were the crates were at. When me and ezra got there we found the creats. We grabed them and headed back to the ghost. But just about we were about to leave I heard a lady scream.

"Stop thife!"The store lady screamed and I saw a cop.

"Hey you two stop!"The cop yelled at us and started runing.

"Oh no...ezra we sould run."

"Yes we sould."

We ran as fast as we could trying get away from him. We found kanan and the others and ran towes them.

"Please don't tell me that yall guys got into trouble."

"Well....kind of,"I said but looked back and saw 8 cops runing,"I mean yes and.we sould start runing for our LIVES before they get out their tasers and shock us to death!" I yelled then we ran.

We made it back to the ghost and lost the cops. Runing away form the cops felt...well great.

"That was a close one,"Sabine said.

"Let see what in these creats." Kanan opened one of the crates and me and ezra opened the others.

"OMG!!!! THIS ONE HAS FOOD!" I said.

"This one has also has food."

"Two crates has cloths and the last one has fruit in it," kanan said.

"So are we going back to lothal,"Ezra ask kanan.

"Yes we are."

"Can I have the crate that has the cloths in it."

"Yes you can have it." He went up the latter then I took the crate and put it in my room.

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