Chapter 30

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Cassie'sPOV After Ethan and Grayson left I ended up watching a really cool movie because since it was Halloween tomorrow I was really really excited so here goes I washed a bunch of Halloween movies Friday the 13th Nightmare and I'm street all the Chuckie movies all the nightmare on Elm Street Texas chainsaw massacre one of them I didn't sit through the entire thing And a bunch of others it was almost 1 AM I decided to call it off at night I went upstairs went to bed and fell asleep I actually felt the peace it's actually been an entire week after what happened I couldn't believe it I was completely out of it what's happened to me now I am more at peace I am more in East and I'll never look back I fell asleep and I don't remember what happens next
E Whatever you do don't wake up Cassie
G I'm not the one that woke her up or am I so let's put everything in the garage that way we don't have jobs or things because you can hear who's at the front door
E That's very true you go put it in the garage because you're more stronger than I am I'm gonna go make sure she's OK even though she told us not to wake her up
G good idea   
E yeah and there's is not the one that makes a lot of noise like you do Grayson
E hopefully she still sleeping I don't wanna be a creep And she's snoring is sleeping away thank god
G OK I put everything in Ethan Ethan where are you
E I'm up here Cassie sleep thank God Let's just try to go to bed and do whatever and then will finish it up
G Yeah I need to pee that's the one thing I need to do
E go to the Pee go take a shit whatever you wanna do I'm going to sleep
G OK Grandma go to sleep
E Shut up

The next morning
C I needed that extra cuppa coffee
E Your up early
G Man I'm sweating like a pig
C I just woke up five minutes ago why are you guys all full of paint and everything
E oh we're just working on a project how do you sleep last night
C I slept OK how are you guys
G Pretty good so far anyways will be in the backyard doing some things by the way we're doing your room right now so whatever you do don't peek
C You got it so I guess I'll just be sleeping on the couch for probably another week
E No you'll be back in your room before you can think
G Speaking of which I'm scared
C Why are you scared
G because it's spooky season
E Oh yeah happy Halloween
C Oh great maybe I should go and take a check to party city and see if I can find some things because I'm sure the kids are loving this time of year
G And idea here why don't you go to party city we are treat and go pick up some candy we need it
E Oh and make sure you buy more of that candy from Canada
C Which candy from Canada are you talking about
G not candy I meant to say chips
C Oh you mean the ketchup chips
E ewww Since when do you like ketchup
G Dude afterwords you know how it feels when you lick your fingers
C you guys are gross get back to work

After they wait both Ethan and Grayson make a trip upstairs to make the phone call
G She gone yet
E yeah she just got her her now let's get the show on the road
G Dude upset with us
E no if I knew Cassie she won't be mad this is one thing that I've always wanted if I can make her happy just by being with her I Keep make him more happy getting her into her dream school so let's see Academy of the arts found it
G there's a number
E yes I know It's ringing
A hello thank you for calling the Academy Of the orange this is Ashley speaking how may I help you
E I actually this is Ethan Dolan I'm pretty sure you're gonna recognize the name when I tell you I'm one of Cassie's best friends and and what happened she gave it up for us so we were wondering do you want to surprise her by getting her back into your university and we were wondering if you can help us out with that
A Cassie Mili Yep we have a right here man oh man you know how long we've been trying to get her
E yeah I know that's crazy but we just wanna do this for her and I'm hoping we can do this without her even knowing
A Yes definitely I will help you out and it's so sweet that you guys are surprising her with this I mean that is adorable I love it
E Do we need to come in and sign anything with you by
A Nope we're going to just send it to you guys directly and make sure she doesn't find it sorry I didn't catch your name
E It's Ethan Dolan and then my brothers name is Grayson we all live together
A Oh yes now I remember all right I'm just going to have you answer a question for me
E Ask away
A what's the address oh wait Nope it's OK I have it right here OK so expected today is Tuesday watch for the mail in the next 48 hours
E OK we will thank you so much for everything been an amazing help
A Of course anything if there's any questions Don't ever hesitate to ask OK
E I will thank you so much I actually have a good day
A You too bye-bye *call ends*              
G Well what did she say
E we're all good to go so let's just watch the mailbox in the next 48 hours and make sure Cassie does not go to the mailbox 
G Let's go back to work before Cassie gets home
E Oh yeah the paints probably drying by now 
G No shit it's hot outside

Later on that day
C Hello I'm home Guys Ethan Grayson where are you
E In the backyard
C oh I should've known better what the hell are you guys still doing backyard freaking hot outside
G where are you are just tanning
C ummm Why is there a big blanket on the grass
E Oh that's a secret project we can't tell you about
C Well that's no fun you guys are working on a secret project you don't even tell your best friend I feel offended
G i'll stop getting offended don't worry will show you when the product is done
C Yeah yeah whatever this I'm hungry do you guys want me to pick up some food
E You know what I actually post made in some thing so don't even worry about that we're taking good care of you
C OK well I'm gonna go ahead up to my room
E uhhhh Cassie Cassie no no no come here not done yet remember
G Yeah actually why don't we fix up our bedroom remember
C it's a good thing because I went to party city and I went to go get some stuff for your new bedroom I got more jacket liners and stuff like that so don't worry
E aren't you just the sweetest person ever
C OK I'll meet you guys up stairs don't worry I'm not gonna go in my room relax

Two weeks later
Ethan'sPOV After fixing up our bedroom it looks amazing we are officially got the scholarship for Cassie we did a little bit more shopping and a lot more crazy things online did some DIY projects finished up everything in the room looks amazing like the colours Look amazing as well we still had to finish up the entire house but that'll take time right now this is more important trying to hide a big ass envelope from Cassie was probably the craziest thing she's like why do you guys keep going to the mailbox at the same time but thank God we have it in our hands and now we are about to surprise her

Grayson'sPOV after a long crazy two weeks later we finally officially finished the bedrooms her bedroom looks good stylish and awesome we work hard together no matter what when Cassie would leave for the day we will be working on her bedroom and we also have another surprise for her not only a new room not only a brand new scholarship to her university of her choice but we also got her a little something and yes don't worry I checked with her parents and it was fine now it's officially time to surprise Cassie
E Cassie Cassie
C What
G Can you come upstairs for a second please
C Yeah sure hold on
E Before you come upstairs close your eyes
C why I'm gonna fall down the stairs
E No you're not come on let's go upstairs
C what are you guys doing
G You'll see OK stand right there you can open your eyes now
C Is this a surprise of my bedroom
E Yes on the count of 1 2 3 open the door      
C oh my God you guys what did you do
E Well we did something
G Ever since you told us about your dream we wanted to make you feel better and hear something else look on the bed
C It's a package Academy of arts what is this
E It's open it
C swear to god if you what the fuck no you did not E yes C NOO G YESSSS C Oh my God But how did you
E We spoke to the girl on the phone and you have an excepted no strings attached nothing it's just our way of saying thank you
C Guys this is amazing oh my god my room my university what else
G well how about saying hi to your little friend  
C OH MY GODDD You guys got me a puppy oh my God but wait a minute Grayson and you're allergic to dogs aren't you
G I'm on really high dose of medication so you don't have to worry about that
C Oh my God my room the Academy now a dog I can't just leave you guys like this
E You don't have to leave you see you can work from home and whenever you're ready to move out there they have a space for you so not only do you get to be at the University of your choice you get to do it in the comfort of your own home without feeling they are not a part of it
C guys this is probably the best amazing gift I've ever received from the both of you thank you
G So what are you gonna name her
C I don't know she's like our little child
E So how about a hug
C Yes thank you guys this is amazing wow so they said that I can go to the university whenever I'm ready
G yes whenever your ready you just go for it 
C Did you guys buy anything for the dog
E Oh yes we went to Petco Petsmart and we went to some other places but welcome home Cassie
G Yeah officially
C yes it's official we are officially home and everything has ended and finally finally happy again  

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