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I didn't go on the supply run with them cause well.... I don't know why, but it was just me and Mr.kitty alone in the ghost.

I decided to get ready so I put on a black plade shirt, black skinny jeans, and black shoes. I also put on some eyeliner that sabine gave me and curled my hair.

After a while I walked out of the room and everybody cane back. I seen ezra with some little blue box in his hands and then put it in his pocket.

"You ready?"He ask.

"Yea, are you?"

"Yup come on lets go." We walked out of the ghost to I don't know where to.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." We been walking to where it was dark out. After a while ezra coverd my eyes with his hands.

"Can you unblind me?"

"Not yet."

"How about now?"

"Were're almost there."


"Yes."He removed his hands and what I seen was water that was near Capital City, a blanked and a basket. And what was more great was that the two moons were big and bright.

As the light hit the water was beautiful. Its like he planed this thing all out for a long time.

"Ezra....this is so beautiful and romantic at the same time. How did you have the time to do this?"

"During the supply run."We walk to the blanket, sat down and ate. After that I hug his arm and put my head on his sholders.

"Heres your first surprise."He pulled out a controll looken thing that has a butten on it. He presed the button and there was a loud boom.

I looked up to see colorful fireworks that lit the sky. Ezra grab my hands and pulled me up to my feet.

"So what do you think?"

"Its so wonderful."

"Now its time for the your next surprise but first before I do this one. I just want to say something,"He grabed my hands and said,"Stephanie you have been the love of my life and we have been together for 2 years. I know this might be crazy because we are both 17, but I just want to ask you something."

He nelt down on one knee and pulled out the same blue box that I had seen eailer when he cam back from the supply run.

"Stephanie will you marry me?" I cried tears of joy as he said that and when he opened the little blue box was a ring with a dimomd along with two little dimomd on each side.

"Yes I will marry you!"He got the ring out, grabed my left hand, and sleped the ring on my ring finger.

I was so happy that I junped on him and kissed him. After that we pack up and headed back to the ghost.

"So when should we tell the others?"

"When we get there, but if everybody is asleep then tomarrow."

"Would they apprecate know... getting married?"

"Hera, sabine, zeb, chopper they would be happy, but kanan I really don't know."

"Well lets just hope and see if he likes it."We made it back to the ghost and everyone was still awake.

I huged ezra's arm as we walked to the kitchen where the others were at. I was scared of what they would say. The doors open and as thay opened everyone looked.

"You two have been gone for a long time. Did you two love birds have fun?"Zeb ask.

"Yes we did in fact we want to tell ya something."

"Well what is it?"

"Ezra and I are getting married."Everyone was quiet at first but then the whole room exploded with joy. Well except for kanan.

He got up and came walking trowds me and ezra. Then again the room went quiet.

"So you two are getting married?"

"Yes kanan we are."I was getting a little worried but insted of him saying,'Are ya crazy. You two are to young to get married' but he huged us.


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