As Long As We Both Shall Live

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Ezra's POV

"Ezra, Get up." I slowly opened my eye to see Kanan standing by my bed with a smile on his face. "Kanan? Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm just happy because today's the day!" He joyfully said. "What's today?" "Your wedding day." He replied his voice sounding normal again. "Oh yeah." "Go take a shower, kid. You still smell like a sewer." Zeb suggested. I punched him on the arm and walked to the bathroom. When I got out the restroom I had decided to head into the kitchen go get something to drink and then Mitch came in. "Good morning Ezra, you excited?" He ask. "Well yes, but a bit nervous too." I replied leaning back on the counter. "I know that feeling." "Really?" "Yeah, I mean everyone gets nervous on their wedding day. When it was mine and Annabella's wedding I was so nervous that could of left." "Did you?" "No, I didn't cause I thought about what will happen to us in the future. And then I thought about our wonderful kids that we will soon have. Then I realized that I'm starting a new chapter with the one I love." "And so am I." "Just promise me this." He said then placed a hand on my right shoulder. "You will take good care of my daughter. You're a wonderful kid, Ezra...she deserves you and she really cares for you." "And I care for her and I will take care of her...we'll take care of each other." "Promise?" "Promise...I love her. She's my Rebel Princess, my only love." He smiled. "I knew I could count on you, son. Now we should get going, you have a bride to kiss." We walked out of the kitchen and down to the cargo bay. When I walked down the ramp I seen Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb and Kyle talking to each other. "There's the groom, now all we need is the Bride." Kyle greeted causing everybody else to turn around.

Stephanie's POV

"You ready?" Mom ask as she finnish my hair. "Yes. I've been waiting for this day ever since Ezra proposed to me." I replied. "I know he'll take care of you, he loves you very much. And he'll do anything to protect you even if it means sacrificing himself for you. Men like that are very hard to find you know." "I know. Bit I will also care and protect him....I love him. He's my Jedi Knight in Shining Armor, my only love." Mom smiled and said," Come on. Let's go wait for your father." I nodded in agreement then we walked out of mine and Sabine's room. As we climbed down the latter and into the cargo bay we were greeted by Dad. "Hey kiddo, you ready?" "Yup." "I like you dress." He joked when he seen that I was dressed in a black plaid long sleeve shirt, blue skinny jeans and black combat boots. I rolled my eyes followed by a laugh."Hey, at least my hair is curled." "Come on. Ezra is waiting." He held out his right arm then I wrapped my left arm around his then Mom went to to get everyone settled. Once we heard quietness, I nodded my head signaling Dad that I was ready. And before I knew it I was walking down the ramp and out into the field where my beloved waited. As we came closer I took a deep breath and tightly held onto Dad, he noticed and softly patted my hand telling me that everything is okay. When we came to a stop Dad grinned at Ezra as he returned one back, before he can hand me to Ezra he planted a kiss on my forehead then gave me away. As I stood next to Ezra, Kyle cleared his trough then begun the speech.

3 person POV

"Ladies and gentlemen. We come together to celebrate the union of Princess Stephanie Lucker and Ezra Bridger. They both waited for this day ever since the proposal, but now that day has finally came. Ezra, would you like to say your Vows?" Ezra nodded and tool out a piece of paper then read, "Stephanie, I'm so glad that I found you, if I didn't then I would've been lost. You are kind, caring, dependable, and beautiful inside and out. You are always my Rebel Princess, my only love. I promise to love, care, and protect you. And I'll be the best husband I can be to you. I will grow old with you and never stop growing with you. Through hard times and good times, through sickness and health, I'll always be by your side for all eternity." He looked up from the paper to see his crying bride. "Wow, I'm glad I didn't put on make up." She said with shaky voice and wiping the tears from her face. "Stephanie, would you like to say your Vows?" "Yes I would." She took out a piece of paper and read, "Ezra, you're the one who I want to be with for the rest of my life. You make me laugh, happy, and one smile from you brightens my whole day. You are my Jedi Knight in Shining Armor, my only love. In front of God and our friends and family, I promise to stand by you and to stand up for you, and to accept you as you are, to respect you as an equal and to encourage your dreams and passions. With you, I'll create a peaceful, happy home and a loving family. I will love you through sunshine and storms for all eternity." She then broke down into tears, Ezra pulls Stephanie into a warm loving hug to calm her. "I'm okay now." She said the they both pulled apart. "You sure?" He ask reviving a nod. "Now Ezra, repeat after me. I, say your name." "I, Ezra Bridger." "Take you, say her name." "Take you, Stephanie Lucker." "To be your lawfully wedded wife." "To be my lawfully wedded wife." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." "In sickness and in health, until death do us part." "In sickness and in health, until death do us part." "To love and to cherish all the days of your life." "To love and to cherish all the days of my life." "This is your solemn vow." "This is my solemn vow." "Now Stephanie, repeat after me. I, say your name." "I, Stephanie Lucker." "Take you, say his name." "Take you, Ezra Bridger." "To be your lawfully wedded husband." "To be my lawfully wedded husband." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." "In sickness and in health, until death do us part." "In sickness and in health, until death do us part." "To love and to cherish all the days of your life." "To love and to cherish all the days of my life."
"This is your solemn vow." "This is my solemn vow." "Do you Ezra Bridger, take Stephanie Lucker, to be your wife?" "I do." He smile. "And do you, Stephanie Lucker, take Ezra Bridger, to be your husband?" "I do." She smiled. "May we have the rings please." Chopper rolled up with the rings then Kyle took them. He then gave on ring to Ezra then the other to Stephanie. Ezra puts the ring on her ring finger as so did Stephanie. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Ezra pulled Stephanie close to him and before they knew it, their lips met. To them it felt like everyone disappeared only leaving the newlyweds alone and enjoying each other's love. They pulled apart, both smiling and looking into each other's eye's. "I love you." Ezra said. "I love you, too." She replied back.

A/N: Wellp this is it, this is the end of this story. And thank you all for all of the vote's, likes and comments on this story I just love you all so much. And yes there will be a Sequel coming out soon, but I'll let y'all know when its out. I'll try to work on it this summer, but I'm gonna be busy with band camp and the summer assignment for English. I'm just not ready for high school yet😖 plus my favorite choir teacher will be leaving the family, but what ever he chooses well be our best for the new teacher just like we were for him. But anyways as you can see "Stand By Me" is on hold because of this....I need help....if you have any idea's for the next chap please let me know and I promise I'll give you credit, ONLY ONE can be chosen. And again love you all and thank you! ~_Crazy_ezra_lover 😊

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