Getting help

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(A/N: There will be changes in the following chapters enjoy)

Stephanie's P.O.V

We made it to the castle and saw two guards standing by the doors. "Who are you? What do you want?" One of them ask. "We are here to see the captin of the royal guards." "Sorry I can't let you in." "We need to ask him something now if you will just step aside." "No entry." "In the name of the king I command you to let us in." The guard looked at dad and said,"Your highnesses, you alive?" "Yes we are now if you would take us to your captain we will explain every thing." "Yes your Majesty." He open the doors and lead us down the hall way. "Steph are you sure that they can help us?"Hera ask. "Of course they will Hera trust me." We stopped at a door and the guard knock." "Come in." The voice command us to enter. A man was sitting at the desk signing some paperwork, but he looked so familiar. "Commander Vangorp you have visitors." The name Vangorp was all I needed to hear. "Long time no see Matthew." "Stephanie? Is that you." "Yup." He got up and huged me. We both were happy to see each other since its been a long time since my disappears. "I'm so happy to see you. Where have you been?" I broke the hug and pointed at the crew. "I was with them the whole time, but we need your help. There's will be an attack on earth that will be caused by the empire. And if we don't stop them they will take over earth so we need all the troops you have to stop them." "Well then if it that bad then I will help." He said then gave a smile. "Oh I almost forgot, Matthew I would like for you to meet king Mitch and Queen Annabella." They step forward as I introduce them. "Your Majestys," he bowed and said,"I thought you were gone, everyone did." "Well we're here thanks for my daughter and her friends." "Um... sorry to brake this whole family reunion but we don't have much time." Kanan said. "Oh right, Matthew get all your troops and have them prepared." "You got it." Then he ran out the room. "Were you two dating before?" I didn't like the tone in Ezra's voice when he ask that. " we are just friends." He said something else but I didn't want to know. We all walked outside and to our surprise hundreds of men were standing outside the gates. "They are ready and its a good thing that they also have extra training, too." "You really have a bunch of solders Matt." "Yup I really do." I huged him to thank him for what he is doing. Ezra was unhappy with me hugging another guy so he pulled me away from Matthew and gave him a look. "Ezra calm down they are just friends there's nothing to worrie about." I heard Hera say, but Ezra didn't reply back instead he still stared at Matthew. 'I don't like how he is acting right now,' I thought to myself. "S-steph is that really you?" I heard that voice before. I turned around to see my brother kyle. Kyle was my BBBFF( Big Brother Best Friend Forever). When mom and dad left he was there for me, when I was sad he would make me happy. "Kyle!" I screamed and ran up to him then gave him a hug. "Steph I'm so glad that your ok. Where have you been." "That doesn't matter now that we got mom and dad now." "Mom? Dad? You found them?" "Well the rebels found them and we rescued them." "You were with them?" "Yes." He looked at them, than at me, than back at them. "Thank you for keeping my sister safe. Is there anything that you would want in return?" "Um..can we talk about this later your majesty, we have a bigger problem. And look here they come." Kanan said then everyone looked up at the sky to see the ships coming. "Who is that?" Worried kyle. "The Empire." We all said.

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